Slide Presentation

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Dr. Eric P. Prostko
Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
Tifton, GA

• Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 0.6 MB)

  1. Peanut Weed Management: Where are we headed?
  2. Famous Predictions
  3. We have had a few good years!!
  4. What’s in the pipeline??
  5. What do the growers want/need?
  6. Where does that leave us?
  7. The Peanut Weed Control Toolbox
  8. New Uses for Older Products
  9. Herbicide Combinations
  10. Hophornbeam Copperleaf Control: Randolph County, GA - 2001
  11. Weed control in peanuts with reduced rates of Strongarm and Valor, 2002.
  12. Reduced Rates
  13. Response of Weeds to Various Cadre Rates in Georgia
  14. What about cultivation?
  15. Herbicide Resistant Weeds
  16. UGA Extension Weed Science

  1. Peanut Weed Management Where are we headed? Eric P. Prostko Extension Weed Specialist University of Georgia Tifton December 2002
  2. Famous Predictions “I think there is a world market for maybe 5 computers.” Thomas Watson, Chairman - IBM (1943) “We don’t like their sound (Beatles), and guitar music is on the way out.” Decca Recording Co. (1962) “640K ought to be enough for anybody.” Bill Gates (1981)
  3. We have had a few good years!! Cadre - 1996 Select - 1998 Strongarm - 2000 Valor - 2001 22% of active ingredients since 1996 Not bad for a minor crop!!!!
  4. What’s in the pipeline?? not much. It is getting very dry. Spartan Cobra Will they ever make it? Do we need them?
  5. What do the growers want/need? cheaper weed control strategies $25 weed control (Is it possible?) Why? reductions in peanut price (2002 Farm Bill) 34% of operating costs spent on agri-chemicals
  6. Where does that leave us? make do with what we got 18 active ingredients new uses for older products combinations reduced rates cultivation
  7. The Peanut Weed Control Toolbox
  8. New Uses for Older Products currently PPI or PRE What about POST? bristly starbur common ragweed cocklebur morningglory others
  9. Herbicide Combinations compliment each other lower rates reduced cost less carryover? more research different MOA
  10. Hophornbeam Copperleaf Control Randolph County, GA - 2001 6 WAT Untreated Strongarm (0.45 ozs/A) Valor (3 ozs/A) Strongarm 0.113 ozs + Valor 0.75 ozs/A
  11. Weed control in peanuts with reduced rates of Strongarm and Valor, 2002. Untreated Strongarm 0.45 oz/A Valor 3 oz/A Strongarm 0.113 oz/A + Valor 0.75 oz/A Attapulgus, GA (7 WAP)
  12. Reduced Rates already being done 50% price reduction did not stop this we know it can work not the answer to cotton rotations Can we get better at it?
  13. Response of Weeds to Various Cadre Rates in Georgia Webster et al. 1997 Applied EPOST (C-2LF)
  14. What about cultivation? has been on the decline depends upon fuel prices twin rows? strip tillage? disease problems? Abound/Folicur Source: UGA Extension Agent Surveys Peanut Cultivation
  15. Herbicide Resistant Weeds will get worse before it gets better ALS resistance confirmed probably have DNA resistance continued/increased use of glyphosate Do we have a plan?
  16. University of Georgia Extension Weed Science (