Slide Presentation

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Stanley Culpepper
University of Georgia

• Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 3.8 MB)

  1. 2003 Vegetable Update
  2. New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003
  3. New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003
  4. Roundup WeatherMax
  5. Roundup WeatherMax: Row Middle Application
  6. New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003
  7. Select
  8. New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003
  9. Strategy
  10. Strategy
  11. Watermelon Injury from Strategy Applied Topical 1 wk After Transplant
  12. Strategy
  13. New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003
  14. Matrix Herbicide
  15. Matrix Weed Control
  16. New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003
  17. Command 3 ME Labels
  18. Command 3 ME Labels
  19. New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003
  20. Sandea (cucumber, cantaloupe, or tomato)
  21. Sandea (cucumber, cantaloupe, or tomato)
  22. Equipment
  23. Sandea (cucumber, cantaloupe, or tomato)
  24. Cucumber Injury Symptoms from Sandea Applied POST
  25. Sandea Row Middle Labels
  26. Sandea for PRE Weed Control
  27. No herbicide vs Sandea PRE
  28. Non-treated vs Sandea PRE
  29. Sandea for POST Weed Control
  30. Non-treated vs Sandea 2 WAP
  31. If Sandea is applied under drought stress IT WILL NOT WORK
  32. Carryover -- Read Label
  33. Tank Clean Out is Essential
  34. Gowan Company & Sandea
  35. CADRE Rotational Issues
  36. Dacthal Use Rates
  37. Seeded mustard tolerance to Dacthal applied PRE under irrigation
  38. Methyl Bromide Alternatives??
  39. Fumigant Alternatives For Nutsedge
  40. 2002 Spring Tomato Trial. Meeks Farms, Coffee County.
  41. 2002 Fall Pepper Trial. TyTy, GA.
  42. 2001 Results, 2002 Spring Results, 2002 Fall Results
  43. Soil Properties and Application Method Will Play a Crucial Role
  44. Methyl Bromide Critical Use Exemption

