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Culpepper, Kichler, Sosnoskie, York, Sammons, Nichols

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  1. Integrating cover crop residue and moldboard plowing into glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth management programs
  2. Dryland production with severe GR Palmer Infestation
  3. Palmer Amaranth Plants During Early Season
  4. No Deep Tillage vs Deep Turned
  5. Conservation Tillage is Very Important To the Southeast
  6. Percent reduction in Palmer emergence by cover crops without herbicides
  7. Prowl + Cotoran PRE fb Roundup + Dual fb Direx + MSMA PD
  8. Objective
  9. Experimental Location: Macon County, 2009
  10. Experimental Design
  11. Two Deep Tillage Options
  12. Two Cover Crop Options
  13. Four Herbicide Options
  14. Herbicides and Rates
  15. Methods
  16. Rainfall
  17. Herbicide Injury
  18. Herbicide Injury
  19. Reduction in Palmer emergence as affected by deep turning/cover crop residue at 16 DAP
  20. GR Palmer amaranth control at harvest with Roundup-based systems
  21. GR Palmer amaranth response to glyphosate.
  22. Palmer amaranth response to deep tillage
  23. Palmer amaranth response to cover crops
  24. Palmer amaranth response to deep tillage and cover crops
  25. Seed cotton yield (lb/A) with Roundup-based systems
  26. Palmer amaranth response to deep tillage and cover crops
  27. GR Palmer amaranth control at harvest with Ignite-based systems
  28. Seed cotton yield (lb/A) with Ignite-based systems
  29. Conclusions -- Tillage/Cover
  30. Conclusions -- RR System
  31. Conclusions -- Ignite System

  1. Integrating cover crop residue and moldboard plowing into glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth management programs Culpepper, Kichler, Sosnoskie, York, Sammons, Nichols
  2. Staple + Reflex + Direx PRE Roundup WMax + Parrlay POST Direx + MSMA Layby Dryland production with severe GR Palmer Infestation.
  3. No Deep Tillage Deep Turn No Herbicide Treatment Palmer Amaranth Plants During Early Season. Macon Co., Georgia 2008.*
  4. No Deep Tillage Deep Turned Prowl H20 + Reflex PRE; WeatherMax + Dual Magnum POST; Direx + MSMA Layby
  5. Conservation Tillage is Very Important To the Southeast
  6. Percent reduction in Palmer emergence by cover crops without herbicides. GA and NC. 2007. 42 DAP.* *Compared to the no cover conventionally tilled system. 38 b 53 ab 40 b 57 a wheat biomass rye biomass
  7. Prowl + Cotoran PRE fb Roundup + Dual fb Direx + MSMA PD Conv Strip-Till
  8. Objective Determine the impacts of integrating both deep turning and intense cover crop residues in Roundup- and Ignite-based programs.
  9. Experimental Location: Macon County, 2009
  10. Experimental Design Factorial: 2 deep tillage options 2 cover crop options 4 herbicide systems
  11. Two Deep Tillage Options deep turn or no deep turn All land was disked prior to planting
  12. Two Cover Crop Options rye (75 lb/A) or no rye 2009 rye emerging through 2008 rye residue
  13. Four Herbicide Options no herbicide WMax: 1, 5, 15 lf cotton 3. Staple + Direx + Reflex PRE; Wmax + Parrlay POST 5 lf; Direx + MSMA LPD 13 lf Staple + Direx + Reflex PRE; Ignite (29 oz) + Parrlay POST 5 lf Direx + MSMA LPD 13 lf
  14. Herbicides and Rates Roundup-based program: DP 0949 B2RF Ignite –based program: PHY 485 WRF
  15. Methods Plot size: 4 rows by 50 feet Herbicide applications: 15 GPA Palmer emergence: row and row middle Cotton Injury: 7-10 d after applications Weed control: late-season reported Harvest: two center rows
  16. Rainfall Rainfall on PRE’s: 0.25” at 4 d; 0.75” at 5 d Rainfall on Parrlay: 0.77” at 3 d Rainfall on Layby: 1.1” at 5 d
  17. Herbicide Injury Reflex PRE 12 to 15% at 10 DAT Minor injury noted thorough 27 DAT
  18. Herbicide Injury RU + Parrlay 9 to 12% at 7 DAT Ignite + