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Hannah Lindell
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Georgia

Nick Basinger
Associate Professor
University of Georgia

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  1. Undercover farming- Assessment of cover crop and integrated weed management for Georgia row-crops
  2. Outline
  3. Cover crop and living mulch systems with herbicide on Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.) population dynamics
  4. Cotton and Cover Crops
  5. Materials and Methods
  6. Trial Details
  7. Herbicide Management
  8. Palmer amaranth lifecycle
  9. Seedbank
  10. Palmer amaranth lifecycle
  11. Palmer Amaranth: EOS Number of plants
  12. Palmer Amaranth: EOS Biomass
  13. Palmer amaranth lifecycle
  14. 2022 Plots
  15. No significant difference between cover crop treatments
  16. Take Home
  17. Evaluating planting arrangement, herbicide persistence, and weed management using cereal rye cover crop in Georgia peanut
  18. Peanuts and Cover Crops
  19. Materials and Methods
  20. Materials and Methods
  21. Weed Biomass: Herbicide Effect
  22. 7 WAP/WAT
  23. 12 WAP
  24. Yield was not affected by planting arrangement
  25. Take Home
  26. Acknowledgments
  27. Thank you for listening

  1. H. C. Lindell, M. C. Bocz, T. L. Grey, E. P. Prostko, A. S. Culpepper, F. Meeks, N. T. Basinger
  2. Living Mulch Affect on Palmer Amaranth Attributes in Cotton Cereal Grain Covercrop in Peanuts Outline
  3. Cover crop and living mulch systems with herbicide on Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.) population dynamics
  4. “Herbicides provide great control But… Herbicide reliance herbicide resistance to multiple mechanisms of action” Cotton and Cover Crops Example of living mulch between cotton strips Palmer amaranth is currently resistant to 5 MOA Cover crops alter soil environment + decrease light to soil surface Physical barrier + weed suppression Reduce exposure to herbicide (Wiggins et al. 2017, Hand et al. 2021) Herbicide more effective (Wallace et al. 2019) Low overall adoption <15% Annual: terminated before cash crop Perennial (living mulch): grows synchronously with cash crop Nitrogen release; cost saver (Hill et al. 2017) Potential tradeoffs
  5. Watkinsville, GA: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Cover crops and living mulch (two annuals, one perennial, & bare ground): Cereal rye (Secale cereale L.) at 100 lb ac Crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) at 20 lb ac White clover (Trifolium repens L. ‘Durana®’) at 20 lb ac Bare ground DG 3615 Cotton (38,000 seed/acre) Irrigated based on UGA check book method (Porter, 2021) Plots 36 ft by 54 ft Randomized complete block design Materials and Methods annuals 12 cotton rows: 4 harvested for yield, 4 used in Palmer amaranth subplots perennial
  6. Watksinville, GA: 2020, 2021, 2022 Cover crops and living mulch (two annuals, one perennial, & bare ground): Cereal rye (Secale cereale L.) at 112 kg ha-1 Crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) at 22 kg ha-1 White clover (Trifolium repens L. ‘Durana®’) at 22 kg ha-1 Bare ground DG 3615 Cotton (93,898 seed/ha) Irrigated based on UGA check book method (Porter, 2021) Randomized complete block design Materials and Methods Annuals No previous Palmer amaranth population (2020) 25,000 seed m-2 (Palmer amaranth) placed in 9 m-2 subplots 20 soil cores (annually) for seed bank density Seeds collected from end-of-season added back to each plot
  7. Burndown application for CR, CC, and BG Strip width spray of 20 cm for LM Herbicide management based on seedling emergence NO residuals Herbicide Management
  8. D. Seeds B. Seedlings A. Seed bank C. Adult plants Seed survival Seed production Palmer amaranth lifecycle
  9. Seedbank
  10. D. Seeds B. Seedlings A. Seed bank C. Adult plants Seed survival Seed production Palmer amaranth lifecycle
  11. Palmer Amaranth: EOS Number of plants Post herbicide applications covercrop only
  12. Palmer Amaranth: EOS Biomass Post herbicide applications covercrop only
  13. D. Seeds B. Seedlings A. Seed bank C. Adult plants Seed survival Seed production Palmer amaranth lifecycle
  14. Living mulch + strip width application Cereal rye + broadcast application
  15. No significant difference between cover crop treatments
  16. Without herbicides, cereal rye and living mulch effectively reduced palmer amaranth plant number Herbicides with covercrops reduced palmer amaranth plant number and biomass in cereal rye, crimson clover, and bare ground scenarios Covercrop did not affect cotton yield for years 1, 2, 3, and 4 Take Home
  17. Evaluating planting arrangement, herbicide persistence, and weed management using cereal rye cover crop in Georgia peanut
  18. Georgia makes up >52% peanut production 11 recorded cases of herbicide resistant weeds in Georgia (Heap 2023) Cover crops affect herbicide efficacy, alter weed control, and create a risk for peanut injury from carryover (Perkins 2020) Evaluations of the potential risk/benefits of cover crops in peanut production is crucial Peanuts and Cover Crops
  19. Trial locations for: 2023: Midville and Tifton, GA Variety: Georgia-06G High yielding and TSWV resistant runner cultivar Plot size 12 ft by 30 ft Seeds planted at 88,000 seeds acre-1 Materials and Methods
  20. 50 lbs/A 100% cereal rye drilled in Tifton (37,082 lb/ac biomass), and a cereal grain mix (70% cereal rye; 20% oat; 10% wheat) broadcast at 70 lb/A in Midville (103,195 lb/ac biomass) Midville planted 5/8; PREs applied 5/9; POSTs applied 6/6 Tifton planted 5/8; PREs applied 5/9; POSTs applied 6/8 Materials and Methods
  21. Nontreated Strongarm @ 0.225 oz/a + Valor SX @ 3 oz/a + Gramoxone 3SL @ 20.8 oz/a + Prowl 32 oz/a Strongarm @ 0.225 oz/a + Brake @ 12 oz/a Gramoxone 3SL @ 20.8 oz/a + Prowl 32 oz/a Single-row Twin-row Midville 6/26/2023 – 7 WAP/WAT
  22. Single-row + nontreated Twin-row + nontreated Tifton, GA – August 10 12 WAP Weed biomass at the end of the season is 68% higher in single-row peanuts compared to twin-row
  23. *A AB AB AB AB B b b a a a a NT = nontreated SB = Strongarm @ 0.225 oz/a + Brake @ 12 oz/a VS = Strongarm @ 0.225 oz/a + Valor SX @ 3 oz/a Yield was not affected by planting arrangement
  24. Multiple tank mix herbicides reduce weed biomass compared to nontreated, regardless of cover crop or planting arrangement At Midville, where late emerging weeds occurred, herbicide use increased peanut yield Twin-row reduced biomass from early emerging weeds at Tifton, GA by 68% Yield was affected by herbicide and covercrop at Tifton Take Home
  25. Acknowledgments
  26. Thank you for listening For any further questions, please contact me at @lind_han9