Slide Presentation
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Strongarm Performance in Georgia - 2000
Dr. Eric P. Prostko
Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
Tifton, GA
Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 17.8 MB)
Strongarm Performance in Georgia - 2000
Topics for Discussion
How dry was it??? May Precipitation in Georgia
County Extension Agent Survey of Strongarm Performance in Georgia
How would you rate the overall performance of Strongarm in your county?
What percentage of Strongarm was applied PPI or PRE?
What were the weeds that most frequently escaped control of Strongarm?
What weeds did Strongarm effectively control?
What herbicide most frequently followed the Strongarm?
What percentage of peanut acres in your county will be treated with Strongarm in 2001?
How much should Strongarm cost in the future?
Selected Agent Comments
Strongarm - Does it work in GA? Attapulgus - 7 WAP
Variety Tolerance to Strongarm (PRE) Tifton, GA 2000
TSWV As Influenced By Strongarm (PRE) - 18 WAP
Strongarm/Cadre Combinations - Concerns?
Strongarm/Cadre Combinations - 2000
Strongarm/Cadre Combinations - Pictures
Strongarm/Cadre Combinations - 2000
Cowpea Control with Strongarm and Valor (PRE) - 30 DAT
Final Thoughts. How can you sell more Strongarm in GA?
UGA Weed Science
Strongarm Performance in Georgia - 2000 Eric P. Prostko University of Georgia Tifton
Topics for Discussion Extension Agent survey field research
How dry was it???May Precipitation in Georgia 85-90% of GA peanuts were planted in May
County Extension Agent Survey of Strongarm Performance in Georgia July - Peanut Pointers 7 question survey 68 counties 18 responses (26%) 243,100 A (45%)
How would you rate the overall performance of Strongarm in your county?
What percentage of Strongarm was applied PPI or PRE?
What were the weeds that most frequently escaped control of Strongarm?
What weeds did Strongarm effectively control?
What herbicide most frequently followed the Strongarm?
What percentage of peanut acres in your county will be treated with Strongarm in 2001?
How much should Strongarm cost in the future?
Selected Agent Comments “Past experience with Strongarm was better than I saw this year.” “If Strongarm was cheap enough, all acres would be treated!” “Comments from farmers were variable from “worked pretty good” to “not worth a *@#*@#” “Most growers like the label rotation for cotton, unlike Cadre.”
Strongarm - Does it work in GA?Attapulgus - 7 WAP Untreated Strongarm + Prowl (PPI) PE-01-00
Variety Tolerance to Strongarm (PRE) Tifton, GA 2000 Weed-free test Averaged over 2 varieties (GA Green, C99R) LSD 0.05 = 561
TSWV As Influenced By Strongarm (PRE) - 18 WAP Averaged over 2 varieties (GA Green, C99R) and 3 TSWV ratings (Kemerait, Todd, Culbreath) * LSD (0.05) = 7
Strongarm/Cadre CombinationsConcerns? cost/A rotations ALS resistance
Strongarm/Cadre Combinations - 2000 Early County, GA 28 DAT (LSD 0.05 = 29) (LSD 0.05 = 15) (LSD 0.05 = 28)
PPT Slide Untreated Strongarm ($23.50/A) Strongarm fb Cadre - 1 oz/A COC - 1% v/v ($44.77/A) Gramoxone Max - 5.5 oz/A Storm - 1 pt/A 2,4-DB - 1 pt/A NIS - 0.125% v/v fb Cadre - 1 oz/A COC - 1% v/v ($35.14/A) 28 DAT
Strongarm/Cadre Combinations - 2000 Miller County, GA LSD 0.05 = 21 10 WAT
Cowpea Control with Strongarm and Valor (PRE) 30 DAT Miller County, GA 2000 2 rep test
Final ThoughtsHow can you sell more Strongarm in GA? Sell on strengths! * bristly starbur * wild poinsettia * cotton rotation set realistic expectations for CYPSP and CASOB reduce price
PPT Slide University of Georgia Extension Weed Science