Slide Presentation
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Peanut Weed Control Update 2001
Dr. Eric P. Prostko
Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
Tifton, GA
Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 17.2 MB)
Peanut Weed Control Update 2001
Topic for Discussion
Reduced Rates of Cadre?
The Response of Weeds to Various Cadre Rates in Georgia
The Response of Weeds to Various Cadre Rates in Georgia
The Response of Weeds to Various Cadre Rates in Georgia
Reduced rates of Cadre work if...
Cadre/Cotton Rotation Issue
Cotton Response to Cadre Residues in North Carolina
Cotton Yield Response to PPI Applications of Cadre
Cotton Yield Response to PRE Applications of Cadre
Cotton Variety Response to Cadre at 8 PPB - 9 WAT
Cotton Variety Response to Cadre at 16 PPB - 9 WAT
Cadre Carryover in Cotton. Brooks County - 2000
Cadre/Cotton Rotations. What can growers do?
Paraquat Formulations
Paraquat Formulations
Smallflower Morningglory Control with Various Formulations of Paraquat. Test 1- 15 DAT
Weed Control with Various Paraquat Formulations. Test 2- 5 DAT
Weed Control with Various Paraquat Formulations. Test 2- 14 DAT
Improving At-Crack Applications
How would you rate the overall performance of Strongarm in your county?
What were the weeds that most frequently escaped control of Strongarm?
Strongarm - Does it work? Attapulgus- 7 WAP
Treatment Comparisons
Strongarm. How Should It Be Used in GA?
Strongarm Label Update- 2001
Strongarm/Cadre Combinations. Concerns?
Valor 50WDG
Why do we need Valor??
Why does Valor have to be applied PRE in peanuts?
Bristly Starbur Control with Valor @ 3 ozs/A
Why does Valor have to be applied PRE in peanuts?
Valor Injury on Peanuts
Although Valor has many strengths, growers/dealers need to be made aware of its weaknesses such as...
Do soil applied herbicides cause yield reductions?
Peanut Yield As Influenced By PRE Herbicides
Reduced Tillage Weed Control Research Results
Peanut yield response to preplant herbicide applications in Georgia, 2000
UGA Weed Science
Peanut Weed Control Update 2001 Dr. Eric P. Prostko Extension Weed Specialist University of Georgia Tifton
Topic for Discussion Cadre * reduced rates * cotton rotations paraquat Strongarm Valor other stuff
Reduced Rates of Cadre? efficacy issues rotation issues liability
The Response of Weeds to Various Cadre Rates in Georgia Webster et al. 1997 Applied EPOST (C-2L)
The Response of Weeds to Various Cadre Rates in Georgia Webster et al. 1997 Applied EPOST (C-2L)
The Response of Weeds to Various Cadre Rates in Georgia Webster et al. 1997 Applied EPOST(C-2L)
Reduced rates of Cadre work if…... the weed is susceptible good growing conditions exist the application is timely (small weeds) Full rates help to overcome variability of application due to weed size, improper sprayer calibration, environmental conditions, etc.
Cadre/Cotton Rotation Issue new research results
Cotton Response to Cadre Residues in North Carolina York et al., 2000 DES 119
Cotton Yield Response to PPI Applications of Cadre Averaged over 2 varieties (DP33B, SG501BG/RR) Tifton, GA 2000 LSD 0.05 = 336 * *
Cotton Yield Response to PRE Applications of Cadre Averaged over 2 varieties (ST4892RR/BG, ST4691BG) Plains, GA 2000 LSD 0.05 = 712 * * *
Cotton Variety Response to Cadre at 8 PPB - 9 WAT Culpepper, 2000 Tifton, GA LSD 0.05 = 17
Cotton Variety Response to Cadre at 16 PPB - 9 WAT Culpepper, 2000 Tifton, GA LSD 0.05 = 17
Cadre Carryover in CottonBrooks County - 2000 674 lbs 770 lbs 770 lbs 1540 lbs 1348 lbs 1220 lbs 738 lbs/A (lint yield) 1369 lbs/A 6/09/00
Cadre/Cotton RotationsWhat can growers do? follow 18 month restriction reduced rates of Cadre? Cadre on irrigated fields only? optimum pH and nutrient levels plant suspect fields last
PPT Slide
Paraquat Formulations
Smallflower Morningglory Control with Various Formulations of ParaquatTest 1 - 15 DAT Averaged over 3 rates of Basagran (P = 0.15) Tifton, GA 2000
Weed Control with Various Paraquat FormulationsTest 2 - 5 DAT Tifton, GA 2000 Averaged over 3 rates of Basagran (P = 0.72) (P = 0.45) (P = 0.15)
Weed Control with Various Paraquat FormulationsTest 2 - 14 DAT Tifton, GA 2000 Averaged over 3 rates of Basagran (P = 0.53) (P = 0.82) (P = 0.40)
Improving At-Crack Applications calibrate sprayer SMALL WEEDS (2”) nozzle selection (XR TeeJet, TwinJet) higher water volumes (15 GPA+) improve coverage lower pressures (30 PSI) reduce drift and evaporation
PPT Slide
How would you rate the overall performance of Strongarm in your county? 2000 UGA County Agent Survey
What were the weeds that most frequently escaped control of Strongarm? 2000 UGA County Agent Survey
Strongarm - Does it work?Attapulgus - 7 WAP Untreated Strongarm + Prowl (PPI) PE-01-00
PPT Slide Untreated Strongarm ($23.50/A) Strongarm fb Cadre - 1 oz/A COC - 1% v/v ($44.77/A) Gramoxone Max - 5.5 oz/A Storm - 1 pt/A 2,4-DB - 1 pt/A NIS - 0.125% v/v fb Cadre - 1 oz/A COC - 1% v/v ($35.14/A) 28 DAT
StrongarmHow Should It Be Used in GA? use where starbur, eclipta, poinsettia, and copperleaf are problems tank-mix with DNA irrigate in if possible variable on nutsedge poor sicklepod control
Strongarm Label Update2001 “at cracking” applications split applications snapbean rotation = 9 months
Strongarm/Cadre CombinationsConcerns? cost/A rotations * peanut (anytime) * soybeans (9 m) * snapbean (9 m) * IR corn (10 m) ALS resistance
Valor 50WDG Valent flumioxazin N-phenylphthalimide derivative PPO oxidase inhibitor PRE 2-3 ozs/A label in April 2001 (I hope!!)
Why do we need Valor?? Florida beggarweed rotation restrictions mode of action reduced costs/A? market competition But, it is not the Holy Grail!!
Why does Valor have to be applied PRE in peanuts? PPI treatments less effective
Bristly Starbur Control with Valor @ 3 ozs/A Attapulgus, 2000
Why does Valor have to be applied PRE in peanuts? PPI treatments less effective POST treatments can cause excessive crop injury!
Valor Injury on Peanuts
Although Valor has many strengths, growers/dealers need to be made aware of its weaknesses such as . . . . cocklebur nutsedge sicklepod increased crop injury with delayed applications
Do soil applied herbicides cause yield reductions?
Peanut Yield As Influenced By PRE Herbicides Averaged over 2 varieties (GA Green, C99R) * LSD (0.05) = 561 weed-free
Reduced Tillage Weed Control Research Results 2,4-D, Clarity, and Harmony Extra
Peanut yield response to preplant herbicide applications in Georgia, 2000. *Averaged over 4 locations (P = 0.45) (0.5 pt/A) (0.6 oz/A)
PPT Slide University of Georgia Extension Weed Science (