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Dr. Tim R. MurphyExtension Weed Scientist University of Georgia Griffin, GA
- Weed Control in Homeowner Ornamentals Tim R. Murphy The University of Georgia Landscape
- PPT Slide
- PPT Slide
- Ornamental Weed Control Options Hand-removal, hoeing Mulches Landscape fabrics Herbicides
- PPT Slide #1 Home Owner Question What can I spray on *&^#@!? weed to kill it and how much do I need??
- Mechanical Control Plastic or fabric thickness affects the degree of weed suppression. Clear and colored plastics that allow light penetration produce high temperatures in the upper surface. This build up of heat, solarization, kills germinating weed seeds. Fabric Mulches
- Landscape Fabrics Expensive Limited commercial use Very good option for homeowners Use high quality, non-woven, fused fabric Properly mulch
- Organic Mulches Straw, wood chips, pine straw, sawdust, newsprint, and other organic materials. These mulches also shade and physically hinder germinating seedlings
- Organic Mulches Coarse texture better than fine Texture more important than type 2 to 4 inch depth Renew as needed Nothing is permanent!
- Mulches control most weeds expensive?? good use of “waste” handling is often materials a pain Conserves water Advantages Disadvantages
- Mechanical Control Still used for weed control in high value crops Best control with small weeds ɜ inches Must understand how the weed develops (annuals vs. perennials) Hand Pulling and Hoeing
- Hand Weed Control keeps you in shape repetition is a must environmentally friendly can stimulate germination controls most weeds must be timely Inexpensive (if done by self Advantages Disadvantages
- Mechanical Control Controls many weeds that have emerged Incorporate fertilizers, lime Prepares seed or plant beds Tillage
- Tillage Practices control most weeds expensive?? quick and easy can’t get too close to crop – root pruning noise pollution Advantages Disadvantages
- Ornamental – Homeowner Herbicides Annual grass control available Preemergence and postemergence Pre and Post broadleaf weed control is difficult Use post graminicides for perennial grass control Vines, woody plant control is exceeding difficult
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- Ornamental Preemergence Herbicides Primarily dinitroanilines Treflan, Surflan, Pendulum, Endurance, XL, Team Preen Preen-N-Green Snapshot - trifluralin + isoxaben
- Ornamental Preemergence Herbicides Products labeled for various species Irrigate-in if possible (1/2 inch) within 7 days Do not apply to wet foliage Match weeds to specific products Use fall + spring applications Rotate products if possible
- Homeowner - Selective POST Grass Control Herbicides Sethoxydim - Vantage, Hi-Yield Poast reseeding restriction: not listed Fluazifop - Dexol Grassout Greenlight Bermudagrass Killer Ortho Grass-B-Gon - reseeding restriction: 2 months
- Ornamentals – Post-Grass Control Use on any non-grass ornamental Trees, woodies, annuals, perennials Includes liriope, hosta, iris, daylily Don’t spray open blooms No “nutgrass” control Avoid applications on “scorchy-hot”, humid days
- Integrated Weed Management Integrating preventive, mechanical (mulches, fabrics), cultural and chemical methods is usually the most effective method of managing weeds in ornamentals.
- PPT Slide Florida betony
- Florida Betony - Stachys floridana Labitae (mint family) “Rattlesnake weed” perennial reproduces primarily by tubers opposite, serrated leaves occurs in turf and ornamentals
- Florida Betony Control Roundup, Finale Casoron applied in winter, very difficult to find, can be ordered at Southern States, commercial herbicide stores Use landscape fabric in ornamentals
- Bamboo Phyllostachys aurea Grass family rhizomatous rarely fruits no wildlife value full sun, partial shade native to China
- Bamboo Control No herbicide is labeled for the control of bamboo.
- Bamboo Control Roundup Pro, 2% v/v, apply to regrowth 3 to 6 feet tall, repeat, not on label Roundup Pro, 33% v/v, apply with gloved hand to husk stage, repeat, not on label MSMA, 2% v/v, will “knock” leaves off, repeat Mechanical barrier, 30 inches deep
- Phyllanthus spp. - Biology Summer annuals Spurge family Seeds require light Tolerates full sun and moderate shade
- PPT Slide Chamberbitter, niruri, gripeweed
- Chamberbitter - Phyllanthus niruri Euphorbiaceae (spurge family) niruri, gripeweed, leafflower summer annual, reproduces by seed alternate leaves, numerous leaflets inconspicuous flowers stalkless green, round fruit no milky juice
- PPT Slide Longstalked Phyllanthus
- Longstalked Phyllanthus (Phyllanthus tenellus) Euphorbiaceae (spurge family) summer annual, reproduces by seed alternate leaves, numerous leaflets inconspicuous flowers stalked green, round fruit no milky juice
- Phyllanthus spp. - Control Use mulch Apply early spring
- Phyllanthus spp. Preemergence Control Ronstar (not labeled for use in home landscapes) Rout (OHII - slightly less effective) Surflan + Gallery (Snapshot TG - less effective) Prodiamine (Factor, Endurance, Barricade) Gallery
- Phyllanthus spp. Postemergence Control Roundup Pro Finale Reward LS
- Phyllanthus spp. Ineffective Herbicides Basagran T/O Image MSMA Pennant Pendimethalin Balan
- Isoxaben Products - Homeowners PRE herbicide for control of annual broadleaf weeds Primarily used in woody ornamentals Gallery Greenlight Portrait Reseeding restrictions - 2 months
- EPTC Products - Homeowners PRE control of annual grass and broadleaf weeds Woody ornamentals, some flowers, groundcovers Preen for Groundcovers
- Homeowner - Nutsedge Herbicides Image – imazaquin reseeding restriction: 6 weeks Manage – halosulfuron -reseeding restriction: 4 weeks Bentazon Basagran T/O, Hi-Yield Basagran reseeding restriction: 0 week
- Sedge Herbicides -Ornamentals Basagran T/O - yellow, annual sedges Manage - yellow, purple, annual sedges Image - yellow, purple, annual sedges Pennant - yellow, annual sedges Preemergence only No homeowner package available
- Basagran T/0 - Ornamentals Directed spray around base of ornamentals Over-the-Top Hollies, ornamental cabbage, pachysandra Liriope, impatiens, marigold English ivy, petunia, ajuga “Safer”option for yellow nutsedge than Roundup Pro
- Manage - Ornamentals Post-directed around woody ornamentals New-transplants- wait 3 months Do not use in annuals or herbaceous perennials May be applied 4 weeks in advance of transplanting woody ornamentals
- Image - Ornamentals Over-the-top Junipers, Burford hollies, Helleri holly, Indian hawthorne, Liriope, mondograss, hostas, Red tip photinia Pachysandra, Asiatic & Confederate jasmine Do not apply over root zone of non-listed ornamentals Azalea, ligustrum, viburnum, pieris, abelia are severely injured by Image
- PPT Slide Dodder
- Dodder - Cuscuta spp. Convolvulaceae (morningglory family) rootless, leafless parasitic annuals “yellow spaghetti” prolific seed producer germinates early spring 8 species known in Georgia wide host range on broadleaf plants
- Dodder Control - Ornamentals Fumigate - Basamid Casoron, Norosac - woody ornamentals, may be difficult to find Dacthal - dropped by manufacturer Kerb - woody ornamentals, Restricted Use Herbicide Roundup, Finale