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Eric P. Prostko
Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
Tifton, GA

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  1. How Serious is the Herbicide Resistant Weed Issue?
  2. Is the sky falling? Did it already fall?
  3. Consequences of Resistance? Macon County, Georgia (2008)
  4. Herbicide Resistant Weeds - Selection Pressure
  5. Herbicide Resistant Weeds - Pollen Drift
  6. The US Wins the Gold Medal in Resistance!!!!
  7. Worldwide Number of Glyphosate Resistant Weeds By Year
  8. Confirmed Number of Herbicide Resistant Weeds in the Peanut Belt
  9. How did all this happen?????
  10. What can we do about it now!
  11. 2009 Macon County GR-Palmer Tests
  12. 2009 GR-Palmer Amaranth Test - Macon County
  13. Herbicide Modes of Action
  14. Under Utilized Herbicide Modes of Action - Can we use them?????
  15. Palmer Amaranth Control in Field Corn with HPPD Herbicides - 2009
  16. We are overusing the PPO inhibiting herbicides!!!!!!!!
  17. A long-term resistance plan?
  18. For More Weed Science Info:

  1. How Serious is the Herbicide Resistant Weed Issue? Eric P. Prostko Extension Weed Specialist Department of Crop & Soil Sciences
  2. Is the sky falling? Did it already fall? Chicken Little
  3. Consequences of Resistance? Macon County, Georgia (2008)
  4. Herbicide Resistant Weeds Selection Pressure Source: J.L. Gunsolus. Herbicide Resistant Weeds. 1998. North Central Region Extension Publication 468.
  5. Herbicide Resistant Weeds Pollen Drift Off-site movement (wind, gravity, insects) of resistance trait through pollen Pollen from resistant male fertilizes susceptible female to produce resistant progeny UGA researchers have documented GR-trait movement of at least 900’ (Palmer amaranth). Palmer Amaranth Pollen Source: Dr. Lynn Sosnoskie
  6. The US Wins the Gold Medal in Resistance!!!! Source: International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds (6/4/09) #4 – France (32); #5 – Spain (31)
  7. Worldwide Number of Glyphosate Resistant Weeds By Year (Cumulative) (Roundup was first introduced in 1974) Source: International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds (6/4/09)
  8. Confirmed Number of Herbicide Resistant Weeds in the Peanut Belt 3 5 5 12 10 3 5 7 9 1 Source: International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds (6/4/09) 15 11 5
  9. How did all this happen????? Economics drive farmer decisions No real long-term weed mgt. planning Farm logistics timeliness Overuse (abuse) of glyphosate Staple/Cadre in cotton/peanut Reduced herbicides rates Reduced tillage Reduction in use of residuals Reduction in cultivation Dryland production systems Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Macon County, Georgia
  10. What can we do about it now! Must understand modes of action Start clean! Skimp up front, pay later Conventional tillage if needed/practical Dryland, reduced tillage systems are in jeopardy!!! Use a RESIDUAL herbicide in ALL crops! Prevent escaped weeds from going to seed!
  11. PRE No PRE 18 DAP 2009 Macon County GR-Palmer Tests
  12. 2009 GR-Palmer Amaranth Test Macon County SB-06-09 May 15, 2009 24 DAT NTC Boundary 6.5EC 1.75 pt/A PRE
  13. Herbicide Modes of Action Do not worry about the technical stuff! Check the label Local Extension Service Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC) Know what you are spraying!! 2,4-D chemical structure
  14. Under Utilized Herbicide Modes of Action Can we use them????? HPPD-inhibitors Mesiotrione (Callisto) Tembotrione (Laudis) Topramezone (Impact) Isoxaflutole (Balance Flexx)
  15. Palmer Amaranth Control in Field Corn with HPPD Herbicides - 2009 NTC Corvus 2.6SC @ 3.33 oz/A PRE (April 11) Photo June 4 (54 DAT)
  16. We are overusing the PPO inhibiting herbicides!!!!!!!! Resistance has already been reported in other areas!!! Common waterhemp 2001 (Kansas) 2002 (Illinois) 2003 (Missouri) Common ragweed 2005 (Delaware) Wild poinsettia 2004 (Brazil)
  17. A long-term resistance plan?
  18. For More Weed Science Info: 229-386-3328 (office) 229-392-1034 (cell)