Slide Presentation

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Eric P. Prostko, William K. Vencill, R. Dewey Lee
Dept. Crop & Soil Sciences
University of Georgia

• Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 880 KB)

  1. Herbicide Resistant Corn Hybrid Research in Georgia - 2001
  2. Herbicide Resistant Crops - US
  3. Research in 2001
  4. Research in 2001: Hybrid Performance
  5. Herbicide Resistant Corn Hybrid Performance - 2001
  6. Roundup Ready Corn Hybrid Performance - 2001
  7. Roundup Ready Corn Hybrid Performance - 2001
  8. Liberty Link Corn Hybrid Performance - 2001
  9. Clearfield Corn Hybrid Performance - 2001
  10. Research in 2001: Application Timing
  11. Corn Yield Response to Liberty Application Timings, 2001
  12. Corn Yield Response to Roundup Ultra Application Timings, 2001
  13. Summary
  14. Unversity of Georgia Extension Weed Science

  1. Herbicide Resistant Corn Hybrid Research in Georgia - 2001 Eric P. Prostko William K. Vencill R. Dewey Lee Dept. Crop & Soil Sciences University of Georgia
  2. Herbicide Resistant Crops - US (Not Including Stacked Varieties) Source: NASS/USDA
  3. Research in 2001 hybrid performance * Tifton (2 tests) * Athens application timing * Grady Co. * Seminole Co.
  4. Research in 2001 hybrid performance * Tifton * Athens application timing * Grady Co. * Seminole Co.
  5. Herbicide Resistant Corn Hybrid Performance - 2001 (LSD 0.05 = NS) (LSD 0.05 = NS)
  6. Roundup Ready Corn Hybrid Performance - 2001 (LSD 0.05 = 15) (LSD 0.10 = 22)
  7. Roundup Ready Corn Hybrid Performance - 2001 Ponder Farm abc ef c-f b-e def ab bcd
  8. Liberty Link Corn Hybrid Performance - 2001 (LSD 0.05 = 15) (LSD 0.10 = 22)
  9. Clearfield Corn Hybrid Performance - 2001 (LSD 0.05 = 15) (LSD 0.10 = 22)
  10. Research in 2001 hybrid performance * Tifton * Athens application timing * Grady Co. * Seminole Co.
  11. Corn Yield Response to Liberty Application Timings, 2001. Grady County - NK83-Z8 Liberty @ 28 ozs/A + AMS @ 3 lb/A c abc bc a a abc c bc P = 0.10
  12. Corn Yield Response to Roundup Ultra Application Timings, 2001. Seminole County - DK622RR Roundup Ultra @ 26 ozs/A + AMS @ 3 lb/A cd bcd abc ab a abc d bcd P = 0.10
  13. Summary Better hybrids are available. * DK 662RR * NK 83Z8LL * G8222-IT Apply Liberty @ 3-4 WAP Apply glyphosate @ 3-4 WAP Tank-mix with atrazine * Liberty ATZ or ReadyMaster ATZ
  14. University of Georgia Extension Weed Science (