Slide Presentation
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New Herbicide Options for Athletic Fields
Tim R. Murphy
The University of Georgia
Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 0.5 MB)
New Herbicide Options for Sports Fields
Bermudagrass - The Big Three
Newer Herbicides
Newer Herbicides
TranXit - Griffin LLC
Weeds Controlled by TranXit
Georgia Experiments - Griffin
Herbicide Rates
Perennial ryegrass density
Poa annua control
TranXit did not injure Tifway bermudagrass applied ....
Manor, Blade
Corsair - Riverdale
Overseeded Bermudagrass
New Poa annua Options in Overseeded Bermudagrass
Revolver - Bayer Environ. Sciences
Weeds Controlled by Revolver
Goosegrass Control - Griffin
Goosegrass control with Revolver. 2002
Poa annua Control - Griffin
Effect of Revolver on Ryegrass Establishment. 2002/3
Effect of Revolver on Poa annua control. 2002/3
Monument - Syngenta
Weeds Controlled by Monument
Monument Transition Project - 2001
Monument - One Appl. (5/16/01)
Monument - Two Appl. (5/16 + 6/14/01)
Monument - One Appl. (5/16/01)
Monument - Two Appl. (5/16 + 6/14/01)
Other Herbicides in Development
Flazasulfuron (Katana) -ISK BioSciences
Sulfosulfuron (Battalion)- Monsanto
Fluroxypyr (Spotlight) - DowAgroSciences
New PBI Gordon Broadleaf Herbicides
Why add carfentrazone?
White Clover Control - Griffin - 2001
Tall Fescue Injury - Griffin - 2001
Common Bermuda Injury - Griffin - 2001
New PBI Gordon Broadleaf Herbicides
PowerZone & SpeedZone Formulations
PowerZone & SpeedZone Formulations
Drive - BASF
Drive - BASF
Practical Tips
Georgia Turf Website
“New” Herbicide Options for Sports Fields Tim R. Murphy The University of Georgia 2003 GTA Conference
Bermudagrass - The Big Three Non-Overseeded Simazine (Princep, Wynstar, etc.) MSMA or DSMA 2,4-D (possibly a 2-way or three-way)
“Newer” Herbicides TranXit - SU Manor - SU Corsair - SU Revolver - SU Monument – SU Velocity – Not an SU, but similar MOA, not currently labeled on sports fields
“Newer” Herbicides Speed Zone Broadleaf Speed Zone - Southern Power Zone Broadleaf Drive (not real new, but underutilized0
TranXit – Griffin LLC Poa control before overseeding DNAs, Dimension, Kerb, Rubigan Poa control in non-overseeded bermuda, centipede and zoysia Triazines, Kerb, Diquat Spring transition aid in overseeded bermuda Manor, Revolver, Monument, Kerb, Embark LABELED on SPORTS FIELDS
Weeds Controlled by TranXit annual bluegrass ryegrass spp. little barley tall fescue blue-eyedgrass rough bluegrass common chickweed shepherd’s-purse henbit field pansy cutleaf eveningprimrose spotted spurge pennywort (dollarweed)
TranXit Rimsulfuron 25DF Sulfonylurea 2.0 to 4.0 ozs. product/acre Chemically degraded, more rapid under alkaline or acid conditions T1/2 in soil is 1.7 to 4.3 days
Georgia Experiments - Griffin ‘Tifway’ bermudagrass, 0.75 in. ht. Overseeded Oct. 17, 2000 ‘TourStar’ perennial ryegrass blend Irrigated site 25 gpa
Herbicide Rates TranXit – 1, 2, 4 and 8 oz./acre Dimension 1EC – 2.0 qts./acre Barricade 65DG – 0.75 lbs./acre Balan 2.5G – 80 lbs./acre
Perennial ryegrass density. * * *
Poa annua control. * * *
TranXit did not injure Tifway bermudagrass applied: 4, 2 or 1 wk in advance of overseeding Tank-mixed with Rubigan Applied after Dimension, Barricade or Balan were applied 6 WBO
Manor, Blade Metsulfuron 60 DF Excellent option for ‘Pensacola’ bahiagrass and broadleaf control in warm-season turfgrasses Do not use on bahiagrass Low rate - < 1.0 oz. product/acre Use with nonionic surfactant LABELED on SPORTS FIELDS
Corsair - Riverdale Chlorsulfuron 75% Used primarily for spot control of clumpy tall fescue in bermuda - works slowly Repeat application in 60 d LABELED on SPORTS FIELDS
Overseeded Bermudagrass Preemergence options for Poa annua Kerb - 60 to 90 days or charcoal Dimension – 8 wks Barricade – 8 wks Balan – low rate, 6 weeks Rubigan, Patchwork – cost limits use to greens Prograss – greenup issue
New Poa annua Options in Overseeded Bermudagrass TranXit – rimsulfuron, t1/2 = 1.7 to 3.4 days Revolver – foramsulfuron, t1/2 = 1 to 12 days LABELED ON SPORTS FIELDS????????? Persistence is less in acid than alkaline soils
Revolver – Bayer Environ. Sciences Foramsulfuron - 0.19SC, POST First liquid sulfonylurea, no NIS required 4.4 to 26.2 fl. ozs. product/acre (use high rate for centipede suppression and goosegrass) t1/2 in soil is 1 to 12 days Chemically degraded, more rapid under alkaline or acid conditions
Revolver Poa control before overseeding [2 WBS] DNAs, Dimension, Kerb, Rubigan, TranXit Poa control in non-overseeded bermuda and ‘Meyer’ zoysia Triazines, Kerb, Diquat Spring transition aid in overseeded bermuda Manor, TranXit, Monument, Kerb, Embark NON-RESIDENTIAL USE ONLY
Weeds Controlled by Revolver annual bluegrass ryegrass spp. little barley tall fescue rough bluegrass bentgrass henbit bentgrass goosegrass
Goosegrass Control - Griffin ‘Tifway’ bermudagrass, 0.75 in. ht. Irrigated site 25 gpa Revolver: 17.4, 26.2 fl. ozs./ac MSMA + Sencor: 2.7 pts. + 2.7 ozs./ac Illoxan: 1.4 qts./ac Applied 6-12 and 6-19, 2002 2 to 3 tiller goosegrass
Goosegrass control with Revolver. 2002.
