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2013 Soybean Weed Control Update
Eric P. Prostko
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
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2013 Soybean Weed Control Update
Palmer Amaranth Control- Integrated Program Approach
Herbicides for Pigweed Control in Soybeans
2013 Monsanto Incentives Program
Palmer Amaranth Control in Soybeans - 2012
Consider metribuzin on soybean?
Metribuzin Injury
Palmer Amaranth Control in Soybeans with Metribuzin - 2012 (Syngenta Boundary)
Palmer Amaranth Control in Soybeans with Metribuzin - 2012 (DuPont Canopy)
Palmer Amaranth Control in Soybeans with Metribuzin - 2012 (Authority MTZ)
Loveland Intimidator
Palmer Amaranth Control in Soybeans with Intimidator - 2012
Liberty-Link® Soybeans
Liberty-Link Soybeans - 2012
On the Horizon
Fierce 76WDG
GR-Palmer Control in Soybeans with Fierce - 2012
Zidua 85WG
Weed Control in Soybeans with Zidua - 2012
Anthem 2.15L
Weed Control in Soybeans with Anthem - 2012
Enlist™ Herbicide Tolerant Soybean
Enlist Duo (2,4-D) Soybeans - 2012
Dicamba-Tolerant (DT) Soybeans
Dicamba-Tolerant Soybeans - 2012
Enlist™ and Dicamba soybeans must be part of a complete program!!
Tropical Spiderwort Management in RR Soybeans
Tropical Spiderwort Control in RR Soybeans - 2005
Popular Herbicides That We Must Protect From Resistance
For More Weed Science Info
2013 Soybean Weed Control Update Eric P. Prostko Professor and Extension Weed Specialist Dept. Crop & Soil Sciences
Palmer Amaranth Control Integrated Program Approach
Herbicides for Pigweed Control in Soybeans Residual Herbicides Authority MTZ, Authority XL, Canopy/Cloak, Boundary, Valor, Valor XLT, Prefix, Dual Magnum/Generics, Tricor, Prowl, Intrro, Treflan, Envive, Warrant, Intimidator Postemergence Reflex/Dawn, Prefix, Cobra, Ultra Blazer, Flexstar GT, Harmony (ALS?), Liberty (LL soybeans)
2013 Monsanto Incentives Program *Similar programs are also available from other companies.
Palmer Amaranth Control in Soybeans – 2012 SB-10-12 August 9 78 DAP NTC Started Clean! Activated residual! Timely POST (<3” tall)!
Consider metribuzin on soybean? Not a PPO (Valor or Reflex) Not a PPO Good on pigweed and sicklepod Can be applied PPI Dryland fields? Issues soil texture, OM, pH Varieties Rotations Company support Lack of incentive at dealer level TriCor 75DF Metribuzin 75DF
Metribuzin Injury
Palmer Amaranth Control in Soybeans with Metribuzin -2012 SB-10-12 August 9 78 DAP NTC Boundary 6.5EC @ 1.5 pt/A - PRE Roundup WM 5.5SL @ 22 oz/A – POST (June 20)
Palmer Amranth Control in Soybeans with Metribuzin - 2012 SB-10-12 August 9 78 DAP NTC Canopy 75DG @ 6 oz/A - PRE Roundup WM 5.5SL @ 22 oz/A – POST (June 20)
Palmer Amaranth Control in Soybeans with Metribuzin - 2012 SB-10-12 August 9 78 DAP NTC Authority MTZ 45WG @ 14 oz/A - PRE Roundup WM 5.5SL @ 22 oz/A – POST (June 20)
Loveland S-metolachlor (3.39 lbs/gal) + Metribuzin (0.75 lb/A) + Fomesafen (0.67 lbs/gal) Dual Magnum + Metribuzin + Reflex PPI or PRE Cannot be used on sand, sandy loam, or loamy sand soils with <1.1% OM Use Rate: 1.9 to 2.4 pt/A 1.9 pt/A = 13.6 oz/A Dual Magnum + 3.84 oz/A Metribuzin + 10 oz/A Reflex 2.4 pt/A = 17 oz/A Dual Magnum + 4.9 oz/A Metribuzin + 13 oz/A Reflex Metribuzin-tolerant varieties only!
