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2020 Peanut Update
Eric P. Prostko
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
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Peanut Weed Control Update - 2020
Peanut Weed Control- Integrated Program Approach
Twin vs. Single Rows
The Peanut Herbicide Toolbox- 23 Active ingredients, 9 MOA’s
The foundation of weed management in peanuts in GA are the yellow/DNA herbicides!
Others (chloroacetamides, isoxazolines)
Irrigated Peanut Yield Response to PRE Applied Pyroxasulfone
Peanut Weed Control - 2019
Valor Great Weed Control vs. Crop Injury
Valor Injury - 2019
Valor Effects on Peanut Yield High Moisture Conditions - 2019
Peanut Weed Control - 2019
Strongarm Crop Rotations
Paraquat in Peanut
Why do we use Storm or Basagran with paraquat?
Treatments applied 6 DAC; Photo at 3 DAT
Peanut Yield (GA-16HO) As Influenced by Gramoxone Timing (Averaged over 9 Gramoxone treatments)
New Paraquat Training Requirements
Cadre: The glyphosate of peanuts?
Cadre 'Yellow Flash' - 3 DAT
Yellow Nutsedge Control with Cadre @ 4 oz/A + Agridex @ 1% v/v - 2019
Cadre/Impose Rotational Restrictions
Cadre Carryover in Cotton Brooks County, GA - 2000
Brief History of Metolachlor
Valor/Dual High Moisture Tests - 2017-2019
Peanut Response to Valor + Dual Magnum - 2018
Valor/Dual Magnum High Moisture Results - 2018
Valor/Dual Magnum High Moisture Results - 2019
Peanut J-Rooting No Valor or Dual
Late-Season MG problems Harvest Aid (Aim or ET)
What do the top Georgia peanut growers do? 2018 Georgia Peanut Achievement Club Winners
Off-Target Dicamba/Peanuts
Dicamba/Peanuts - I (Stem Epinasty)
Dicamba/Peanuts - II (leaf strapping)
Dicamba/Peanuts - III (leaf roll)
Peanuts/Dicamba Summary
Roundup P-Max + Xtendimax Effects on Peanut Grade - 2019
Roundup P-Max + Xtendimax Effects on Peanut Pods - 2019
Pay Attention to Detail!
Non-Selective Applicators (Last Resort)
Our First Attempt in a Real Field - Tift County, August 2010 (3 DAT)
Weed Wiper Randolph County - August 20, 2018
Tank-Mixtures The Impossible Dream
The Tank-Mixes Blues!
Headline + Cadre + Strongarm + 2,4-DB + Dyne-Amic
Peanut weed control is not impossible!
Peanut Weed Control Update - 2020 Eric P. Prostko, Ph.D. Professor and Extension Weed Specialist Department of Crop & Soil Sciences
Peanut Weed Control Integrated Program Approach Tillage Rye Cover Crop Twin Rows Herbicides Hand-Weeding Irrigation
Twin vs. Single Rows Better control of TSWV Better control of some weeds ~10% Yield/Grade????
The Peanut Herbicide Toolbox 23 Active ingredients, 9 MOA’s PPI/PRE Sonalan Prowl/Pendimax Dual Magnum/Generics Outlook/Propel Pursuit Spartan Charge Solicam Strongarm Valor Zidua POST Aim (Harvest Aid) Gramoxone/Firestorm/Parazone Basagran Ultra Blazer Cadre/Impose Classic Cobra ET (harvest aid) Fusilade Poast/Poast Plus Pursuit Select/Arrow/Trigger Storm 2,4-DB
The foundation of weed management in peanuts in GA are the yellow/DNA herbicides! Sonalan, Prowl, Pendimax, Prowl H2O inexpensive (< $9/A) Texas panicum Florida pusley must be incorporated by tillage or irrigation Flip a coin or personal preference or strip-till
Others (chloroacetamides, isoxazolines) Flip a coin or personal preference?
