Slide Presentation

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Eric P. Prostko
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia

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  1. Strategies for Palmer Amaranth (Pigweed) Management in Peanut
  2. Important Things to Know About Palmer Amaranth
  3. Palmer Amaranth - Competitive and Prolific!!!!
  4. Palmer Amaranth Control Tactics
  5. Many pigweed problems are due to weeds already up at planting!
  6. Dryland Production Systems A Difficult Challenge!
  7. Extreme Cover Crops
  8. Tillage and Pigweed
  9. Irrigation
  10. Palmer Amaranth Control - 2010
  11. Palmer Amaranth Control - 2010
  12. Gramoxone Inteon + Storm + Dual Magnum + 2,4-DB
  13. Gramoxone Inteon + Storm + Dual Magnum + 2,4-DB
  14. POST Control Options
  15. Timing is Critical for POST’s!!!
  16. ALS-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in GA
  17. Where does Cadre fit now?
  18. Non-Selective Applicators
  19. What are the benefits of NSA’s?
  20. Non-Selective Applicators or (Custer’s Last Stand)
  21. WeedWiper vs. TopCrop Sponge
  22. WeedWiper vs. LMC-Cross Wick
  23. Applicator Costs
  24. Section 24C SLN
  25. Post-Harvest (Corn) Management
  26. Palmer Amaranth Control Tactics
  27. Questions?

  1. Strategies for Palmer Amaranth (Pigweed) Management in Peanut Eric P. Prostko Professor and Extension Weed Specialist Department of Crop & Soil Sciences Farm Bureau - 2010
  2. Important Things to Know About Palmer Amaranth A well-adapted plant! Native to Sonoran desert Separate male and female plants Lots of seed!!!! Seed do not last long in soil 20% germ after 30 months Seed do not emerge from deep depths (= 4”) Seed need light to germinate Resistance trait moves in pollen At least 1000 feet
  3. Palmer Amaranth Competitive and Prolific!!!! 1 Palmer amaranth plant per meter (3.2 ft) of row can reduce peanut yield by 28%. 1 Female Palmer amaranth plant can produce 400,000-500,000 seed Source: Burke et al., 2007. Weed Technology 21:367-371
  4. Palmer Amaranth Control Tactics Start Clean!!!!! Tillage Extreme Cover Crops Residual Herbicides Irrigation May need more than 1 Timely POST’s Others Hand-Weeding Non-Selective Applicators
  5. Many pigweed problems are due to weeds already up at planting!
  6. Dryland Production Systems A Difficult Challenge! Growers need to think about mechanical herbicide incorporation Will help but not a guarantee Success will depend upon…… operator implement soil conditions Prowl/Sonalan + Dual Magnum?
  7. Extreme Cover Crops 1 2 3 4
  8. Tillage and Pigweed Bottom Plow Chisel Plow Source: Twiggs Co., April 22, 2010
  9. Irrigation Joy Carter GPC
  10. Palmer Amaranth Control - 2010 PE-03-10 June 29 NTC Prowl H20 3.8ASC @ 34 oz/A (PRE) Valor SX 51WG @ 3 oz/A (PRE) Cadre 2AS @ 4 oz/A (June 14) COC @ 1% v/v (June 14)
  11. Palmer Amaranth Control - 2010 PE-03-10 June 29 NTC Gramoxone Inteon 2SL @ 12 oz/A (June 2) Storm 4SL @ 16 oz/A (June 2) Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 16 oz/A (June 2) Cadre 2AS @ 4 oz/A (June 14) Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 16 oz/A (June 14)
  12. Gramoxone Inteon @ 12 oz/A + Storm @ 16 oz/A + Dual Magnum @ 1 pt/A + 2,4-DB @ 1 pt/A (Left) NTC (Middle) Gramoxone Inteon @ 12 oz/A + Storm @ 16 oz/A + Dual Magnum @ 1 pt/A (Right) May 8, 2010 13 DAT
  13. Gramoxone Inteon @ 12 oz/A + Storm @ 16 oz/A + Dual Magnum @ 1 pt/A + 2,4-DB @ 1 pt/A (Left) NTC (Middle) Gramoxone Inteon @ 12 oz/A + Storm @ 16 oz/A + Dual Magnum @ 1 pt/A (Right) May 26, 2010 July 20, 2010 34 DAT (Cadre) Cadre @ 4 oz/A + Dual Magnum @ 16 oz/A (June 16)
  14. POST Control Options 2,4-DB
  15. Timing is Critical for POST’s!!!
  16. ALS-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in GA 2005 Survey First discovered in 2000 ALS Herbicides – Peanut Cadre Classic Pursuit Strongarm
  17. Where does Cadre fit now? nutsedges Only control for purple sicklepod morningglory
  18. Non-Selective Applicators
  19. What are the benefits of NSA’s? Improved harvest efficiency Improved fungicide deposition Reduction in weed seed Cheaper than hand-weeding? REVENGE!!!!!
  20. Non-Selective Applicators or (Custer’s Last Stand)
  21. WeedWiper vs. TopCrop Sponge 50% Solution of Gramoxone Inteon 3.1 MPH, 20” Applicator Height AMAPA = 36-86” tall, 66” avg. NTC WeedWiper TopCrop PIG-07-10 9/21/10 29 DAT
  22. WeedWiper vs. LMC-Cross Wick 50% Solution of Gramoxone Inteon 3.1 MPH, 15” Applicator Height AMAPA = 16-62” tall, 34” avg. NTC WeedWiper LMC-Cross PIG-06-10 9/24/10 28 DAT
  23. Applicator Costs 20’ Weed Wiper + gauge wheels + 40 gallon tank = $6800 20’ Wickmaster = $5500 6-Row (18’) LMC-Cross Wick Bar = $6225 15’, front mount, pump fed, TopCrop Weed Wiper = $1995
  24. Section 24C SLN Granted July 27, 2010 Peanuts (GA) Palmer amaranth Florida beggarweed
  25. Post-Harvest (Corn) Management Decreasing daylight hastens flower and seed production Flowering (3-4 weeks) Seed production (2-3 weeks) Some germination at 410F (8%) Control Options Mowing Tillage Herbicides Gramoxone + 2,4-D or dicamba Residuals i.e. Dual Magnum? When can we stop worrying about seed production? Keeley et al. 1987. Weed Science 35:199-204 Steckel et al., 2004. Weed Science 52:217-221
  26. Palmer Amaranth Control Tactics Start Clean!!!!! Irrigation Tillage Extreme Cover Crops Residual Herbicides Timely POST’s Others Hand-Weeding Non-Selective Applicators
  27. Questions?