Slide Presentation

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E. P. Prostko and J. A. Kichler
Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences
University of Georgia

• Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 4.2 MB)

  1. Managing Tropic Croton with Cadre/Ultra Blazer Tank-Mixes in Peanut
  2. Tropic Croton in Peanut
  3. Cadre in Peanut
  4. Ultra Blazer in Peanut
  5. The Question?
  6. Cadre/Blazer Tank-Mixes
  7. Research Objective
  8. Materials & Methods - I
  9. Materials & Methods - II
  10. Results
  11. Peanut Injury
  12. Tropic Croton Control in Peanut - I, 19 DAT
  13. Tropic Croton Control in Peanut - I, 84 DAT
  14. Tropic Croton Control in Peanut - I
  15. Tropic Croton Control in Peanut - II, 15 DAT
  16. Tropic Croton Control in Peanut - II, 65 DAT
  17. Tropic Croton Control in Peanut - II
  18. Summary - I
  19. Summary - II
  20. Preliminary Results, 2003
  21. Tropic Croton Control in Peanut - 2003, Webster County - 10 DAT
  22. Tropic Croton Control in Peanut - 2003, Wilcox County - 11 DAT
  23. University of Georgia Extension Weed Science

  1. Managing Tropic Croton with Cadre/Ultra Blazer Tank-Mixes in Peanut E. P. Prostko and J. A. Kichler Dept. of Crop & Soil Sciences University of Georgia APRES July 2003
  2. Tropic Croton in Peanut 3rd most troublesome weed limited biology data NCSU competition research less competitive than other broadleaf weeds
  3. Cadre in Peanut discovered (1981) field tested (1989) EUP’s (1993-95) labeled (1996) excellent control of nutsedge complex G-E control of many other species weak on tropic croton
  4. Ultra Blazer in Peanut registered (1982) formulation changed in 2000 good on pigweed, morningglory, ragweed, croton 6% of GA acres injury concerns
  5. The Question? What happens when you tank-mix Ultra Blazer and Cadre?
  6. Cadre/Blazer Tank-Mixes Source: Richburg et al., 1996 Cadre @ 1.0 ozs/A + Blazer @ 1 pt/A + X-77 @ 0.25% v/v Applied 3 WAP
  7. Research Objective The objective of this research was to determine if tropic croton control with Cadre could be improved with tank-mixes of reduced rates of Ultra Blazer.
  8. Materials & Methods - I on-farm (W. Dillard) Webster County small plot techniques 4 replications Georgia Green planted 4/30/02 crop injury weed control
  9. Materials & Methods - II Cadre @ 1.44 ozs/A Ultra Blazer @ 24 ozs/A Cadre + Ultra Blazer @ * 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 ozs/A 80/20 @ 0.25% v/v 6.5 plants/ft2 * Test 1 = croton (< 1” tall) * Test 2 = croton (5-6” tall)
  10. Results
  11. Peanut Injury In both tests, the additions of Ultra Blazer to Cadre did not significantly increase peanut injury when compared to either herbicide applied alone.
  12. Tropic Croton Control in Peanut - I 19 DAT Weeds < 1” Tall LSD 0.05 = 10
  13. Tropic Croton Control in Peanut - I 84 DAT Weeds < 1” Tall LSD 0.05 = 17
  14. Tropic control control in peanut with Cadre + Ultra Blazer combinations applied to 1” tall weeds. A = untreated, B = Cadre @ 1.44 ozs/A + Ultra Blazer @ 8 ozs/A. Photos taken 19 DAT. A B
  15. Tropic Croton Control in Peanut - II 15 DAT Weeds 5-6” Tall LSD 0.05 = 6
  16. Tropic Croton Control in Peanut - II 65 DAT Weeds 5-6” Tall LSD 0.05 = 18
  17. Tropic control control in peanut with Cadre + Ultra Blazer combinations applied to 5-6” tall weeds. A = untreated, B = Cadre @ 1.44 ozs/A + Ultra Blazer @ 16 ozs/A. Photos taken 15 DAT. A B
  18. Summary - I no significant increases in peanut injury were observed when croton was 1” or less * Improved control with Ultra Blazer at rates at or above 4 ozs/A * Needed at least 8 ozs/A to provide control similar to full rate of Ultra Blazer
  19. Summary - II when croton was 5-6” tall * Improved control with Ultra Blazer at rates at or above 4 ozs/A but …….. * tank-mixes were less effective than full rate of Ultra Blazer
  20. Preliminary Results 2003
  21. Tropic Croton Control in Peanut - 2003 Webster County - 10 DAT Weeds 1-2” Tall LSD 0.05 = 9
  22. Tropic Croton Control in Peanut - 2003 Wilcox County - 11 DAT Weeds 1-2” Tall LSD 0.05 = 9
  23. University of Georgia Extension Weed Science (