TITLE (click title to view slides)
Culpepper, York, Steckel, Prostko
- Herbicide-Resistant Weeds: A Dilemma in Dixie Culpepper, York, Steckel, Prostko
- What is Herbicide Resistance? (official WSSA definition) Inherited ability of a biotype of a weed to survive and reproduce following exposure to a dose of herbicide normally lethal to the wild type.
- WeatherMax 22 oz, 2 d after application to 16 inch Palmer
- WeatherMax 33 oz/A on 3 Palmer
- Reported cases of herbicide-resistant weeds in US
- Why is Resistance Such a Big Deal Now?
- Why is Resistance Such a Big Deal Now? 1. ALS resistant pigweeds Glyphosate-resistant horseweed Glyphosate-resistant ragweed Glyphosate-resistant lambsquarters* Glyphosate-resistant Italian ryegrass* 1. Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (pigweed) Significant Potentially Devastating *suspected not confirmed
- 97 94 00 ALS*-resistant Amaranthus species *Imidazolinones, sulfonylureas, 19 states triazolopyrimidines, pyrimidinylthiobenzoates 94 02 94 95 00 92 98 99 02 93 98 96 93 93 91 99
- Commonly Used ALS Herbicides Accent Ally/Cimarron Beacon Beyond Cadre Classic Envoke Exceed Express Finesse FirstRate Glean Harmony Extra Maverick Pro Osprey Peak Permit Pursuit Python Scepter Staple Strongarm
- Prostko 2006 2005 ALS-Resistant Pigweed Survey 61 locations, 21 counties 2892 plants treated 2442 plants survived (84%)
- 100 66 97 99 98 98 98 99 99 100 98 98 83 97 75 97 59 Percent of cotton acreage planted to RR varieties. 20061 1USDA, AMS. 2006. Publ. mp-cn833.
- 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 Adoption of Roundup Ready Technology in the US (million acres) Soybean Corn Cotton
- Very Small Seeded Approximately 1 mm
- Shields, E.J., J.T. Dauer, M.J. VanGessel, and G. Neuman. 2006. Horseweed (Conyza canadensis) seed collected in the planetary boundary layer. Weed Sci. 54:1063-1067. Altitude (ft) 230 460 Seeds found (#/1000 m3)* 3.3 1.7 * Approximately 33 by 33 by 33 ft
- Photo credit: Larry Steckel Must Start Clean!
- Photo credit: Larry Steckel
- GR Horseweed Control 0 20 40 60 80 100 Roundup WM 22oz Clarity 8 oz + Roundup WM 22oz Ignite 23 oz LSD = 12 % Horseweed Control Milan May 28, 2006 2,4-D 16 oz + Roundup WM 22oz Burndown applied 4/3/06 Clarity 8 oz + Roundup WM 22oz fb/Gramoxone Inteon 40 oz + Caparol 24oz Clarity 8 oz + Roundup WM 22oz fb/ Roundup WM 22oz + Cotoran 24oz
- HORSEWEED Preferred Burndown Options Roundup + ½ pt Clarity, mid March Roundup + 2 pt 2,4-D, mid March With either of above, consider a residual herbicide with the burndown, such as Valor. If no residual, Gramoxone + Cotoran or Direx at planting or Ignite + Cotoran or Direx at planting.
- 2004 Common Horseweed Burndown Program Photo credit: Larry Steckel
- Rapid Growth Becoming Extremely Large
- Average Number of Seed Produced per Plant Top 4 Herbicide Resistant Weeds in US peanut - 175; cotton - 250; corn - 800
- Attapulgus GA, September 2004 Multiple Generations Short Seed Dormancy
- Untreated Georgia, 2006 Glyphosate 4X rate, applied three times Palmer Amaranth Infesting Cotton
- North Carolina, 2006 Untreated Glyphosate 4X rate, applied three times Palmer Amaranth Infesting Cotton
- Cotton Yield vs. Palmer Competition 7%
- Glyphosate-resistant Palmer Amaranth Found 04 05 * * * *Palmer populations being studied for resistance.
- Resistance trait will move through pollen
- Georgia and North Carolina Recommendations* *Cultivation, Hooded Sprays, and/or Hand Weeding Will be Required
- Prowl H20 1.75 pt + Reflex 1 pt PRE WeatherMax 22 oz + Dual Mag 18 DAP before Pigweed emergence WeatherMax 22 oz + Direx 1.5 pt PDIR
- Prowl H20 1.75 pt + Reflex 1 pt PRE WeatherMax 22 oz + Dual Mag 24 DAP with ½ Palmer WeatherMax 22 oz + Direx 1.5 pt PDIR
- Prowl + Reflex PRE Roundup + Staple 3 inch Direx + MSMA PD
- Prowl H20 1.75 pt + Reflex 1 pt PRE WeatherMax 22 oz + Staple at 3 inch WeatherMax 22 oz + Direx 1.5 pt PDIR
- 0 1.3 5.2 10.2 20.4 2.6 Staple LX fl oz/A 2004 2006
- 1X glyphosate + 1X Staple; Palmer 0.5 inches when treated
- Delay the arrival or spread of resistance
- Resistance Management Practices Reduce herbicide reliance (as practical) 2. Diversify MOAs; Multiple MOAs Multiple MOAs within a crop.
- *Staple will not control ALS-resistant Palmer. Sequence can be used as the glyphosate + Dual mixture. Yellow = Prowl or Treflan type products. DELAY glyphosate-resistant Palmer in RR cotton fields with LIGHT Palmer infestations*
- Resistance Management Practices Reduce herbicide reliance (as practical) 2. Diversify MOAs; Multiple MOAs Multiple MOAs within a crop. Crop rotation; different MOAs
- Resistance Management Practices Reduce herbicide reliance (as practical) Diversify MOAs; Multiple MOAs Multiple MOAs within a crop. Crop rotation; different MOAs Detect resistance early
- Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth: Georgia, 2005
- Detect Resistance Early
- More on glyphosate-resistant Palmer? From 1:30 till 2:45 in Grand Ballroom C - distribution, pollen dispersal, and management How Bad Will Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Become? This Palmer amaranth stuff makes me glad I am 18 months from retirement. Dr. Alan York
- Weed Resistance Learning Module at National Cotton Council Web Site: http://www.cotton.org/ International Survey of Resistant Weeds * http://www.weedscience.org/in.asp Cotton Incorporated is nearing completion of a Resistance Management Bulletin Knowledge Gives Us Hope