TITLE (click title to view slides)
Stanley CulpepperUniversity of Georgia
- 2003 Vegetable Update
- New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003
- New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003
- Roundup WeatherMax
- Roundup WeatherMax: Row Middle Application
- New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003
- Select
- New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003
- Strategy
- Strategy
- Watermelon Injury from Strategy Applied Topical 1 wk After Transplant
- Strategy
- New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003
- Matrix Herbicide
- Matrix Weed Control
- New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003
- Command 3 ME Labels
- Command 3 ME Labels
- New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003
- Sandea (cucumber, cantaloupe, or tomato)
- Sandea (cucumber, cantaloupe, or tomato)
- Equipment
- Sandea (cucumber, cantaloupe, or tomato)
- Cucumber Injury Symptoms from Sandea Applied POST
- Sandea Row Middle Labels
- Sandea for PRE Weed Control
- No herbicide vs Sandea PRE
- Non-treated vs Sandea PRE
- Sandea for POST Weed Control
- Non-treated vs Sandea 2 WAP
- If Sandea is applied under drought stress IT WILL NOT WORK
- Carryover -- Read Label
- Tank Clean Out is Essential
- Gowan Company & Sandea
- CADRE Rotational Issues
- Dacthal Use Rates
- Seeded mustard tolerance to Dacthal applied PRE under irrigation
- Methyl Bromide Alternatives??
- Fumigant Alternatives For Nutsedge
- 2002 Spring Tomato Trial. Meeks Farms, Coffee County.
- 2002 Fall Pepper Trial. TyTy, GA.
- 2001 Results, 2002 Spring Results, 2002 Fall Results
- Soil Properties and Application Method Will Play a Crucial Role
- Methyl Bromide Critical Use Exemption
- 2003 Vegetable Update
- New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003 Roundup WeatherMax Select Strategy Matrix Command Sandea
- New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003 Roundup WeatherMax Select Strategy Matrix Command Sandea
- Roundup WeatherMax Replacing Roundup UltraMax Potassium salt 5.5 lb salt/gal; 4.5 lb ae/gal 30-min rainfree warranty Claim better activity under marginal conditions Better bulk handling characteristics
- Roundup WeatherMaxRow Middle Application Apply as hooded spray, shielded spray, or wiper application in row middles.
- New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003 Roundup WeatherMax Select Strategy Matrix Command Sandea
- Select Collard, kale, mustard, turnip Control of annual and perennial grasses Apply 6 to 8 fl oz per acre Add 1% crop oil concentrate to mix
- New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003 Roundup WeatherMax Select Strategy Matrix Command Sandea
- Strategy cucumbers, melons, squash and watermelons contains 1.6 lb ethalfluralin (Curbit) and 0.5 lb clomazone (Command) per gallon
- Strategy Soil Broadcast Amount of Amount of Texture Rate Curbit Command Coarse 2-3 pt 1-1.5 pt 0.33-0.5 pt Medium 3-4 pt 1.5-2 pt 0.5-0.67 pt Fine 4-6 pt 2-3 pt 0.67-1 pt Georgia use rate for most fields should be 2-3 pt/A.
- Watermelon Injury from Strategy Applied Topical 1 wk After Transplant
- Strategy Apply prior to weed emergence Apply to seeded crop prior to emergence, or apply as a banded spray between rows after crop emergence or transplanting.
- New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003 Roundup WeatherMax Select Strategy Matrix Command Sandea
- Matrix Herbicide Active is rimsulfuron, DuPont product Apply in field grown tomato Apply 1 to 2 oz of product after at least two leaves Add nonionic surfactant
- Matrix Weed Control Specific use herbicide: Annual bluegrass Large crabgrass Foxtails Fall panicm Wild mustard Redroot pigweed Common purslane Wild radish Cocklebur* Lambsquarters* Morningglory* Hairy Nightshade* *Label suggest only suppression of these weeds.
- New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003 Roundup WeatherMax Select Strategy Matrix Command Sandea
- Command 3 ME Labels 2003 cucumber (0.4 to 1.0 pt) apply after seeding or just prior to transplanting melons - musk and watermelon (0.4 to 0.67 pt/A) apply after seeding or just before transplanting lima bean, snap bean, pole bean, southern pea (0.47 to 0.67 pt) – apply after seeding.
