Slide Presentation

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Dr. Tim R. Murphy
The University of Georgia
Crop and Soil Sciences

• Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 0.2 MB)

  1. Herbicide Effects on Ryegrass Transition to Bermudagrass
  2. Transition Issues
  3. Bermudagrass Growth
  4. Chemical Aids for Transition
  5. Atlanta Athletic Club Project
  6. Atlanta Athletic Club Project
  7. Manor
  9. Sencor and Corsair
  12. Kerb and Embark
  16. CONCLUSIONS (cont.)
  18. Monument Transition Project - 2001
  19. Monument - One Appl. (5/16/01)
  20. Monument - Two Appl. (5/16 + 6/14/01)
  21. Monument - One Appl. (5/16/01)
  22. Monument - Two Appl. (5/16 + 6/14/01)
  23. Monument Transition Project - 2003
  24. 30% CYNDA Green-up (3/25/03)
  25. 60% CYNDA Green-up (4/23/03)
  26. 80% CYNDA Green-up (5/09/03)
  27. 100% CYNDA Green-up (5/20/03)
  28. Revolver Transition Project - 2002
  29. Revolver - Turf Quality
  30. Revolver on Transition
  31. BattalionTransition Project - 2002
  32. Battalion - Turf Quality
  33. Battalion on Transition
  34. KatanaTransition Project - 2002
  35. Katana - Turf Quality
  36. Katana on Ryegrass Injury
  37. POST Annual Bluegrass Control in Overseeded Bermudagrass
  38. Velocity
  39. Velocity Projects - 2002
  40. Velocity- Perennial Ryegrass Injury
  41. Velocity- Annual Bluegrass Control
  42. Velocity- Perennial Ryegrass Injury
  43. Velocity- Annual Bluegrass Control
  44. Velocity- Perennial Ryegrass Injury
  45. Velocity- Annual Bluegrass Control
  46. Accelerating Transition
  47. Bermudagrass Growth
  48. Transition Options
  49. Health and vigor of bermudagrass is exceedingly important to a smooth transition

