Slide Presentation
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On-Farm Evaluations of Auxin Nozzles For Peanut Pest Management
Eric P. Prostko
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
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On-Farm Evaluations of Auxin Nozzles For Peanut Pest Management
Peanut and Cotton In Georgia
XtendFlex and Enlist Cotton Varieties in Georgia
Research Questions?
2018 Nozzle Tests Farmer Cooperators
2018 Nozzle Tests
Miller County Nozzle Test - 2018
Bulloch County Nozzle Test - 2018
Miller County Nozzle - 2018
Pierce County Nozzle Test - 2018
Disease Evaluations
Insect Evaluations
Yield Data
2018 Peanut Nozzle Tests
2018 Nozzle Tests- Pesticides/Fertilizers Applied
Bulloch County Nozzle - 2018
Pierce County Nozzle Test September 19, 2018
Pierce County Nozzle Test September 19, 2018
Bulloch County Nozzle Test - 2018
Miller County Nozzle Test - 2018
Pierce County Nozzle Test - 2018
Nozzle Tests - Final Thoughts
On-Farm Evaluations of Auxin Nozzles For Peanut Pest Management E.P. Prostko1, M.R. Abney, R.C. Kemerait, G.C. Rains J.L. Jacobs, C.T. Powell, W.G. Tyson 1Department of Crop & Soil Sciences
Peanut and Cotton In Georgia 640,000 acres harvested in 2018 47.6% of US Total (#1) 1,350,000 acres harvested in 2018 13.0% of US Total (#2) Source: USDA/NASS, Crop Production (11/01/2018)
XtendFlex® and Enlist™ Cotton Varieties in Georgia Source: USDA/AMS Annual Cotton Variety Reports (mp_cn833)
Research Questions? Can coarse droplet producing “auxin” nozzles be used for pest mgt. in peanut? herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, fertilzers UGA small plot weed science research has been very positive but what about other disciplines and on-farm?
Objective: Compare the field performance of auxin nozzles to flat fan nozzles in commercial peanut fields.
Methodology 3 commercial peanut fields Plot size Sprayer width X field length 3-4 replications 2 nozzle types All agri-chemicals ANOVA Tukey’s HSD (P=0.10)
2018 Nozzle Tests Farmer Cooperators Bulloch County Greg Sikes Miller County Kim Henley Pierce County Jim Waters
2018 Nozzle Tests XR-11006-VP Bulloch Co. Pierce Co TTI-11006-VP-C (Pierce Co.) TADF06-D (Bulloch Co.)
Miller County Nozzle Test - 2018 XRC-11005 TTI60-11005
Bulloch County Nozzle Test - 2018 JD 4630 15 GPA 25 PSI 12.6 MPH 90’ boom 15” nozzle spacing 32”-34” boom height 72 nozzles 600 gal tank
Miller County Nozzle - 2018 JD4030 110’ boom 20” nozzle 10 MPH 24 PSI 10 GPA 66 NOZZLES 800 GAL TANK
Pierce County Nozzle Test - 2018 JD 4730 BOOM LENGTH = 100’ NOZZLE SPACING = 15” 79 NOZZLES 800 GALLON TANK SPEED = 11.6 MPH GPA = 16 PSI = 21-23 BOOM HEIGHT = 28
Disease Evaluations
Insect Evaluations Bulloch Co. October 2
Yield Data Miller Co. October 3 6 rows (18’) X 1000’ (0.413 acres/rep) – Bulloch/Miller 6 rows (18’) X Field Length (0.680-0.735 acres/rep) - Pierce
2018 Peanut Nozzle Tests
2018 Nozzle Tests Pesticides/Fertilizers Applied
Bulloch County Nozzle - 2018 Following agi-chemicals were applied with either XR11006 or TADF06-D nozzle: May 11 = Valor + Strongarm + Acumen June 14 = Gramoxone + Dual Magnum + Storm + 2,4-DB June 19 = Alto + Folicur July 9 = Elatus July 25 = Elatus + PegPower + Boron August 15 = Bravo + Folicur + PegPower + Boron + Dimilin August 27 = Elatus + Bifenthrin JD 4630 15 GPA 25 PSI 12.6 MPH 90’ boom length 15” nozzle spacing 32”-34” boom ht
Results Bulloch Co. October 17
Pierce County Nozzle Test September 19, 2018 XR11006-VP
Pierce County Nozzle Test September 19, 2018 TTI-11006VP-C
Bulloch County Nozzle Test - 2018
Miller County Nozzle Test - 2018
Pierce County Nozzle Test - 2018
Summary No differences in weed, insect, disease control observed except for 3-CAH in Miller Co. No differences in peanut yield Growers liked auxin nozzles and plan to expand use in 2019 Pierce Co. October 31
Nozzle Tests – Final Thoughts TTI60 will likely not be registered for dicamba Growers who historically have less than ideal pest control should not take a chance on coverage Timing is important! More work with TTI