Slide Presentation

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Dr. Tim R. Murphy
Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
Griffin, GA

• Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 109 KB)

  1. Weed Management in Tall Fescue
  3. Tolerance of Tall Fescue to MSMA
  4. Dallisgrass Control with MSMA
  5. Dallisgrass Control with MSMA
  6. Nutsedge Herbicides - Tall Fescue
  7. Winter Annual Broadleaf Control in Tall Fescue
  8. Winter Annual Broadleaf Control in Tall Fescue
  9. Perennial Weed Control in Tall Fescue
  10. Perennial Weed Control in Tall Fescue
  11. Bermudagrass Control in Tall Fescue
  12. Acclaim - Fenoxaprop
  13. Acclaim - Fenoxaprop
  14. Common Bermudagrass Control with Acclaim
  15. Bermudagrass Control in Tall Fescue
  16. Tolerance of ‘Ky 31’ Tall Fescue to Fusilade
  17. Bermudagrass Control in Tall Fescue

  2. MSMA, DSMA, CMA Organic arsenicals Post only, no soil activity Crabgrass, other annual grasses Weak on goosegrass Nutsedge Dallisgrass - tough to control
  3. Tolerance of Tall Fescue to MSMA Untreated Check 1 app. - May 21 2 app. - May 28 3 app. - June 5 4 app. - June 12 MSMA applied at 2.0 lbs. ai/acre
  4. Dallisgrass Control with MSMA Apply during good growing conditions 2 to 3 applications 5 to 7 days apart Stay on schedule!!! Avoid temperatures over 900 F. Needs 24 hour rainfree period
  5. Dallisgrass Control with MSMA 2.0 + 2.0 2.0 + 2.0 + 2.0 3.0 + 3.0 3.0 + 3.0 + 3.0 1976 - late July 1977 - August 1 7 day intervals
  6. Nutsedge Herbicides - Tall Fescue Basagran T/O - yellow, annual sedges Manage - yellow, purple, annual sedge MSMA/DSMA - yellow, purple, annual sedges
  7. Winter Annual Broadleaf Control in Tall Fescue
  8. Winter Annual Broadleaf Control in Tall Fescue
  9. Perennial Weed Control in Tall Fescue
  10. Perennial Weed Control in Tall Fescue
  11. Bermudagrass Control in Tall Fescue Spot treat Roundup Acclaim Fusilade II T&O (fluazifop) 2.0 lb. ai/gallom Ornamec (fluazifop) 0.5 lb. ai/gallon
  12. Acclaim - Fenoxaprop Excellent tall fescue tolerance Annual grass control Common bermudagrass suppression Not effective on hybrid bermudagrass Apply to small grass weeds (seedling to 3 tiller growth stage)
  13. Acclaim - Fenoxaprop No control of annual bluegrass or ryegrass Seedling fescue - 4 weeks old Can reseed fescue immediately after application Needs 1 hour rainfree period Tank-mixes with 2,4-D, MCPA, MCPP reduce activity
  14. Common Bermudagrass Control with Acclaim Apply 23 fl. oz./acre Apply after bermudagrass greenup Repeat application monthly Use up to 6 applications per year Maximum total is 138 fl. oz./acre
  15. Bermudagrass Control in Tall Fescue Fusilade II T&O - 5.0 to 6.0 fl. oz./acre Ornamec (20.0 to 24.0 fl. oz./acre) Apply early spring (after bermudagrass green-up) Repeat in fall (Sept. - October) Expect some temporary injury Avoid hot summer months
  16. Tolerance of ‘Ky 31’ Tall Fescue to Fusilade Two applications Late May + late June Injury recorded 10 weeks after application X rate = 5 to 6 fl . oz./acre
  17. Bermudagrass Control in Tall Fescue Recent research in South Carolina shows that summer applications (monthly, 4 applications) of Acclaim + Turflon Ester provide better control of common bermudagrass than use of Acclaim alone. Injury to ‘Ky 31’ less than 10%.