  1. Herbicide Effects on Ryegrass Transition to Bermudagrass Tim Murphy The University of Georgia
  2. Transition Issues Heat tolerance of ryegrass Renegade ryegrass Poa trivialis lives longer than expected Competition to bermudagrass Long-term effects on bermudagrass When do you accelerate transition?
  3. Bermudagrass Growth Minimal root growth < 50 F. soil temp. Optimum root growth 75-85 F. soil temp. Shoot growth ceases < 55 F. air temp. Optimum shoot growth 80-95 F. Need night air temps. of mid-60s F. 100+ growing days
  4. Chemical Aids for Transition Herbicides PGRs Delay application until bermudagrass is in active spring growth. No green-brown-green!! Need green-green
  5. Atlanta Athletic Club Project ‘Tifway’ bermudagrass fairway Seeded 9/26/99 with 85/15 MarvelGreen/Laser mix Clipping height - 5/16 inch Irrigated as needed
  6. Atlanta Athletic Club Project Herbicides and PGRs applied May 8, 2000 50/50 density of bermudagrass and ryegrass Overall turf quality, bermuda and ryegrass density recorded at 7, 14 and 30 DAT
  7. Manor
  8. MANOR ON TRANSITION 0.33 0.5 1.0 UTC
  9. Sencor and Corsair
  11. CORSAIR ON TRANSITION 1.0 oz. 2.0 oz. UTC
  12. Kerb and Embark Turf Quality
  13. KERB ON TRANSITION 1.5 lb. 3.0 lb. UTC
  14. EMBARK ON TRANSITION 6.0 oz. 8.0 oz. UTC
  15. CONCLUSIONS Manor - good to excellent bermuda tolerance, causes light green color, reduces ryegrass density, minimum rate is 0.5 oz. Corsair - excellent bermuda tolerance, not as effective as Manor, Kerb and Sencor in reducing ryegrass
  16. CONCLUSIONS (cont.) Embark- excellent bermuda tolerance, no effect color, effectiveness on ryegrass is questionable, need research on repeat applications, earlier timings. Kerb - excellent bermuda tolerance, causes dark blue-green color, reduces ryegrass density, need research on lower rates, irrigation is critical
  17. OTHER TRANSITION HERBICIDES TranXit (rimsulfuron) Revolver (foramsulfuron) Monument (trifloxysulfuron-sodium) Flazasulfuron (Katana) Sulfosulfuron (Battalion)
  18. Monument Transition Project - 2001 GA Station Perennial ryegrass – ‘Sunrise Primo’ ‘Tifway’ bermudagrass 0.75 in. clip height 2 appl. – 5/16 and 6/14 25 gpa 0.25% v/v NIS with all herbicides except Kerb
  19. Monument – One Appl. (5/16/01)
  20. Monument – Two Appl. (5/16 + 6/14/01)
  21. MONUMENT – One Appl. (5/16/01) MON 0.1 MON 0.3 Kerb 1.5 UTC
  22. Monument – Two Appl. (5/16 + 6/14/01) MON 0.1 MON 0.3 TranXit 2 UTC
  23. Monument Transition Project - 2003 GA Station Perennial ryegrass – ‘Sunrise Primo’ ‘Tifway’ bermudagrass 0.625 in. clip height 4 appl. timings – 30, 60, 80 & 100% spring green-up 25 gpa, 0.25% v/v NIS with Monument
  24. 30% CYNDA Green-up (3/25/03) MON 0.1 MON 0.3 Kerb 1.5 UTC
  25. 60% CYNDA Green-up (4/23/03) MON 0.1 MON 0.3 Kerb 1.5 UTC
  26. 80% CYNDA Green-up (5/09/03) MON 0.1 MON 0.3 Revol. 9.0 UTC
  27. 100% CYNDA Green-up (5/20/03) MON 0.1 MON 0.3 Revol. 9.0 UTC
  28. Revolver Transition Project - 2002 GA Station Perennial ryegrass – ‘Sunrise Primo’ Common bermudagrass 0.625 in. clip height Single appl. – 5/10/02, 70% green-up 25 gpa NIS with TranXit, Manor and Monument
  29. Revolver – Turf Quality Applied 5/10/02
  30. Revolver on Transition Rev 9 Man 0.5 TranX 1.0 UTC Applied 5/10/02 Monum 0.3
  31. BattalionTransition Project - 2002 GA Station Perennial ryegrass – ‘Sunrise Primo’ Common bermudagrass 0.625 in. clip height Single appl. – 4/23/02, 50% green-up 25 gpa NIS with Battalion, TranXit, and Manor
  32. Battalion – Turf Quality Applied 4/23/02
  33. Battalion on Transition Batt 1.3 Kerb 2.0 TranX 4.0 UTC Applied 4/23/02 Manor 0.5
  34. KatanaTransition Project - 2002 GA Station Perennial ryegrass – ‘Sunrise Primo’ Common bermudagrass 5/8 in. clip height Single appl. – 4/23/02, 50% green-up 25 gpa NIS at 0.25% v/v included
  35. Katana – Turf Quality Applied 4/23/02
  36. Katana on Ryegrass Injury Applied 4/23/02
  37. POST ANNUAL BLUEGRASS CONTROL IN OVERSEEDED BERMUDAGRASS Prograss – limited range of efficacy Battalion rates, timing, efficacy research Velocity Valent SLN in GA, FL, SC, NC
  38. Velocity bispyribac-sodium, labeled in rice Use rates – 1.3 to 2.6 oz.product/ac inhibits ALS, no synthesis of branched chain amino acids not a sulfonylurea, but slow acting root and shoot absorbed, ½ life < 10 d
  39. Velocity Projects - 2002 GA Station Perennial ryegrass – ‘Sunrise Primo’ ‘Tifway’ bermudagrass 0.625 in. clip height Irrigated site
  40. Velocity– Perennial Ryegrass Injury Applied 4 wks after seeding, 3-lf ryegrass
  41. Velocity– Annual Bluegrass Control Applied 4 wks after seeding, Oct. 23, 2001
  42. Velocity– Perennial Ryegrass Injury Applied 18 wks after seeding, Feb. 8, 2002
  43. Velocity– Annual Bluegrass Control Applied 18 wks after seeding, Feb. 8, 2002
  44. Velocity– Perennial Ryegrass Injury Applied 17 and 20 wks after seeding, Mar. 7 & Apr. 1, 2002
  45. Velocity– Annual Bluegrass Control Applied 17 and 20 wks after seeding, Mar. 7 & Apr. 1, 2002
  46. Accelerating Transition Delay application until bermudagrass is in active spring growth. Know 30 day forecast No green-brown-green!! (on most sites) Need green-green
  47. Bermudagrass Growth When do you accelerate transition? Minimal root growth < 50 F. soil temp. Optimum root growth 75-85 F. soil temp. Shoot growth ceases < 55 F. air temp. Optimum shoot growth 80-95 F. Need night air temps. of mid-60s F.
  48. Transition Options Slow – 4 to 6 wks Kerb Embark (repeats) Cultural techniques Fast – 10 to 30 days Katana TranXit Manor Revolver Monument Battalion
  49. Health and vigor of bermudagrass is exceedingly important to a smooth transition.