Slide Presentation

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Dr. Tim R. Murphy
Extension Weed Scientist
University of Georgia
Griffin, GA

• Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 69 KB)

  1. Weed Management on Putting Greens
  2. Problem Putting Green Weeds
  3. Bermudagrass Greens
  4. Bermudagrass Greens
  5. Bermudagrass Greens
  6. Creeping Bentgrass Greens
  7. Creeping Bentgrass Greens
  8. Creeping Bentgrass Greens
  9. Perennial Poa Treatments (Johnson and Murphy, 1995)
  10. Perennial Poa Treatments (Johnson and Murphy, 1996)
  11. Perennial Poa Suppression
  12. Maximum Bentgrass Injury

  1. Weed Management on Putting Greens Dr. Tim R. Murphy Extension Weed Specialist University of Georgia Griffin
  2. Problem Putting Green Weeds Annual Bluegrass - annual and perennial Goosegrass Crabgrass occasional broadleaf weeds nutsedge(s)
  3. Bermudagrass Greens Preemergence crabgrass and goosegrass Bensulide (Bensumec, Pre-San, Betasan Dithiopyr (Dimension) Bensulide + oxadiazon (Scotts Goosegrass/Crabgrass Control)
  4. Bermudagrass Greens Postemergence crabgrass and goosegrass Diclofop (Illoxan), goosegrass only MSMA/DSMA - low rates, repeat applications, very risky, avoid air temperatures > 85 F.
  5. Bermudagrass Greens Preemergence annual bluegrass control Pronamide (Kerb) , apply 60 to 90 days before overseeding, activated charcoal is used when applications made < 90 days before overseeding Fenarimol (Rubigan), apply 2 to 3 applications, last application 14 days before overseeding perennial ryegrass (30 days on P. trivialis), apply low rate in Jan.-Feb, for extended control
  6. Creeping Bentgrass Greens Preemergence crabgrass and goosegrass Bensulide (Bensumec, Pre-San, Betasan Dithiopyr (Dimension) Bensulide + oxadiazon (Scotts Goosegrass/Crabgrass Control)
  7. Creeping Bentgrass Greens Postemergence crabgrass and goosegrass No herbicides labeled for this use Low tolerance of creeping bentgrass MSMA/DSMA - very risky Acclaim Extra - too injurious
  8. Creeping Bentgrass Greens Annual bluegrass control Paclobutrazol (Scotts TGR, Trimmit) a plant growth regulator that inhibits gibberellin biosynthesis Poa more sensitive than bentgrass apply in spring after bentgrass growth has resumed works slowly, repeat applications needed fall + spring applications needed for P. annua var. reptans
  9. Perennial Poa Treatments (Johnson and Murphy, 1995) TGR applied Oct. 1 + Nov 12 fb Mar 15 + May 1 for 2 yr suppressed Poa 28% 4 MAT TGR at 0.5 + 0.25 fb 0.5 + 0.25 lbs. Ai/acre Cutless at same dates and rates suppressed Poa 6% 4 MAT
  10. Perennial Poa Treatments (Johnson and Murphy, 1996)
  11. Perennial Poa Suppression
  12. Maximum Bentgrass Injury