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Evaluation of A New TwinJet Nozzle for Weed Control in Peanut
Eric P. Prostko
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
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Evaluation of A New TwinJet Nozzle for Weed Control in Peanut
Peanut and Cotton In Georgia
New Technologies
Spray Tip Classification by Droplet Size
Research Questions?
2016 Nozzle Research
The New Norm
Materials and Methods
2017 Nozzle Test - Miller Co.
Miller County - April 10, 2017
Miller County Nozzle Test - 2017
Coverage/Droplet Size as Influenced by Nozzle Type
Coverage and Droplet Size as Influenced by Nozzle Type
Droplet Size Comparison
Grower and County Extension Agent (CEA) Farm-Scale Observations with TTI60 Nozzle
Small Plot Study - 2017
Materials and Methods Non-Crop Study - 2017
2017 Small Plot Nozzle Test (DG11002, TTI60-11002, TADF02-D)
Results - 14 DAT
Nozzle Type and Herbicide Treatment Effects on Palmer Amaranth Control (14 DAT)
Nozzle Type and Herbicide Treatment Effects on Annual Grass Control (14 DAT)
Gramoxone + Storm + Dual Magnum - 14 DAT
Future Yield Data
Evaluation of A New TwinJet Nozzle for Weed Control in Peanut Eric P. Prostko1, Brock A. Ward1, Glenn C. Rains3,O. Wen Carter2 1Department of Crop & Soil Sciences 2Miller County Extension Agent 3Department of Entomology
Peanut and Cotton In Georgia 825,000 acres harvested in 2017 46% of US Total (#1) 1,270,000 acres harvested in 2017 11% of US Total (#2) Source: USDA/NASS, Crop Production (01/12/2018)
New Technologies 2,4-D and dicamba resistant crops Cotton 2017 (GA): Xtend (65%) Enlist (2%) Application Requirements Nozzle Requirements
Spray Tip Classification by Droplet Size 1Estimated from sample reference graph in ASBAE/ANSI/ASAE Standard S572.1 2VMD = Volume median diameter
Research Questions? Can coarse droplet producing nozzles be used for weed control in peanut? acifluorfen, bentazon, lactofen, paraquat UGA small plot research has been very positive but what about on-farm?
2016 Nozzle Research Prowl + Valor + Strongarm (PRE) fb Cadre + Dual Magnum + 2,4-DB (45 DAP) PE-12-16 August 10 107 DAP 11002DG 11002AIXR TTI02 TADF02-D NTC
The New Norm
Materials and Methods April 10, 2017 Miller County Kim Henley Farm JD R4030 110’ boom 20” nozzle spacing Tractor Speed 9.8 MPH Boom Height 36” 15 GPA (water + dye) XRC-11005VP + TTI60-11005VP spray tips 40 PSI 66 nozzles 3 reps 10 kromekote cards (2” X 3”)/rep 10’ X 10’ apart Dropletscan (WRK of Arkansas, LLC) Kim Henley
2017 Nozzle Test – Miller Co. XRC-11005 TTI60-11005
Miller County – April 10, 2017
Miller County Nozzle Test - 2017 North R1 R2 R3 10 feet 10 feet 4-6 MPH (SE to NW wind) tractor
Coverage/Droplet Size as Influenced by Nozzle Type JD R4030, 9.8 MPH, 40 PSI, 15 GPA, 20” spacing, 36” boom height, 110’ boom XRC-11005 TTI60-11005 NZ-01-17 April 10, 2017 Miller County
Coverage and Droplet Size as Influenced by Nozzle Type JD R4030, 9.8 MPH, 40 PSI, 15 GPA, 20” spacing, 36” boom height, 110’ boom NZ-01-17 April 10, 2017 Miller County **Average of 30 Kromekote Cards
Droplet Size Comparison
Grower and County Extension Agent (CEA) Farm-Scale Observations with TTI60 Nozzle 105 acre peanut field planted on 5/22/2017 All peanut herbicides, except Valor, were applied by grower with JD-R4030 sprayer using either the XRC-11005VP or TTI60-11005VP nozzle tips. Prowl (5/21/2017) Cadre + Dual Magnum + Bravo (6/15/2017) General Comments/Observations: Grower and CEA were very pleased with performance. Would like to be able to use TTI60 for everything? 6179 lb/A peanut yield (4380 lb/A state average)
Small Plot Study - 2017
Materials and Methods Non-Crop Study - 2017 Ponder Research Farm – Ty Ty, GA 3 X 4 factorial in RCB design 3 nozzle types: DG11002, TTI60-11002, TADF02-D 4 herbicide treatments: 1. Gramoxone (12 oz) + Storm (16 oz) + Dual Magnum (16 oz) 2. Cadre (4 oz) + 2,4-DB (18 oz) + Dual Magnum (16 oz) 3. Cobra (12.5 oz) + 2,4-DB (18 oz) + Dual Magnum (16 oz) 4. Arrow (8 oz) + COC (1% v/v) 4 replications Application equipment: CO2-powered backpack sprayer, 15 GPA, 38 PSI, 3.5 MPH, 20” spacing, 20” boom height, 7:30 AM.
2017 Small Plot Nozzle Test (DG11002, TTI60-11002, TADF02-D)
Results – 14 DAT No interactions between nozzle type and treatment were observed (P > 0.25). Only main effects are presented.
Nozzle Type and Herbicide Treatment Effects on Palmer Amaranth Control (14 DAT)
Nozzle Type and Herbicide Treatment Effects on Annual Grass Control (14 DAT)
Gramoxone + Storm + Dual Magnum – 14 DAT DG11002 TADF02-D TTI60-11002 NTC
Summary When applied with commercial sprayer (JD R4030): TTI60-11005VP better coverage and larger droplets (514 microns, XC) than XRC-11005VP (302 microns, M) Grower would like to be able to use TTI60 for every pesticide application? Entomologists and plant pathologists need to get off their tails! Small Plot Results: No interaction between nozzle type and treatment. When averaged over herbicide treatments: nozzle type had no effect on Palmer amaranth control. TADF02-D provided 4% less grass control than DG11002
Future Yield Data