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Culpepper, York, Kichler, MacRae
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- Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer amaranth response to weed management programs in Roundup Ready and Liberty Link cotton Culpepper, York, Kichler, MacRae
- Glyphosate-resistant Palmer Amaranth Confirmed 05 06 06 07 07
- Georgia counties sampled for glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth. 2005 2006 2007 (more sites being tested) Confirmed in 83 of 149 fields sampled
- WeatherMax 88 oz at 1 inch WeatherMax 88 oz at 4 inch WeatherMax 88 oz at 12 inch
- Objective Determine if Ignite-based programs were more effective than Roundup-based programs in managing glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth in DRYLAND cotton production
- 2007 Experiment Location: 2 Studies in Macon County
- WeatherMax 66 oz/A WeatherMax 264 oz/A Greater than 98% of population is resistant Palmer less than 2” when treated
- Experiment 1: LL vs RR Systems Split Plot/Factorial Design 2 technologies 6 herbicide systems 2 tillage practices Plot size: 2 rows by 30 feet
- RR Herbicide Systems* *Direx + MSMA applied at layby for each herbicide program. Non-treated control included. Prowl = 2 pt/A; Reflex = 1 pt/A; WMax = 22 oz/A; Dual Magnum = 1 pt/A; Staple LX = 1.7 fl oz/A DP 555 BRR
- LL Herbicide Systems* *Direx + MSMA applied at layby for each herbicide program. Non-treated control included. Prowl = 2 pt/A; Reflex = 1 pt/A; Ignite = 23 oz/A; Dual Magnum = 1 pt/A; Staple LX = 1.7 fl oz/A FM 1735 LLB2
- Cultivated 10 d after POT 1 and POT 2 Applications
- PRE: no rain for 17 days POST 1: 1 lf cotton, 2-4 inch Palmer no rain for 21 d POST 2: 6 lf cotton, 2 inch Palmer (new flush) Weed and Cotton Size
- Direx + MSMA directed over entire trial area. Percent glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth control at harvest. Macon Co., GA. 2007.* + Dual Wmax + Staple Wmax 78 a Prowl PRE 0 c 0 c 30b 70 a 74 a Wmax Wmax Ignite Ignite + Dual Ignite + Staple Ignite POT1 POT2
- WeatherMax 22 oz + Staple LX 2.5 oz/A + NIS 35 DAT, 2” when treated
- WeatherMax 44 oz + Staple LX 5.0 oz/A + NIS 35 DAT, 2” when treated
- WeatherMax 88 oz + Staple LX 10.0 oz/A + NIS 35 DAT, 2” when treated
- WeatherMax 176 oz + Staple LX 15.0 oz/A + NIS 35 DAT, 2” when treated
- Direx + MSMA directed over entire trial area. * denotes improved control by adding Reflex. Percent glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth control at harvest. Macon Co., GA. 2007.* + Dual Wmax + Staple Wmax 78 a Prowl + Reflex 0 c 0 c 30b 70 a 74 a Wmax Wmax Ignite Ignite + Dual Ignite + Staple Ignite * * * * POT1 POT2
- Direx + MSMA directed over entire trial area. * denotes improved control by adding Reflex. Percent glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth control at harvest. Macon Co., GA. 2007.* + Dual Wmax + Staple Wmax 78 a Prowl + Cultivation 0 c 0 c 30b 70 a 74 a Wmax Wmax Ignite Ignite + Dual Ignite + Staple Ignite * * * * POT1 POT2
- Prowl + Reflex PRE and Glyphosate POST. Rainfall 17 d after PRE No Cultivation Cultivation
- Prowl + Reflex PRE and Ignite POST. Rainfall 17 d after PRE No Cultivation Cultivation
- WMAX system Ignite System Prowl + Reflex PRE; WMax or Ignite + Staple POST 1; WMAX or Ignite POST 2; Direx + MSMA Layby
- Direx + MSMA directed over entire trial area. * denotes improved control by adding Reflex. Percent glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth control at harvest. Macon Co., GA. 2007.* + Dual Wmax + Staple Wmax 78 a Prowl + Reflex + Cultivation 0 c 0 c 30b 70 a 74 a Wmax Wmax Ignite Ignite + Dual Ignite + Staple Ignite * * * * *
- Direx + MSMA directed over entire trial area. Seed cotton yield in RR and LL weed management programs. Macon Co., GA. 2007.* + Dual Wmax + Staple Wmax 1113 a Prowl 0 b 0 b 0 b 1012 a 1133a Wmax Wmax Ignite Ignite + Dual Ignite + Staple Ignite
- Direx + MSMA directed over entire trial area. * denotes improved control by adding Reflex. + Dual Wmax + Staple Wmax Prowl + Cultivation Wmax Wmax Ignite Ignite + Dual Ignite + Staple Ignite 1113 a 1012 a 1133a + 831 + 556 + 484 + 400 Seed cotton yield in RR and LL weed management programs. Macon Co., GA. 2007.*
- Exp 2: Evaluating large scale Ignite-based programs Treatments Plot size: 12 rows by 1200 feet; 4 reps PRE None Reflex Direx + Reflex POT1 Ignite Layby Pro + MSMA directed over entire trial area. POT2 Ignite
- Glyphosate-resistant Palmer Amaranth Infesting RR Cotton 2006 – Glyphosate based program in dryland production
- 56 b 97 a 98 a None Direx + Reflex Reflex Percent glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth control at mid-season. Macon Co., GA. 2007.* Ignite POT 1
- 88 b 99 a 99 a None Direx + Reflex Reflex Percent glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth control at mid-season. Macon Co., GA. 2007.* Ignite POT 1 and POT 2 Layby Pro + MSMA directed
- Glyphosate-resistant Palmer Amaranth 2007 – Ignite based program in dryland production Non-treated Direx + Reflex PRE Ignite 2” POST 1 Ignite 2” POST 2 LaybyPro + MSMA layby
- Conclusions Morningglory controlled > 98% by all programs in both experiments. Greater control of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth was noted with Ignite-based programs. Limitations to LL system adoption: Cultivar Selection Spraying Palmer 2 inch or less
- Conclusions 3. Cultivation important for RR & LL programs. 4. LL programs with cultivation provided greatest control, and greatest yields. DP 555 BR - tillage, new herbicide chemistry, or the ability to manage water …... With 555 BR being removed from the market place after 2009….cotton tolerant to Ignite looks very promising!
- Comments? Efforts supported by GA Cotton Commission, Cotton Incorporated, Cotton Foundation, and Industry