Slide Presentation
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A Comparison of Full and Reduced Rate Weed Management Programs in Peanut
E. P. Prostko
T. L. Grey
Dept. of Crop & Soil Sciences
University of Georgia
Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 10.0 MB)
A Comparison of Full and Reduced Rate Weed Management Programs in Peanut
The Need for Cheaper Weed Control Strategies
Strongarm/Valor Combinations
Materials and Methods
Results - Crop Injury
Peanut Stunting - 7 DAT - Attapulgus 2003
Peanut Stunting - 14 DAT - Tifton 2003
Hophornbeam copperleaf control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V) - 91 DAP
Hophornbeam Copperleaf Control - Randolph County, GA - 2001
FL Beggarweed control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V) - 91 DAP
Smallflower morningglory control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V) - 91 DAP
Common ragweed control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V) - 91 DAP
Weed control in peanuts with reduced rates of Strongarm and Valor, 2002.
FL Beggarweed control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V) - 91 DAP
Annual MG control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V) - 91 DAP
Reduced Rates of Strongarm and Valor - I
Bristly starbur control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V) - 91 DAP
Common ragweed control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V) - 91 DAP
Reduced Rates of Strongarm and Valor - II
Tropical spiderwort control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V)
Peanut Yield Response to Reduced Rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V) - I
Peanut Yield Response to Reduced Rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V) - I - fb Cadre (ozs/A)
Peanut Yield Response to Reduced Rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V) - II
Peanut Yield Response to Reduced Rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V) - II - fb Cadre (ozs/A)
Summary - Reduced Rates
A Comparison of Full and Reduced Rate Weed Management Programs in Peanut E.P. Prostko and T. L. Grey Dept. of Crop & Soil Sciences University of Georgia Tifton SWSS 2004
The Need for Cheaper Weed Control Strategies 34% of cost production for agri-chemicals reduction in support price from $619 to $355
Strongarm/Valor Combinations compliment each other lower rates reduced cost less carryover? less injury different MOA not labeled in 2003
OBJECTIVE to determine if the combination of 0.25X rates of Strongarm + Valor would provide control equivalent to full rates of either applied alone Why? * Strongarm @ 0.45 ozs/A = $16.00 * Valor @ 3 ozs/A = $12.90 * Strongarm (0.113 ozs/A) + Valor (0.75 ozs/A) = $7.23/A
Materials and Methods small plots irrigated fields 3-4 replications 5 trials late-season ratings yield data DNA used for grass control
ResultsCrop Injury
Peanut Stunting - 7 DATAttapulgus 2003 LSD 0.05 = 3 (0.45 ozs/A) (3.0 ozs/A) (0.113 + 0.75 ozs/A)
Peanut Stunting - 14 DATTifton 2003 LSD 0.05 = 4 (0.45 ozs/A) (3.0 ozs/A) (0.113 + 0.75 ozs/A)
Hophornbeam copperleaf control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V)91 DAP PE-14-01 Randolph Co. LSD 0.05 = 13
Hophornbeam Copperleaf ControlRandolph County, GA - 2001 6 WAT Untreated Strongarm (0.45 ozs/A) Valor (3 ozs/A) Strongarm 0.113 ozs + Valor 0.75 ozs/A
FL Beggarweed control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V)91 DAP PE-09-02 Attapulgus LSD 0.05 = 8
Smallflower morningglory control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V)91 DAP PE-09-02 Attapulgus LSD 0.05 = 2
Common ragweed control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V)91 DAP PE-09-02 Attapulgus LSD 0.05 = 7
Weed control in peanuts with reduced rates of Strongarm and Valor, 2002. Untreated Strongarm 0.45 oz/A Valor 3 oz/A Strongarm 0.113 oz/A + Valor 0.75 oz/A Attapulgus, GA (7 WAP)
FL Beggarweed control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V)91 DAP PE-01A-03 Tifton LSD 0.10 = 5
Annual MG control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V)91 DAP PE-01A-03 Tifton LSD 0.10 = 5
Reduced Rates of Strongarm and Valor - I PE-01A-03 91 DAP Untreated Strongarm 0.45 ozs/A Valor 3 ozs/A Strongarm 0.113 ozs/A + Valor 0.75 ozs/A
Bristly starbur control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V)91 DAP PE-01B-03 Attapulgus LSD 0.10 = 5
Common ragweed control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V)91 DAP PE-01B-03 Attapulgus LSD 0.10 = 20
Reduced Rates of Strongarm and Valor - II PE-01B-03 91 DAP Untreated Strongarm 0.45 ozs/A Valor 3 ozs/A Strongarm 0.113 ozs/A + Valor 0.75 ozs/A
Tropical spiderwort control with reduced rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V) PE-24-03 Grady County (LSD 0.05 = 11) (LSD 0.05 = 11) (LSD 0.05 = 15) (LSD 0.05 = 22) (LSD 0.05 = 11)
Peanut Yield Response to Reduced Rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V) - I PE-01A-03 Tifton LSD 0.10 = 612
Peanut Yield Response to Reduced Rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V) - Ifb Cadre (ozs/A) PE-01A-03 Tifton LSD 0.10 = 612
Peanut Yield Response to Reduced Rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V) - II PE-01B-03 Attapulgus LSD 0.10 = 585
Peanut Yield Response to Reduced Rates of Strongarm (S) and Valor (V) - IIfb Cadre (ozs/A) PE-01B-03 Attapulgus LSD 0.10 = 585
SummaryReduced Rates less injurious than Valor at full rate similar weed control except for tropical spiderwort and annual mg when used in total program (pre + post), equivalent yields when compared to full rate programs digging efficiency/weed seed bank concerns?
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was partially funded through a grant provided by the Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Peanuts