Poa annua Control - Griffin ‘Tifway’ bermudagrass, 0.625 in. ht. Irrigated site 25 gpa Revolver: 8.8, 17.4 fl. ozs./ac – appl. 2 or 1 WBS TranXit: 2.0 oz./ac – appl. 2 WBS Prograss: 1.0 gal./ac – 6 WPS “Sunrise Primo’ seeded 11-01-2002
Effect of Revolver on Ryegrass Establishment. 2002/3.
Effect of Revolver on Poa annua control. 2002/3.
Monument– Syngenta Trifloxysulfuron-sodium 75 WDG, POST 0.1 to 0.56 ozs. product/acre (use higher rates for sedges and Poa annua) t1/2 in soil is 5 to 15 days Chemically degraded, more rapid under alkaline or acid conditions Add NIS at 0.25% v/v
Monument Poa control in non-overseeded bermuda and zoysia Triazines, Kerb, Diquat, Revolver, TranXit Spring transition aid in overseeded bermuda Manor, TranXit, Monument, Kerb, Embark, Revolver Broadleaf weed and sedge control (winter and summer) NON-RESIDENTIAL USE ONLY
Weeds Controlled by Monument annual bluegrass ryegrass spp. little barley rough bluegrass torpedograss tall fescue henbit dichondra Va. Buttonweed nutsedge (yellow and purple) green kyllinga carpetweed spotted spurge
Monument Transition Project - 2001 GA Station Perennial ryegrass – ‘Sunrise Primo’ ‘Tifway’ bermudagrass 0.75 in. clip height 2 appl. – 5/16 and 6/14 25 gpa 0.25% v/v NIS with all herbicides except Kerb
Monument – One Appl. (5/16/01)
Monument – Two Appl. (5/16 + 6/14/01)
MONUMENT – One Appl. (5/16/01) MON 0.1 MON 0.3 Kerb 1.5 UTC
Monument – Two Appl. (5/16 + 6/14/01) MON 0.1 MON 0.3 TranXit 2 UTC
Turf17-03: Photo April 9, 2003, NIS left, MSO right Velocity, 1.3 fb 1.3 oz/ac 2/18 + 3/03 3/03 + 3/21
Other Herbicides in Development Flazasulfuron (Katana) -ISK BioSciences Sulfonylurea Sulfosulfuron (Battalion) – Monsanto Sulfonylurea Fluroxypyr (Spotlight) – DowAgroSciences Pyridine
Flazasulfuron (Katana) -ISK BioSciences Bermuda, zoysia, centipede St. Augustine and cool-seasons not tolerant Spring transition aid, seedling crabgrass (<4-lf), nutsedge and kyllinga, numerous broadleaf weeds
Sulfosulfuron (Battalion)- Monsanto Bermuda (most tolerant), St. Augustine, centipede, zoysia Cool-season tolerance is low and highly rate dependent Spring transition aid, nutsedges, kyllinga
Fluroxypyr (Spotlight) - DowAgroSciences Cool-season tolerance is good Warm-season tolerance is low and highly rate dependent May see as an ingredient in other 2- and 3-way broadleaf control herbicides
New PBI Gordon Broadleaf Herbicides aEster
Carfentrazone Triazolinone family Post, contact activity, cell membrane disrupter Rapidly absorbed, only limited translocation No soil activity t 1/2 - 2.5 to 4 d non-mobile Negligible volatility
Why add carfentrazone? Better activity in cool weather Faster development of control symptoms hours vs. days complete control in 7 to 14 days Better activity on spurges
White Clover Control – Griffin - 2001
Tall Fescue Injury – Griffin - 2001
Common Bermuda Injury – Griffin - 2001
New PBI Gordon Broadleaf Herbicides
PowerZone & SpeedZone Formulations Repeat appl. in 2 to 6 wks if needed Newly seeded delay appl. until after 2nd mowing Newly sodded, sprigged or plugged delay appl. for 3 to 4 weeks Avoid green-up appls. on St. Aug.
PowerZone & SpeedZone Formulations Avoid appl. at air temps. > 90 F. Can reseed 2 weeks after application Do not mow 1 to 2 d before or after application Needs 24 hr rain-free period
Drive - BASF Quinclorac 75 DF Add crop oil concentrate (2.0 pts./acre) Labeled on tall fescue, zoysiagrass, bermudagrass established, at seeding/sprigging, during “grow-in”
Drive - BASF Controls crabgrass, white clover, hop clovers, speedwell, dollarweed Torpedograss - requires 2 to 3 applications Will not control goosegrass or annual bluegrass Use with extreme caution near tomatoes, bell peppers, etc.
Practical Tips Use only labeled herbicides Get the right equipment Train your applicator Calibrate all equipment Control weeds during the off-season or off-times A pretty d--- good web page for turfgrasses!!