Irrigated Peanut Yield Response to PRE Applied Pyroxasulfone PE-01-15 GA-06G LSD 0.10 = 906 CV = 13.06 -19%
Peanut Weed Control - 2019 PE-14-19 July 17 71 DAP NTC Prowl H20 @32 oz/ (PRE) Valor SX@ 3 oz/A (PRE) Cadre @ 4 oz/A (27 DAP) Dual Magnum @ 16 oz/A (27 DAP) 2,4-DB @ 16 oz/A (27 DAP) ~$35/A (5 MOA)
Valor Great Weed Control vs. Crop Injury Valor SX 51WG @ 3 oz/A = $8.34/A
Valor Injury - 2019 PE-07-19 May 14 13 DAP NTC 3 oz/A 6 oz/A
Valor Effects on Peanut Yield High Moisture Conditions - 2019 PE-07-19 - Weed-free - 8.3” rainfall/irrigation first 30 DAP P = 0.7798 CV = 10.6 *averaged over 4 Dual Magnum rates lbs/A
Peanut Weed Control - 2019 PE-14-19 July 17 71 DAP NTC Prowl H20 @ 32 oz/A (PRE) Gramoxone 2SL @ 12 oz/A (10 DAP) Storm @ 16 oz/A (10 DAP) Dual Magnum @ 16 oz/A (10 DAP) Cadre @ 4 oz/A (27 DAP) Dual Magnum @ 16 oz/A (27 DAP) 2,4-DB @ 16 oz/A (27 DAP) ~$45/A (7 MOA)
Strongarm/Peanut PPI/PRE/POST very closely related to FirstRate (soybean) 0.45 oz/A $19.50 in 2019 annual MG, eclipta, copperleaf, starbur, c. cocklebur, c. ragweed rotation restrictions
Strongarm Crop Rotations
Paraquat in Peanut CHEAP! 12 oz/A of 2SL = $1.69/A if not using Valor or Strongarm apply early alone = before 14 DAC tank-mixes = before 28 DAC tank-mixes with Basagran, Storm, 2,4-D, Dual, Warrant, Zidua, Outlook Tips 15 GPA flat-fan nozzles slower tractor speeds 2 or 3 lb ai/A formulations so watch your use rates!
Why do we use Storm or Basagran with paraquat? Improves control of smallflower mg and tropic croton Reduces peanut injury but does not really influence yield (cosmetic) Reduces control of sicklepod, beggarweed, Texas panicum
Treatments applied 6 DAC; Photo at 3 DAT GA-02C GI @ 8 oz/A + NIS @ 0.25% v/v GI @ 12 oz/A + Basagran @ 8 oz/A + NIS @ 0.25% v/v
Peanut Yield (GA-16HO) As Influenced by Gramoxone Timing (Averaged over 9 Gramoxone treatments) PE-07-18 weed-free irrigated THSD (0.10) = 246 CV = 6.5
New Paraquat Training Requirements
Cadre: The glyphosate of peanuts? Yellow/purple nutsedge sicklepod, pigweeds, morningglory, cocklebur Does not control common ragweed, tropic croton, eclipta, spurges, purslane, and hophornbeam copperleaf Is it worth the rotational crop risk?? ALS-resistance??? HUGE drop in price since 1996? $6.49/A in 2019
Cadre “Yellow Flash” – 3 DAT TREATED NTC June 25, 2010 GA-06G
Yellow Nutsedge Control with Cadre @ 4 oz/A + Agridex @ 1% v/v - 2019 PE-17-19 Applied May 22 May 31 9 DAT June 3 12 DAT June 12 21 DAT June 24 33 DAT July 16 55 DAT
Cadre/Impose Rotational Restrictions
Cadre Carryover in Cotton Brooks County, GA - 2000 674 lbs 770 lbs 770 lbs 1540 lbs 1348 lbs 1220 lbs 738 lbs/A (lint yield) 1369 lbs/A 6/09/00 **46% yield loss
Brief History of Metolachlor Synthesized by Ciba-Geigy in 1972 50/50% mixture of R + S isomers Registered for corn in 1977 Registered for peanut in 1980 (February) S-metolachlor registered for use in 1997 (Novartis) 12/88% mix of R + S isomers Patent expiration EPA Reduced Risk Pesticide Program Novartis stopped selling “old” metolachlor in 1999, phased out completely by 2001. Novartis + AstraZeneca became Syngenta in 2000 Generic companies started producing “old” metolachlor in 2003 (i.e. 50/50 mix of R + S isomer).