Palmer Amaranth Control in Soybeans with Intimidator – 2012 SB-10-12 August 9 78 DAP NTC Intimidator 4.81EC (PRE) Roundup WM 5.5SL (POST) - June 20
Liberty-Link® Soybeans Not a direct replacement for Roundup! Use a residual herbicide in this system!!!!!!! Not usually good on pigweed bigger than 3” Tank-mixes with POST grass herbicides may reduce grass control Assure (10-21%); Fusilade (8-12%); Poast (25-41%); Select 4-22%) Variety performance? Ignite replaced by Liberty in 2012
Liberty-Link Soybeans - 2012 NTC Tricor 75DF @ 5.3 oz/A – PRE (May 4) Liberty 2.34SL @ 29 oz/A – MPOST (June 1) Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 16 oz/A – MPOST (June 1) N-PAK AMS @ 2.5% v/v - MPOST (June 1) SB-09-12 Planted May 3 Photo: June 29
SB-04-11 6 dat Liberty Liberty + Dual Magnum Liberty + Reflex Liberty-Link Soybeans
On the Horizon Fierce Zidua Anthem Enlist Soybean Enhanced tolerance to 2,4-D Stacked with glyphosate 2015? Dicamba Resistant Soybeans Monsanto/BASF Stacked with glyphosate 2013?
Fierce 76WDG February 2012 (?) Valor (33.5%) + Pyroxasulfone (42.5%) preplant or preemergence 3 oz/A on coarse soils (Valor @ 2 oz/A + Pyrox @ 1.5 oz/A)
GR-Palmer Control in Soybeans with Fierce – 2012 SB-10-12 August 9 78 DAP NTC Fierce 76WG @ 3 oz/A - PRE Roundup WM 5.5SL @ 22 oz/A – POST (June 20)
Zidua 85WG Pyroxasulfone Residual control of annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds including pigweed Same MOA as Dual or Warrant but used at lower rates Use rate: 1-2 oz/A (~$6.50/oz)
Weed Control in Soybeans with Zidua - 2012 SB-01-12 August 13 83 DAP NTC Zidua 85WG @ 2 oz/A – PRE Abundit 4SL @ 32 oz/A – POST AMS Xtra @ 2.5% v/v - POST
Anthem 2.15L Cadet (0.0632 lb/gal) + Pyroxasulfone (2.0868 lb/gal) Residual control of annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds including pigweed Use rate: 3.5-7.0 oz/A (?)
Weed Control in Soybeans with Anthem - 2012 SB-11-12 August 13 83 DAP NTC Anthem 2.15SL @ 5 oz/A – PRE Roundup W-Max 5.5SL @ 22 oz/A - POST
Enlist™ Herbicide Tolerant Soybean tolerance to 2,4-D + glyphosate + glufosinate (Ignite) Colex-D™ technology 2,4-D choline lower volatility lower drift potential enhanced handling/mixing characteristics reduced odor 1 Burndown/PRE application + 2 POST applications (R2 stage) Enlist™ Duo DMA-Glyphosate (1.71 lb ae/gal) + 2,4-D choline (1.63 lb ae/gal) 3.5 pt/A 2015 Product Launch
Enlist Duo (2,4-D) Soybeans - 2012 NTC Valor SX 51WG @ 2 oz/A – PRE (May 4) Enlist Duo (GF-2726) @ 56 oz/A – MPOST (June 1) N-PAK AMS @ 2.5% v/v - MPOST (June 1) SB-09-12 Planted May 3 Photo: June 29
Dicamba-Tolerant (DT) Soybeans Monsanto/BASF Roundup Ready 2 Xtend (Monsanto) Roundup Xtend Enhanced dicamba + glyphosate Engenia™ (BASF) Reduced volatility formulation of dicamba Banvel = dicamba-DMA Clarity = dicamba-DGA Engenia = dicamba–BAPMA PRE or POST RESIDUAL STILL NEEDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2014
Dicamba-Tolerant Soybeans - 2012 Newsome1 Planted June 5 Pictures = July 17 29 DAP NTC Zidua @ 2 oz – PPLT (May 26) Engenia @ 12.8 oz/A – PPLT (May 26) Roundup WM @ 21 oz/A – PPLT (May 26) Engenia @ 9.6 oz/A – EPOST (June 18) Outlook @ 12 oz/A – EPOST (June 18) Roundup WM @ 21 oz/A – EPOST (June 18) Engenia @ 9.6 oz/A – POST (July 5) Roundup WM @ 21 oz/A – POST (July 5)
Enlist™ and Dicamba soybeans must be part of a complete program!! Palmer Amaranth Control 20 DAT (6-8” at application)
Tropical Spiderwort Management in RR Soybeans timing is critical EPOST – RR soybeans Sequence (3 pts/A) Glyphosate + Dual Magnum Extreme (3 pts/A) Glyphosate + Pursuit glyphosate + Classic or FirstRate Dual Magnum – PRE Aim – PDIR Paraquat (hooded sprayer)
Tropical Spiderwort Control in RR Soybeans - 2005 Untreated Sequence @ 3 pts/A ($16/A) (Glyphosate + Dual Magnum) Extreme @ 3 pts/A ($12/A) (Glyphosate + Pursuit) 33 DAT Applied 20 DAP
Popular Herbicides That We Must Protect From Resistance
For More Weed Science Info