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Canola Weed Management
Eric P. Prostko
Tim Grey
Extension Weed Specialist and Research Weed Scientist
The University of Georgia
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Canola Weed Management
Before Getting Started
Canola Rotation Restrictions
Avoid Planting Canola in Wild Radish/Mustard Fields
Follow All UGA Recommended Production Practices
Herbicides For Use in Georgia Canola
Trifluralin in Canola
Clearfield Canola Production Systems
Rotational Crop Restrictions for Beyond
Weed Control in Clearfield Canola with Beyond
Other Types of Herbicide- Resistant Canola
Weed Control in RR-Canola with Roundup Weathermax 5.5SL
Weed Control in LL-Canola with Liberty 1.67SL
UGA Weed Science
CANOLA WEED MANAGEMENT Eric P. Prostko and Tim L. Grey Extension Weed Specialist and Research Weed Scientist The University of Georgia April 2007
Before Getting Started What herbicides were used in previous crops? Canola is very sensitive to herbicide residues!!
Canola Rotation Restrictions FB = Field Bioassay
Avoid Planting Canola in Wild Radish/Mustard Fields
Follow All UGA Recommended Production Practices Adapted Variety Planting Date North Zone (September 10 to October 25) South Zone (October 10 to November 15) Row Spacing (6-12”) Seeding Rate (4-6 lbs/A) Fertility Management
Herbicides For Use in Georgia Canola Glyphosate at-planting but before crop emergence Treflan,Trilin, etc. PPI Select/Arrow, Poast, Assure/Targa POST (grass control) Beyond POST Clearfield varieties only!!!!
Trifluralin in Canola Incorporate to depth of 2-3” within 24 hours of application 2-pass system 0.50-0.75 lb ai/A some control of winter annual grasses, henbit, and chickweed no control of wild radish/mustard Better than nothing!
Clearfield Canola Production Systems Non-GMO Beyond (imazamox) is only herbicide registered for use in U.S. Based on UGA field trials, eliminates concerns for Cadre (imazapic) carryover problems. However, Clearfield canola is NOT listed on Cadre label.
Clearfield Canola varieties only!!!!! Beyond 1AS (imazamox) 4 oz/A + NIS @ 0.25% v/v + UAN @ 2.5% v/v weeds less than 3” tall In UGA field trials, Beyond has provided good to excellent control of Italian ryegrass, wild radish and shepherd’s-purse when applied between 24 and 37 DAP. $515/gal ($16.09/A)
ROTATIONAL CROP RESTRICTIONS FOR BEYOND 3 months = wheat 4 months = barley, rye 8.5 months = field/sweet corn 9 months = cabbage, cantaloupe, carrot, cotton, cucumber, grain sorghum, oats, onion, peanut, pepper, tobacco, tomato, turnip, watermelon 18 months = non-Clearfield canola
Weed Control in Clearfield Canola with Beyond 1AS (4 oz/A) + COC (1% v/v) + 37% UAN (2 qts/A) Grey et al. 2006. Weed Technology 20:551-557
Stinger clopyralid labeled but not yet recommended by UGA 3 lb ai/gal 4-8 oz/A ($15-30/A) 2 to 6 leaf stage of canola 50 day PHI Canada thistle, sowthistle, dandelion, chamomile Rotations 0 months = field corn, wheat, barley, oats 10.5 months = grain sorghum, onions, sunflowers 18 months = all other crops
Other Types of Herbicide- Resistant Canola Roundup-Ready (RR) Liberty-Link (LL) both are not currently labeled for use in Georgia Why? Developed after Georgia stopped growing canola on a commercial basis varieties more susceptible to blackleg volunteer problem in other RR crops herbicide resistance issues
Weed Control in RR-Canola with Roundup Weathermax 5.5SL (22 oz/A) Grey et al. 2006. Weed Technology 20:551-557
Weed Control in LL-Canola with Liberty 1.67SL (34 oz/A) + 21% AMS (3 lb/A) Grey et al. 2006. Weed Technology 20:551-557
UGA Weed Science