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Culpepper, Kichler, York

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  1. 2009 Beltwide: Impact of Tillage on the Control of Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer amaranth
  2. Irrigated or Dryland
  3. Production Practices
  4. May 2008 Rainfall Distribution in Tifton
  5. Dry Land Management Tactics
  6. Objective
  7. Experimental Locations: Macon County, 2008
  8. Experiment 1
  9. Two Deep Tillage Options
  10. Four Herbicide Options
  11. Herbicides and Rates
  12. Experiment 1: Methods
  13. Number of Palmer Amaranth Plants During Early Season
  14. Percent glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth control at layby
  15. Percent glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth control at harvest
  16. No Deep Tillage vs Deep Turned
  17. Seed Cotton Yield
  18. Experiment 2: Methods
  19. Experiment 2: Treatments
  20. Percent glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth control at harvest
  21. Percent glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth control at harvest
  22. Prowl system vs +Cultivation
  23. Seed Yield as Impacted by Cultivation
  24. Summary
  25. Summary
  26. Conclusion

  1. Impact of Tillage on the Control of Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer amaranth. Culpepper, Kichler, York
  2. Irrigated or Dryland
  3. Production Practices Irrigated - conventional? Irrigated – conservation tillage? Dry land - conventional? Dry land – conservation tillage?
  4. May 2008 Rainfall Distribution in Tifton (CPES) Dryland crops planted before May 9 or after May 16 did not get enough rain to activate residual herbicides!!! First rainfall event > 0.5” in June occurred on June 15 (1.03”) 0.33” 0.02” 1.4” Herbicide activated
  5. Dry Land Management Tactics Tillage Cover Crops Ignite-based programs Various mixtures of all of these tactics
  6. Objective Determine the impacts of deep turning, incorporating a yellow herbicide, and cultivation on the management of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth.
  7. Experimental Locations: Macon County, 2008
  8. Experiment 1: Factorial: 2 deep tillage options 4 herbicide systems
  9. Two Deep Tillage Options deep turn or no deep turn All land was disked prior to planting
  10. Four Herbicide Options no herbicide WMax: 1, 5, 13 lf cotton 3. Prowl H20 + Reflex PRE; WMax + Dual Magnum POST 5 lf; Direx + MSMA LPD 13 lf Treflan PPI; Reflex PRE; WMax + Dual Magnum POST 5 lf Direx + MSMA LPD 13 lf
  11. Herbicides and Rates 2.0 pt/A Prowl H20 1.5 pt/A Treflan 1.0 pt/A Reflex 22 oz/A WeatherMax 1.0 pt Dual Mag. PPI or PRE POST Layby Direx 2 pt + MSMA 2 lb
  12. Experiment 1: Methods Plot size: 4 rows by 30 feet Herbicide applications: 15 GPA Rainfall: Once inch occurred 5 d after planting Visual ratings: early and late-season Harvest: one-row cotton picker
  13. No Deep Tillage Deep Turn No Herbicide Treatment Number of Palmer Amaranth Plants During Early Season. Macon Co., Georgia 2008.*
  14. *System included Reflex PRE; WMax + Dual Mag. POST. Percent glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth control at layby. Macon Co., GA. 2008.* 53 d Prowl system* None Prowl system* Treflan system* Treflan system* No Deep Tillage 10 e 89b 100 a 67c Deep Tillage RU 2X RU 2 X 100 a 100 a
  15. *System included Reflex PRE; WMax + Dual Mag. POST; Direx + MSMA directed. Percent glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth control at harvest. Macon Co., GA. 2008.* 0 c Prowl system* None Prowl system* Treflan system* Treflan system* No Deep Tillage 0 c 79b 90 a 0 c Deep Tillage RU 3X RU 3 X 98 a 94 a
  16. No Deep Tillage Deep Turned Prowl H20 + Reflex PRE; WeatherMax + Dual Magnum POST; Direx + MSMA Layby
  17. *System included Reflex PRE; WMax + Dual Mag. POST; Direx + MSMA directed. Seed Cotton Yield. Macon Co., GA. 2008.* 0 c Prowl system* None Prowl system* Treflan system* Treflan system* No Deep Tillage 0 c 1170 b 1570 a 0 c Deep Tillage RU 3X RU 3 X 1430 a 1550 a
  18. Experiment 2: Methods Plot size: 8 rows by 50 feet Herbicide applications: 15 GPA Rainfall: Once inch occurred 5 d after planting Visual ratings: early and late-season Harvest: one row cotton picker
  19. Experiment 2: Treatments Prowl H20 + Reflex PRE; WMax + Dual POST; Direx + MSMA LPD 2. Treflan PPI; Reflex PRE; WMax + Dual POST; Direx + MSMA LPD with and without cultivation
  20. Percent glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth control at harvest. Macon Co., GA. 2008.* 78 a 88 a Treflan system* Prowl system* *System included Reflex PRE; WMax + Dual Mag. POST; Direx + MSMA directed.
  21. Percent glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth control at harvest. Macon Co., GA. 2008.* 78 b + Cultivation 88 a Treflan system* Prowl system* *System included Reflex PRE; WMax + Dual Mag. POST; Direx + MSMA directed. 89 a 95 a
  22. Prowl System + Cultivation
  23. Seed Yield as Impacted by Cultivation. Macon Co., GA. 2008.* 1840 c + Cultivation 2050 b Treflan system* Prowl system* *System included Reflex PRE; WMax + Dual Mag. POST; Direx + MSMA directed. 2000 b 2275 a
  24. Summary Deep turning reduced the number of Palmer amaranth that emerged at 1 month after planting by 60%. Deep turning improved Palmer control of the Prowl PRE systems by 15% at harvest and increased yield 19%.
  25. Summary 3. When not deep turning the land, incorporating the yellow herbicide improved control by 11% at harvest and increased yield 26%. 4. Cultivation improved control in the Prowl system by 11% and increased yield 6 to 10% in the Prowl or Treflan system
  26. Conclusion Deep turning land, incorporating the yellow herbicide, and cultivation can all be used to improve control of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth in dry-land Roundup Ready cotton production.