  1. 2003 Vegetable Update
  2. New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003 Roundup WeatherMax Select Strategy Matrix Command Sandea
  3. New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003 Roundup WeatherMax Select Strategy Matrix Command Sandea
  4. Roundup WeatherMax Replacing Roundup UltraMax Potassium salt 5.5 lb salt/gal; 4.5 lb ae/gal 30-min rainfree warranty Claim better activity under marginal conditions Better bulk handling characteristics
  5. Roundup WeatherMax Row Middle Application Apply as hooded spray, shielded spray, or wiper application in row middles.
  6. New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003 Roundup WeatherMax Select Strategy Matrix Command Sandea
  7. Select Collard, kale, mustard, turnip Control of annual and perennial grasses Apply 6 to 8 fl oz per acre Add 1% crop oil concentrate to mix
  8. New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003 Roundup WeatherMax Select Strategy Matrix Command Sandea
  9. Strategy cucumbers, melons, squash and watermelons contains 1.6 lb ethalfluralin (Curbit) and 0.5 lb clomazone (Command) per gallon
  10. Strategy Soil Broadcast Amount of Amount of Texture Rate Curbit Command Coarse 2-3 pt 1-1.5 pt 0.33-0.5 pt Medium 3-4 pt 1.5-2 pt 0.5-0.67 pt Fine 4-6 pt 2-3 pt 0.67-1 pt Georgia use rate for most fields should be 2-3 pt/A.
  11. Watermelon Injury from Strategy Applied Topical 1 wk After Transplant
  12. Strategy Apply prior to weed emergence Apply to seeded crop prior to emergence, or apply as a banded spray between rows after crop emergence or transplanting.
  13. New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003 Roundup WeatherMax Select Strategy Matrix Command Sandea
  14. Matrix Herbicide Active is rimsulfuron, DuPont product Apply in field grown tomato Apply 1 to 2 oz of product after at least two leaves Add nonionic surfactant
  15. Matrix Weed Control Specific use herbicide: Annual bluegrass Large crabgrass Foxtails Fall panicm Wild mustard Redroot pigweed Common purslane Wild radish Cocklebur* Lambsquarters* Morningglory* Hairy Nightshade* *Label suggest only suppression of these weeds.
  16. New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003 Roundup WeatherMax Select Strategy Matrix Command Sandea
  17. Command 3 ME Labels 2003 cucumber (0.4 to 1.0 pt) apply after seeding or just prior to transplanting melons - musk and watermelon (0.4 to 0.67 pt/A) apply after seeding or just before transplanting lima bean, snap bean, pole bean, southern pea (0.47 to 0.67 pt) – apply after seeding.
  18. Command 3 ME Labels Be Aware of the Buffer Restrictions and Potential Off-Target Movement
  19. New Vegetable Herbicides for 2003 Roundup WeatherMax Select Strategy Matrix Command Sandea
  20. 0.5 to 0.75 oz of product Sandea (cucumber, cantaloupe, or tomato)
  21. Sandea (cucumber, cantaloupe, or tomato) 0.5 to 0.75 oz of product preemergence true PRE on direct seeded transplants: wait 7 d after application under plastic, prebed then apply after 7 d
  22. 0.5 to 0.75 oz of product preemergence true PRE on direct seeded transplant: wait 7 d after application under plastic, prebed then apply after 7 d postemergence after the crop has reached the 3-5 true leaf stage, but before flowering no sooner than 14 d after transplant Sandea (cucumber, cantaloupe, or tomato)
  23. Cucumber Injury Symptoms from Sandea Applied POST
  24. Sandea Row Middle Labels Fruiting vegetables including pepper and eggplant Cucurbit vegetable group including cantaloupes, melons, cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, watermelon *Label anticipated in near future.
  25. Sandea for PRE Weed Control common cocklebur wild radish pigweeds common ragweed common lambsquarters yellow nutsedge - suppression purple nutsedge - suppression 2 to 3 weeks residual weed control
  26. Sandea PRE No herbicide
  27. Non-treated Control Sandea (0.5 oz/A) PRE W1-00. Halosulfuron study with Ken Lewis in Cordele.
  28. Sandea for POST Weed Control 1-3 inch 1-9 inch passionflower cocklebur redroot pigweed ragweed pokeweed velvetleaf yellow and purple nutsedge – heavy infestations may require sequential applications 2 to 3 weeks residual weed control
  29. Non-treated control Sandea (0.5 oz/A) 2 WAP
  30. If Sandea is applied under drought stress IT WILL NOT WORK
  31. Carryover – Read Label 12 to 18 months cabbage, radish, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, collards, onion 24 months spinach, sugarbeet
  32. Tank Clean Out is Essential Colquitt County, 2002, Glenn Beard.
  33. Gowan Company &
  34. CADRE Rotational Issues
  35. Dacthal Use Rates Labeled for many vegetables Label use is 6 to 8 lbs
  36. Seeded mustard tolerance to Dacthal applied PRE under irrigation. Ponder Farm, Worth County. Fall 2002. % injury
  37. Methyl Bromide Alternatives??
  38. Fumigant Alternatives For Nutsedge Telone II Chloropicrin Telone C-35 Vapam, Sectagon K-PAM Various Combinations Added Methyl Iodide in 2003
  39. 2002 Spring Tomato Trial. Meeks Farms, Coffee County*. Bromide (375 lb/A) Chloropicrin (282 lb/A) Telone II (10 GPA) followed by chloropicrin (150 lb) Vapam (56 GPA) Vapam (75 GPA) Telone C-35 (18 GPA) Telone C-35 (36 GPA) Telone C-35 (18 GPA) + Vapam (37 GPA) Telone C-35 (18 GPA) + Vapam (56 GPA) Non-treated *All rates applied broadcast per acre.
  40. 2002 Fall Pepper Trial. TyTy, GA*. Bromide (300 lb/A) in bed Telone II broadcast (12 GPA) followed by chloropicrin (150 lb/A) in bed 1 wk later Telone II prebed (12 GPA) followed by chloropicrin (150 lb/A) in bed Telone C-35 (35 GPA) in bed Telone C-35 (35 GPA) prebed Telone C-35 (35 GPA) prebed fb chloropicrin (150 lb/A) in bed Telone C-35 (18 GPA) + K-PAM (46 GPA) prebed *All rates applied broadcast per acre.
  41. 2001 Results Bromide (300 lb/A) Co-application of C-35 + Vapam Telone C35 2002 Spring Results Bromide (375 lb/A) Telone II fb chloropicrin Telone C-35 (high rate) 2002 Fall Results Bromide (300 lb/A) Telone C-35 prebed fb chloropicrin Telone C-35 in bed Telone II broadcast fb chloropicrin
  42. Soil Properties and Application Method Will Play A Crucial Role Picture provided by Tony Weiss, Dow Agro.
  43. Methyl Bromide Critical Use Exemption