Slide Presentation

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E.P. Prostko, T.L. Grey, R.N. Morgan
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
University of Georgia
Tifton, GA

• Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 5.4 MB)

  1. Oat Response to Imazapic Residues
  2. Imazapic
  3. Cadre Rotational Restrictions
  4. Small Grains in Georgia: Planted Acres
  5. Materials and Methods - I
  6. Materials and Methods - II: Data Collected
  7. Soil Types
  8. Results
  9. The influence of imazapic on oat stand
  10. The influence of imazapic on forage yield
  11. The influence of imazapic on grain yield
  12. Cadre Injury Symptoms
  13. Cadre Oats Test: December 3, 2002
  14. Cadre Oats Test: January 21, 2003
  15. Photo 21 DAP
  16. Summary
  17. Conclusions

  1. Oat Response to Imazapic Residues E. P. Prostko, T.L. Grey, and R. N. Morgan Department of Crop & Soil Sciences University of Georgia Tifton WSSA - 2005
  2. Imazapic trade named - CADRE BASF product labeled for peanut in 1996 postemergence nutsedges broadleaf small grasses very popular 64% in GA $15-16/A rotation restrictions
  3. Cadre Rotational Restrictions
  4. Small Grains in Georgia Planted Acres Source: GASS
  5. Materials and Methods - I small plot techniques 4 replications imazapic @ 1.44 ozs/A applied to bare ground first week of May, June, July , August, September ‘Coker 227’ oats planted first week of October 3 locations no tillage after initial bed formation
  6. Materials and Methods - II Data Collected stand counts 1-2 WAP forage yields machine harvested in December and January grain yields machine harvested in May
  7. Soil Types
  8. Results
  9. The influence of imazapic on oat stand Averaged over 3 tests P = 0.60
  10. The influence of imazapic on forage yield Averaged over 3 tests a a a ab b c LSD
  11. The influence of imazapic on grain yield Averaged over 3 tests P = 0.1476
  12. Cadre Injury Symptoms
  13. Untreated Sept 3 June 4 May 1 Aug 5 July 1 CADRE/OATS TEST December 3, 2002 Oats planted October 2, 2002
  14. CADRE/OATS TEST January 21, 2003 Untreated Sept 3 June 4 May 1 Aug 5 July 1 Oats planted October 2, 2002
  15. Untreated Cadre 1 Month Before Planting Photo 21 DAP, Tifton 2003
  16. Summary oat stand was not reduced by any timing of imazapic oat forage yield reduced when imazapic was applied in August and September (1-2 months before planting) oat grain yield was not reduced by any timing of imazapic
  17. Conclusions the oat rotation restriction does not need to be 18 months should be equivalent to other small grains (4 months)