Slide Presentation

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Eric P. Prostko
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia

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  1. Strategies for Managing Herbicide Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Soybean - 2012
  2. Herbicide-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in GA
  3. Important Things We Know About Palmer Amaranth
  4. Palmer Amaranth Very Competitive
  5. Pigweed Control is not impossible!!!!
  6. Many pigweed problems are due to weeds already up at planting!
  7. Palmer Amaranth Growth 22 days after starting clean
  8. Dryland Production Systems A Difficult Challenge!
  9. Tillage and Pigweed
  10. Extreme Cover Crops
  11. Row Spacing
  12. Irrigation
  13. Herbicides for Pigweed Control in Soybeans
  14. 2012 Monsanto Incentives Program
  15. Consider metribuzin on soybean?
  16. Metribuzin Injury
  17. Palmer Amaranth Control in Soybeans - 2011
  18. Palmer Amaranth Control in Soybeans - 2011
  19. Liberty-Link Soybeans - 2011
  20. This is what a 2" pigweed looks like!!!!
  21. On the Horizon
  22. Zidua 85WG
  23. Palmer Amaranth Control in Soybeans - 2011
  24. Fierce 76WDG
  25. Palmer Amaranth Control with Fierce
  26. Anthem 2.15L
  27. Weed Control in Soybeans with Anthem
  28. Enlist Herbicide Tolerant Soybean
  29. Enlist Soybeans -- 2010 (GA)
  30. Dicamba-Tolerant Soybeans
  31. PPO Herbicide Resistance - They must be protected!!!!
  32. Final Thoughts
  33. For More Weed Science Info

  1. Strategies for Managing Herbicide Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Soybean - 2012 Eric P. Prostko Professor and Extension Weed Specialist Dept. Crop & Soil Sciences
  2. Herbicide-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in GA ALS (2000) Glyphosate (2005) Atrazine (2009) ALS + GLY (2009) DNA + ALS + GLY (2010) ALS + GLY + ATZ (2011)
  3. Important Things We Know About Palmer Amaranth Well-adapted to Georgia! Native to Sonoran desert Separate male and female plants Lots of seed!!!! 400,000 – 500,000/female plant Seed do not last long in soil 20% germ after 30 months Seed do not emerge from deep depths (= 3-4”) Seed need light to germinate Resistance trait moves in pollen At least 1000 feet!!
  4. Palmer Amaranth Very ompetitive 1 Palmer amaranth plant per meter (3.3 ft) of row can reduce soybean yield by 32%.
  5. Pigweed Control is not impossible!!!! Common Reasons for Failure: 1) did not start clean 2) did not use a residual 3) residual did not get activated 4) POST applications are too late 5) short arms and deep pockets
  6. Many pigweed problems are due to weeds already up at planting!
  7. Palmer Amaranth Growth 22 days after starting clean June 22, 2011 Attapulgus, GA
  8. Dryland Production Systems A Difficult Challenge! Growers need to think about mechanical herbicide incorporation Will help but not a guarantee Success will depend upon…… operator implement soil conditions
  9. Tillage and Pigweed Bottom Plow Chisel Plow Source: Twiggs Co., April 22, 2010
  10. Extreme Cover Crops 1 2 3 4
  11. Row Spacing
  12. Irrigation
  13. Herbicides for Pigweed Control in Soybeans Residual Herbicides Authority MTZ, Authority XL, Canopy/Cloak, Boundary, Valor, Valor XLT, Prefix, Dual Magnum/Generics, Tricor, Prowl, Intrro, Treflan, Envive, Warrant Postemergence Reflex/Dawn, Prefix, Cobra, Ultra Blazer, Flexstar GT, Harmony (ALS?), Ignite (LL soybeans)
  14. 2012 Monsanto Incentives Program
  15. Consider metribuzin on soybean? Not a PPO Not a PPO Good on pigweed Can be applied PPI Issues soil texture, OM, pH Varieties Rotations Company support Lack of incentive at dealer level Cost/A TriCor 75DF Metribuzin 75DF
  16. Metribuzin Injury
  17. Palmer Amaranth Control in Soybeans - 2011 SB-13-2011 June 23, 2011 30 DAP NTC Valor SX 51WG @ 2 oz/A
  18. Palmer Amaranth Control in Soybeans - 2011 SB-13-2011 June 23, 2011 30 DAP NTC Boundary 6.5EC @ 1.5 pt/A
  19. Liberty-Link Soybeans - 2011 NTC Prefix @ 2.5 pt/A (PRE) Ignite @ 29 oz/A (MPOST) AMS Xtra @ 2.5% v/v (MPOST) Ignite @ 29 oz/A (EPOST) Warrant @ 3 pt/A (EPOST) AMS Xtra @ 2.5% v/v (EPOST) SB-04-11 July 20 58 DAP
  20. This is what a 2” pigweed looks like!!!!
  21. On the Horizon Zidua Anthem Fierce Enlist Soybean Enhanced tolerance to 2,4-D Stacked with glyphosate 2015? Dicamba Resistant Soybeans Monsanto/BASF Stacked with glyphosate 2013?
  22. Zidua 85WG Pyroxasulfone Residual control of annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds including pigweed Same MOA as Dual or Warrant but used at lower rates Use rate: 1-2 oz/A
  23. Palmer Amaranth Control in Soybeans - 2011 SB-13-2011 June 23, 2011 30 DAP NTC Zidua 85WG @ 2 oz/A
  24. Fierce 76WDG February 2012 (?) Valor (33.5%) + Pyroxasulfone (42.5%) preplant or preemergence 3 oz/A on coarse soils (Valor @ 2 oz/A + Pyrox @ 1.5 oz/A)
  25. Palmer Amaranth Control with Fierce NTC Fierce 76WG @ 3 oz/A SB-14-10 July 22, 2010 50 DAT
  26. Anthem 2.15L Cadet (0.0632 lb/gal) + Pyroxasulfone (2.0868 lb/gal) Residual control of annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds including pigweed Use rate: 3.5-7.0 oz/A (?)
  27. Weed Control in Soybeans with Anthem SB-18-11 June 24 65 DAP NTC Anthem 2.15SL @ 8 oz/A – PRE Roundup W-Max 5.5SL @ 22 oz/A - POST
  28. Enlist™ Herbicide Tolerant Soybean tolerance to 2,4-D + glyphosate + glufosinate (Ignite) Colex-D™ technology 2,4-D choline lower volatility lower drift potential enhanced handling/mixing characteristics reduced odor 1 Burndown/PRE application + 2 POST applications (R2 stage) Enlist™ Duo DMA-Glyphosate (1.71 lb ae/gal) + 2,4-D choline (1.63 lb ae/gal) 3.5 pt/A 2015 Product Launch
  29. Enlist Soybeans – 2010 (GA) SB-09-10 June 28 NTC Ignite 280 2.34SL @ 22 oz/A Weedar 64 4SL @ 17 oz/A N-Pack AMS @ 2.5% v/v Applied May 28 and June 18
  30. PPO Herbicide Resistance They must be protected!!!! Resistance has already been reported in other areas!!! Amaranthus quitensis 2005 (Bolivia) Common waterhemp 2001 (Kansas) 2002 (Illinois) 2005 (Missouri) 2009 (Iowa) Common ragweed 2005 (Delaware) 2006 (Ohio) Wild poinsettia 2004 (Brazil)
  31. Final Thoughts Know your enemy Start Clean Tillage and/or Cover Crops Narrower Row Spacing Residual herbicides (2) Reward Programs Timely POST’s Irrigation system????? Roque Escapes
  32. For More Weed Science Info