- Command 3 ME Labels Be Aware of the Buffer Restrictions and Potential Off-Target Movement
- New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003 Roundup WeatherMax Select Strategy Matrix Command Sandea
- 0.5 to 0.75 oz of product Sandea(cucumber, cantaloupe, or tomato)
- Sandea(cucumber, cantaloupe, or tomato) 0.5 to 0.75 oz of product preemergence true PRE on direct seeded transplants: wait 7 d after application under plastic, prebed then apply after 7 d
- 0.5 to 0.75 oz of product preemergence true PRE on direct seeded transplant: wait 7 d after application under plastic, prebed then apply after 7 d postemergence after the crop has reached the 3-5 true leaf stage, but before flowering no sooner than 14 d after transplant Sandea(cucumber, cantaloupe, or tomato)
- Cucumber Injury Symptoms from Sandea Applied POST
- Sandea Row Middle Labels Fruiting vegetables including pepper and eggplant Cucurbit vegetable group including cantaloupes, melons, cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, watermelon *Label anticipated in near future.
- Sandea for PRE Weed Control common cocklebur wild radish pigweeds common ragweed common lambsquarters yellow nutsedge - suppression purple nutsedge - suppression 2 to 3 weeks residual weed control
- Sandea PRE No herbicide
- Non-treated Control Sandea (0.5 oz/A) PRE W1-00. Halosulfuron study with Ken Lewis in Cordele.
- Sandea for POST Weed Control 1-3 inch 1-9 inch passionflower cocklebur redroot pigweed ragweed pokeweed velvetleaf yellow and purple nutsedge – heavy infestations may require sequential applications 2 to 3 weeks residual weed control
- Non-treated control Sandea (0.5 oz/A) 2 WAP
- If Sandea is applied under drought stress IT WILL NOT WORK
- Carryover – Read Label 12 to 18 months cabbage, radish, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, collards, onion 24 months spinach, sugarbeet
- Tank Clean Out is Essential Colquitt County, 2002, Glenn Beard.
- Gowan Company &
- CADRE Rotational Issues
- Dacthal Use Rates Labeled for many vegetables Label use is 6 to 8 lbs
- Seeded mustard tolerance to Dacthal applied PRE under irrigation. Ponder Farm, Worth County. Fall 2002. % injury
- Methyl Bromide Alternatives??
- Fumigant Alternatives For Nutsedge Telone II Chloropicrin Telone C-35 Vapam, Sectagon K-PAM Various Combinations Added Methyl Iodide in 2003
- 2002 Spring Tomato Trial. Meeks Farms, Coffee County*. Bromide (375 lb/A) Chloropicrin (282 lb/A) Telone II (10 GPA) followed by chloropicrin (150 lb) Vapam (56 GPA) Vapam (75 GPA) Telone C-35 (18 GPA) Telone C-35 (36 GPA) Telone C-35 (18 GPA) + Vapam (37 GPA) Telone C-35 (18 GPA) + Vapam (56 GPA) Non-treated *All rates applied broadcast per acre.
- 2002 Fall Pepper Trial. TyTy, GA*. Bromide (300 lb/A) in bed Telone II broadcast (12 GPA) followed by chloropicrin (150 lb/A) in bed 1 wk later Telone II prebed (12 GPA) followed by chloropicrin (150 lb/A) in bed Telone C-35 (35 GPA) in bed Telone C-35 (35 GPA) prebed Telone C-35 (35 GPA) prebed fb chloropicrin (150 lb/A) in bed Telone C-35 (18 GPA) + K-PAM (46 GPA) prebed *All rates applied broadcast per acre.
- 2001 Results Bromide (300 lb/A) Co-application of C-35 + Vapam Telone C35 2002 Spring Results Bromide (375 lb/A) Telone II fb chloropicrin Telone C-35 (high rate) 2002 Fall Results Bromide (300 lb/A) Telone C-35 prebed fb chloropicrin Telone C-35 in bed Telone II broadcast fb chloropicrin
- Soil Properties and Application Method Will Play A Crucial Role Picture provided by Tony Weiss, Dow Agro.
- Methyl Bromide Critical Use Exemption