TITLE (click title to view slides)
- Extension and Research Programs Addressing the Threat of Tropical Spiderwort in Georgia E.P. Prostko*, J.T. Flanders, A.S. Culpepper, T. M. Webster, T.L. Grey, W.K. Vencill, and J. R. Carter UGA/USDA-ARS/VSU WSSA 2006
- Tropical spiderwort (a.k.a. Benghal dayflower, wandering jew, airweed) Commelina benghalensis tropical Africa native annual or perennial seeds and rhizomes above and below ground flowers 1,600 seeds/plant alternate host of southern root-knot nematode Reservoir for southern stem blight (white mold) #31 in World’s Worst Weeds (Holm’s)
- Why? (textbook example of a weed shift) Increases in glyphosate use Decreases in soil applied herbicides such a Cotoran Increases in reduced tillage Decreases in cultivation Delayed emergence in early planted field corn Lag phase
- TSW in Georgia * confirmed in 29 counties by GA Dept. of Ag and UGA in 2004 (blue) * identified in 5 more counties in 2005 (black)
- How do we distinguish TSW from other common members of family? common spiderwort (Tradescantia ohiensis) Asiatic dayflower (C. communis) spreading dayflower (C. diffusa) marsh dayflower (Murdannia keisak) doveweed (Murdannia nudiflora)
- TSW seedling with filamentous cotyledonary stalk
- Leaf Sheaths Red Hairs On Stems
- Leaf Length: Leaf Width ~ 1.5 (Less than 3:1) Mike Burton, NCSU
- Dayflower/Spiderwort Flowers (Commelina spp.) Asiatic Dayflower Spreading Dayflower Tropical spiderwort From SWSS Weed ID Guide From SWSS Weed ID Guide Stanley Culpepper, UGA
- What have we done? Research Trials (since 2000) cotton (36) corn (2) soybeans (3) peanuts (10) fallow/post-harvest (5) biology (28) physiology (4) Total (88)
- What have we done? Publications refereed journal articles (4) abstracts (15) popular press articles (3) extension bulletins (1) research-extension reports (6) newsletter articles (7) Slide sets (9) (www.gaweed.com) Total (45)
- Getting the Word Out At least 60 county meetings a year 360 total (since 2000’) specific presentations about TSW at other meetings 30 total (since 2000’)
- Learning From Australians Invited by Peanut Company of Australia (PCA) to visit country to discuss this weed problem (Feb 2004)
- Biology/Ecology Discoveries 60% emergence after June 1 May planting less cotton yield loss than June planting (< 20% vs > 45%) Season-long interference eliminates peanut pod production 1570 seeds, 352 aerial spathes, 6 subterranean spathes in 19 weeks underground spathes 2 weeks before aerial
- Weed-free Peanuts Weedy Peanuts No peanuts to harvest!!
- Herbicides s-metolachlor (Dual Magnum) 2,4-D, paraquat (Gramoxone), carfentrazone (Aim) diclosulam (Strongarm), imazapic (Cadre), imazethapyr (Pursuit), MSMA, bentazon (Basagran), clomazone (Command)
- Tropical Spiderwort Control in Peanut - 2004 PE-07B-04 June 23, 2004 47 DAP Untreated Gramoxone Max @ 5.5 ozs/A + Dual Magnum @ 11 ozs/A (13 DAP) fb Cadre @ 1.44 ozs/A + Dual Magnum @ 11 ozs/A ( 28 DAP) (83% control on August 5, 2004)
- Tropical Spiderwort Control in RR Soybeans - 2005 Untreated Sequence @ 3 pts/A ($16/A) (Glyphosate + Dual Magnum) Extreme @ 3 pts/A ($12/A) (Glyphosate + Pursuit) 33 DAT Applied 20 DAP
- Tropical Spiderwort Control in Field Corn - 2005 Untreated (166 bu/A) Aim 2EC @ 1.5 ozs/A Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 1.33 pt/A Herbimax @ 1% v/v (168 bu/A) 34 DAT $24/A treatment cost (excluding application)
- Have our programs been successful?? Growers have been receptive to our information and have adopted many of our recommendations. However, spiderwort continues to spread at an alarming rate!!!
- www.gaweed.com