Valor/Dual High Moisture Tests – 2017-2019 11.315 OF TOTAL IRRIGATION/RAINFALL IN FIRST 30 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION (2018)
Peanut Response to Valor + Dual Magnum - 2018 PE-09-18 July 24 83 DAT 11.315 OF TOTAL IRRIGATION/RAINFALL IN FIRST 30 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION NTC Valor @ 3 oz/A + Dual Magnum @ 16 oz/A PRE
Valor/Dual Magnum High Moisture Results - 2018 No interactions between Valor and Dual Magnum No effect on J-rooting Valor and Dual reduced early season peanut biomass (stunting) Valor @ 3 or 6 oz/A had no effect on yield Dual Magnum reduced peanut yields under these weed-free and high moisture conditions. 16 oz/A = 4.2% loss 21 oz/A = 5.4% loss 42 oz/A = 10.8% loss
Valor/Dual Magnum High Moisture Results - 2019 No interactions between Valor and Dual Magnum Valor had no effect on J-rooting. Dual Magnum @ 42 oz/A increased J-rooting by 25% Valor and Dual reduced early season peanut biomass (stunting) Valor @ 3 or 6 oz/A had no effect on yield Dual Magnum only reduced peanut yields @ 42 oz/A under these weed-free and high moisture conditions. 16 and 21 oz/A = No yield loss 42 oz/A = 6.5% loss 8.3” rainfall/ irrigation first 30 DAP
Peanut J-Rooting No Valor or Dual PE-07-19 May 23 21 DAP
Late-Season MG problems Harvest Aid (Aim or ET)
What do the top Georgia peanut growers do? 2018 Georgia Peanut Achievement Club Winners 15 growers 6118 lb/A average yield GA State Avg. = 4450 lb/A 100% - irrigated 73% - bottom plow 93% - twin rows Herbicides 60% - Sonalan 80% - Valor 27% - Dual 80% - Cadre 53% - 2,4-DB 33% - Prowl 40% - Strongarm
Off-Target Dicamba/Peanuts
Dicamba/Peanuts – I (Stem Epinasty)
Dicamba/Peanuts – II (leaf strapping)
Dicamba/Peanuts – III (leaf roll)
Peanuts/Dicamba Summary No tolerance is currently established Peanut injury dependent upon rate and time of event Drift rates or volatility rates (1/50thX and lower) will cause symptomology but should not reduce yields grade/abnormal pods? Pay attention!
Roundup P-Max + Xtendimax Effects on Peanut Grade - 2019 PE-06-19 TSMK = $4.784/pt Averaged over 2 timings LSD (0.10) = 1.49 CV = 2.05 Averaged over 2 timings LSD (0.10) = 0.56 CV = 21.76
Roundup P-Max + Xtendimax Effects on Peanut Pods - 2019 PE-06-19 LSD (0.10) = 1.6 CV = 33.65 1/50th (Averaged over 2 timings)
Pay Attention to Detail!
Non-Selective Applicators (Last Resort)
Our First Attempt in a Real Field Tift County, August 2010 (3 DAT) Potential Problems No gauge wheel Hydraulic lift problem No check valve on pump Roller Speed Tall peanut variety (GA-02C) Dumb A** Scientist Part science and part art!
Weed Wiper Randolph County – August 20, 2018 Treated 8/8/18
Tank-Mixtures The Impossible Dream 12 POST herbicides 20 fungicides 16 insecticides B or Mn NIS or COC 7 am, 12 pm, 5 pm, 10 pm ~62,000 possible combinations 4 reps = 248,000 plots I do ~2640 plots/year Thus, it would take me 94 years if I dropped everything else
The Tank-Mixes Blues! Reflex Zidua B-Moly Glyphosate Brandt Smart Trio (N + S + B + Mn + Zn) *Always pre-slurry dry formulations in water before adding to tank!!!
Headline + Cadre + Strongarm + 2,4-DB + Dyne-Amic
Peanut weed control is not impossible! - Do your homework! - Start clean, twin rows, residuals, timely POST’s