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Eric P. Prostko
Extension Weed Specialist
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
University of Georgia

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  1. Peanut Weed Control Update 2010 (County Extension Agents)
  2. New Stuff
  3. Fusilade in Peanuts
  4. Fusilade/Bristly Starbur
  5. Reflex in Peanuts
  6. Peanut Yield Response in Reflex and Valor
  7. New Variety Concerns
  8. Gramoxone Inteon at 8 oz/A
  9. Gramoxone Inteon at 8 oz/A
  10. Classic and GA-06G (2008)
  11. Classic and GA-06G (2009)
  12. Classic andFL-07 (2009)
  13. Herbicide/Fungicide Tank-Mixes
  14. Elast
  15. Influence of water volume on peanut injury caused by Provost (10 oz/A) + 2,4-DB (18 oz/A)
  16. A Bad Idea!
  17. Cobra
  18. Pigweed
  19. Pigweed Control is not Impossible!!
  20. Prostko's Picks for Pigweed
  21. May Rainfall - CPES Tifton
  22. May Rainfall - Statesboro
  23. Palmer amaranth control with Gramoxone Inteon 2 SL
  24. Palmer amaranth control is not impossible!
  25. NTC vs Gramoxone Inteon
  26. Valor Injury at 6 oz/A
  27. Peanut Yield Response to Valor
  28. Valor Response to Tillage
  29. Ropewick vs WeedWiper
  30. Ropewick vs WeedWiper -- II
  31. Ropewick vs WeedWiper -- III
  32. A long-term resistance plan?
  33. Cutleaf Eveningprimrose Control
  34. For More Weed Science Info

  1. Peanut Weed Control Update 2010 (County Extension Agents) Eric P. Prostko Extension Weed Specialist Department of Crop & Soil Sciences The University of Georgia
  2. New Stuff
  3. Fusilade in Peanuts Finally Labeled in 2009 How does it compare to Poast (P) or Select (S)??? Grass Weeds Bermudagrass (F=S>P) B. signalgrass (P=S>F) Goosegrass (F=P=S) TX panicum (P=S>F) Crabgrass (P=S>F) Bristly starbur control?
  4. Fusilade/Bristly Starbur Source: Dr. Greg MacDonald University of Florida
  5. Reflex in Peanuts
  6. Peanut Yield Response to Reflex (R) and Valor (V) LSD 0.10 = 185 PE-08-09 Averaged over 3 varieties (GA Green, GA-06G, GA-07W) Weed-free
  7. New Variety Concerns GA-06G Florida-07
  8. Gramoxone Inteon @ 8.0 oz/A 80/20 @ 0.25% v/v 7 DAT FL-07 GA-06G
  9. Gramoxone Inteon @ 8.0 oz/A 80/20 @ 0.25% v/v 7 DAT GA-06G FL-07
  10. Classic and GA-06G (2008) 0.5 oz/A 80/20 P = 0.0843 LSD 0.10 = 343 *
  11. Classic and GA-06G (2009) 0.5 oz/A 80/20 P = 0.0607 LSD 0.10 = 572 *
  12. Classic and FL-07 (2009) 0.5 oz/A 80/20 P = 0.0767 LSD 0.10 = 297 *
  13. Herbicide/Fungicide Tank-Mixes
  14. Elast Cadre Cadre + Elast 2009 Field Trial Cadre Ultra Blazer Cobra 2,4-DB Select Max No major problems only 1 trial so far
  15. Influence of water volume on peanut injury caused by Provost (10 oz/A) + 2,4-DB (18 oz/A) – 4 DAT GA-06G (21 DAP) Application Time of Day: 8:30 am Air Temp = 85 F RH = 77% 15 GPA 10 GPA
  16. A Bad Idea! Headline + Cadre + Strongarm + 2,4-DB + Dyne-Amic
  17. Cobra @ 12.5 oz/A + 1% COC Cobra @ 12.5 oz/A + Provost @ 8 oz/A Cobra @ 12.5 oz/A + Provost @ 8 oz/A + 1% COC 1 DAT
  18. Pigweed
  19. Pigweed Control is not impossible!!!!! Somewhere in SW Georgia September 2009
  20. Prostko’s Picks for Pigweed Irrigated or Dryland! Start Clean! Use a residual! POST treatments when 3” tall or less Remove escapes before seed production Think About the Future
  21. May Rainfall – CPES Tifton 1996-2009 8 of 14 years (57%) less than average rainfall
  22. May Rainfall – Statesboro 1996-2009 9 of 14 years (64%) less than average rainfall
  23. Palmer Amaranth Control with Gramoxone Inteon 2SL @ 2.5 pt/A + 80/20 @ 0.25% v/v AMAPA Height Low = 8” High = 23” Average = 17”
  24. Palmer amaranth control is not impossible! NTC Prowl H2O @ 34 oz/A – PRE Valor 51WG @ 3 oz/A – PRE Cadre 2AS @ 4 oz/A – POST (29 DAP) Agrioil @ 1% v/v – POST (29 DAP) PE-14-09 July 23 56 DAP
  25. NTC Gramoxone Inteon 2SL @ 12 oz/A Storm 4SL @ 24 oz/A 80/20 @ 0.25% v/v Applied 21DAP PE-11-09 July 1 22 DAT
  26. Valor Injury @ (6 oz/A) 16 DAT PE-05-09 May 22, 2009
  27. Peanut Yield Response to Valor - 2009 PE-08-09 Averaged over 3 varieties (GA Green, GA-06G, GA-07W) Weed-free LSD 0.10 = 185
  28. Valor 2 oz applied prior to strip tillage Valor 2 oz applied after to strip tillage Valor Response to Tillage. Macon Co., 2009 at 49 DAT
  29. Ropewick vs. WeedWiper Ponder Farm, 2009 ****Roller applicator was first mentioned in literature in 1977. Wyse, D.L and C. Habstritt. 1977. A roller herbicide applicator. Proc. North Cent. Weed Control Conf. 32:144-145.
  30. Ropewick vs. WeedWiper – II 9 DAT NTC Ropewick WeedWiper 50% solution of Gramoxone Inteon + 80/20 @ 0.25% v/v AMAPA Height at Application: Low = 28”, High = 62”, Average = 37”
  31. WeedWiper Test – III 7 DAT Pigweed-04-09 09/15/09 Rep 3
  32. A long-term resistance plan?
  33. Cutleaf Eveningprimrose Control 21 DAT 2,4-DB 1.75SL @ 16 oz/A Agridex @ 1% v/v 99% Visual Control 85% Biomass Reduction Cobra 2EC @ 12.5 oz/A Agridex @ 1% v/v 80% Visual Control 73% Biomass Reduction Applied: 7” tall 11” diameter Bud stage
  34. For More Weed Science Info