The experiments summarized in this report are designed to develop data to support extension weed management recommendations for pre-plant burndowns, field corn, peanuts, sorghum, soybeans, and sunflowers. Additionally, these experiments demonstrate new and/or proven management practices to growers, county extension agents, agribusiness personnel, and other extension specialists.
Replicated experiments are established for specific needs and are located on university stations or private farms. The experiments are a joint effort of the University of Georgia extension faculty, county extension agents, cooperating research personnel, and cooperating growers. Commodity organizations, seed/chemical companies provide financial support of these experiments.
This publication contains results of use patterns of herbicides, some of which may not be registered for the particular use. Such results are included for informational purposes only and should not be taken as recommendations for use. Additionally, the University of Georgia does not guarantee nor warrant the standards of the products, nor do they imply approval of the products to the exclusion of others which may be similarly effective.
Questions or comments concerning this report may be directed to the author:
Dr. Eric P. Prostko