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Dr. Tim R. MurphyExtension Weed Scientist University of Georgia Griffin, GA
- Weed Management on Putting Greens Dr. Tim R. Murphy Extension Weed Specialist University of Georgia Griffin
- Problem Putting Green Weeds Annual Bluegrass - annual and perennial Goosegrass Crabgrass occasional broadleaf weeds nutsedge(s)
- Bermudagrass Greens Preemergence crabgrass and goosegrass Bensulide (Bensumec, Pre-San, Betasan Dithiopyr (Dimension) Bensulide + oxadiazon (Scotts Goosegrass/Crabgrass Control)
- Bermudagrass Greens Postemergence crabgrass and goosegrass Diclofop (Illoxan), goosegrass only MSMA/DSMA - low rates, repeat applications, very risky, avoid air temperatures > 85 F.
- Bermudagrass Greens Preemergence annual bluegrass control Pronamide (Kerb) , apply 60 to 90 days before overseeding, activated charcoal is used when applications made < 90 days before overseeding Fenarimol (Rubigan), apply 2 to 3 applications, last application 14 days before overseeding perennial ryegrass (30 days on P. trivialis), apply low rate in Jan.-Feb, for extended control
- Creeping Bentgrass Greens Preemergence crabgrass and goosegrass Bensulide (Bensumec, Pre-San, Betasan Dithiopyr (Dimension) Bensulide + oxadiazon (Scotts Goosegrass/Crabgrass Control)
- Creeping Bentgrass Greens Postemergence crabgrass and goosegrass No herbicides labeled for this use Low tolerance of creeping bentgrass MSMA/DSMA - very risky Acclaim Extra - too injurious
- Creeping Bentgrass Greens Annual bluegrass control Paclobutrazol (Scotts TGR, Trimmit) a plant growth regulator that inhibits gibberellin biosynthesis Poa more sensitive than bentgrass apply in spring after bentgrass growth has resumed works slowly, repeat applications needed fall + spring applications needed for P. annua var. reptans
- Perennial Poa Treatments (Johnson and Murphy, 1995) TGR applied Oct. 1 + Nov 12 fb Mar 15 + May 1 for 2 yr suppressed Poa 28% 4 MAT TGR at 0.5 + 0.25 fb 0.5 + 0.25 lbs. Ai/acre Cutless at same dates and rates suppressed Poa 6% 4 MAT
- Perennial Poa Treatments (Johnson and Murphy, 1996)
- Perennial Poa Suppression
- Maximum Bentgrass Injury