Slide Presentation

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J. Tim Flanders and Eric P. Prostko
University of Georgia
Tifton, GA

• Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 9.1 MB)

  1. Continued Investigations on the Control of Tropical Spiderwort
  2. Tropical spiderwort - Commelina benghalensis
  3. Tropical spiderwort - How bad is it?????
  4. Current Control Strategies in Peanut
  5. Tropical spiderwort control in peanuts with Dual Magnum applied preemergence, Grady Co., 2003.
  6. Tropical spiderwort control with Gramoxone Max + Dual Magnum Tank-Mixes
  7. Comparison: Untreated vs. Gramoxone Max + Dual Magnum
  8. Strongarm in Peanut
  9. Tropical spiderwort control in peanuts with Strongarm @ 0.45 ozs/A, Grady Co., 2003.
  10. Tropical spiderwort control with POST applied Strongarm, 2003
  11. Gramoxone Max + Basagran - A good or bad idea?
  12. Tropical Spiderwort control with Gramoxone + Basagran, 2003
  13. Tropical Spiderwort control with Gramoxone + Dual Magnum + Basagran, 2003
  14. What about peanut injury?
  15. Gramoxone Max and Cadre - Tank-Mixed or Split Applications?
  16. Tropical spiderwort control with Gramoxone Max and Cadre, 2003
  17. What About Cadre + Dual Combos?
  18. Tropical Spiderwort Control with Cadre + Dual Magnum, 2003
  19. What about Valor?
  20. Tropical spiderwort control in peanuts with Valor applied preemergence, Grady Co., 2003.
  21. Post-Harvest Control Test - 2003
  22. Tropical spiderwort control with various herbicides - 14 DAT
  23. Where are we doing 2004??

  1. Continued Investigations on the Control of Tropical Spiderwort J. Tim Flanders and Eric P. Prostko University of Georgia APRES - 2004 San Antonio, TX
  2. Tropical spiderwort Commelina benghalensis tropical Asia/Africa native annual or perennial seeds and rhizomes above and below ground flowers 1,600-12,000 seeds/plant alternate host of southern root-knot nematode problem weed in other countries (Holm’s)
  3. Tropical spiderwort How bad is it????? Grady County, GA (2004)
  4. Current Control Strategies in Peanut row spacing * twins vs. singles residuals * Dual Magnum * Strongarm POST’s * Gramoxone Max * Cadre * Basagran * Strongarm (?)
  5. Tropical spiderwort control in peanuts with Dual Magnum applied preemergence, Grady Co., 2003. Dual Magnum 7.64EC @ 1.33 pts/A
  6. Tropical spiderwort control with Gramoxone Max + Dual Magnum Tank-Mixes Gramoxone Max @ 5.5 ozs/A + Dual Magnum @ 1.33 pts/A
  7. A B Tropical spiderwort control in peanuts. A = untreated; B = Gramoxone Max + Dual Magnum applied 17 DAP. Photos taken 49 DAP.
  8. Strongarm in Peanut PPI or PRE thru cracking* not labeled for POST use at this time but working on this issue * cracking = soil displaced by germinating seedlings just prior to emergence
  9. Tropical spiderwort control in peanuts with Strongarm @ 0.45 ozs/A, Grady Co., 2003. PRE = 5 DAP EPOST = 17 DAP (2”, 3 leaf) LPOST = 31 DAP (up to 6”) a ab a ab cd b abc c e
  10. Untreated Strongarm applied 17 DAP Strongarm applied 31 DAP PE-24-03 46 DAP Tropical spiderwort control with POST applied Strongarm, 2003
  11. Gramoxone Max + Basagran A good or bad idea?
  12. Tropical Spiderwort control with Gramoxone + Basagran, 2003 Treatments applied 16 DAP Gramoxone Max (5.5 ozs/A) Basagran (8 ozs/A) 80/20 (0.25% v/v) All data = NS (P = 0.05)
  13. Tropical Spiderwort control with Gramoxone + Dual Magnum + Basagran, 2003 Treatments applied 16 DAP Gramoxone Max (5.5 ozs/A) Dual Magnum (1.33 pts/A) Basagran (8 ozs/A) 80/20 (0.25% v/v) All data = NS (P = 0.05)
  14. What about peanut injury? when Basagran was added to Gramoxone 20% less peanut injury when Basagran was added to Gramoxone + Dual Magnum 9-14% less peanut injury
  15. Gramoxone Max and Cadre Tank-Mixed or Split Applications?
  16. Tropical spiderwort control with Gramoxone Max and Cadre, 2003 Tank-mix applied 17 DAP/Split applied 17 and 31 DAP (LSD 0.05 = 11) (LSD 0.05 = 15) (LSD 0.05 = 22)
  17. What About Cadre + Dual Combos?
  18. Tropical Spiderwort Control with Cadre + Dual Magnum, 2003 114 DAP LSD 0.05 = 22
  19. What about Valor?
  20. Tropical spiderwort control in peanuts with Valor applied preemergence, Grady Co., 2003. Valor 51 WP @ 3 ozs/A
  21. Post-Harvest Control Test - 2003 October 31 after corn harvest 6” tall TSW 15 GPA 4 replications % control - 14 DAT frost at 14 DAT
  22. Tropical spiderwort control with various herbicides - 14 DAT Applied October 31, 2003 6” tall spiderwort LSD 0.05 = 13
  23. Where are we doing 2004?? PPI vs. PRE Strongarm Cadre vs Pursuit split applications of Dual Magnum 2,4-D ????? Corn lay-bys Aim, Evik, Gramoxone Max, Starane TSW in Peanut