Slide Presentation
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Grain Sorghum/Canola Weed Control Update - 2014
Eric P. Prostko
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
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Grain Sorghum Weed Control Update - 2014
Grain Sorghum Weed Control
Weed Control in Grain Sorghum - 2013
Grain Sorghum Weed Control (A Maybe for the Future?) - Huskie 2.06EC
Weed Control in Grain Sorghum with Huskie - 2013
Huskie Injury
Inzen Z Grain Sorghum
Inzen Grain Sorghum - 2013
Canola Weed Management Update - 2013
2012 Canola Production- 4,874.21 acres planted
Canola Weed Management
ACC-ase Resistant Ryegrass
Henbit and Ryegrass Control?
Canola Response to Command 3ME @ 3.5 oz/A + Dual Magnum 7.64EC @ 3.5 oz/A - 25 DAT
Command 3ME Injury on Canola - 2 WAT
Canola Response to PRE Herbicides
Henbit Control in Canola with PRE Applied Dual Magnum (3.5 oz/A) and Command (3.5 oz/A) - 2012
Registration Status for Command and Dual Magnum in Canola
Command Concerns Off-Target Movement
UGA Weed Science
GRAIN SORGHUM WEED CONTROL UPDATE - 2014 Berrien Co, October 2014
GRAIN SORGHUM WEED CONTROL Start clean! Concep treated seed Dual Magnum or Intrro/Micro-Tech or Warrant (PRE) Atrazine (POST) Paraquat (Hooded sprayer)
Weed Control in Grain Sorghum - 2013 SG-02-13 June 3 41 DAP NTC Dual II Magnum 7.64EC @ 1 pt/A (PRE) Aatrex 4L @ 48 oz/A (POST) COC @ 1% v/v (POST)
GRAIN SORGHUM WEED CONTROL (A Maybe for the Future?) Huskie 2.06EC Bayer CropScience Buctril (1.75 lbs/gal) + pyrasulfotole (0.31 lbs/gal) MOA = 6 + 27 Postemergence (13-16 oz/A) 3-leaf to 12” tall sorghum Broadleaf weeds, good on pigweed Tank-mix with atrazine (16 oz/A)
Weed Control in Grain Sorghum with Huskie - 2013 SG-02-13 June 19 33 DAT NTC Huskie 2.06EC @ 13 oz/A AMS XTRA @ 2.5% v/v NIS @ 0.25% v/v Applied POST on May 17
Huskie Injury 7 DAT
Inzen™ Z Grain Sorghum Kansas State Univ. DuPont Resistance to POST applications of ALS herbicides Non-GMO ALS-resistant shattercane Dual/Cinch/Warrant PRE a must in my opinion Concep treated seed Stewardship!!!
Inzen Grain Sorghum – 2013 (Conventional Left Row, Inzen Right Row SG-01-13 June 5 19 DAT NTC Nicosulfuron 0.33L @ 12 oz/A Huskie 2.06EC @ 13 oz/A Atrazine 90DG @ 8 oz/A COC @ 1% v/v 28% UAN @ 3.33% v/v (2 qt/A)
2012 Canola Production 4,874.21 acres planted Source: FSA Crop Acreage Data Report (January 2013)
Canola Weed Management consider herbicide residues from previous crop Envive – 18 months Optimum Planting Date/Fertility Use Treflan if you can Clearfield canola + Beyond may be best overall option Critical period for weed control in canola is 4 leaf stage (17-38 DAP)
ACC-ase Resistant Ryegrass 2010 Franklin County Multiple applications of Poast in canola field did not provide control Population was still sensitive to Select
Henbit and Ryegrass Control? ** Command and Dual Magnum are NOT yet labeled for use in canola grown in GA. Research is underway to evaluate crop and weed response.
Canola Response to Command 3ME @ 3.5 oz/A + Dual Magnum 7.64EC @ 3.5 oz/A – 25 DAT Rep 1 Rep 3 CAN-01-12
Command 3ME Injury on Canola - 2 WAT
Canola Response to PRE Herbicides CAN-01-12 Rep 2 December 19, 2012 64 DAT NTC Treflan 4EC 16 oz/A Dual Magnum @ 3.5 oz/A Command @ 3.5 oz/A $2.32 + $3.55 = $5.87/A
Henbit Control in Canola with PRE Applied Dual Magnum (3.5 oz/A) and Command (3.5 oz/A) - 2012 CAN-01-12 (LSD 0.10 = 5) (LSD 0.10 = 11)
Registration Status for Command and Dual Magnum in Canola submitted required information to IR-4 Program in July 2013 FMC and Syngenta seem to have some interest Need to get ND and OK on board ????????
Command Concerns Off-Target Movement
UGA Weed Science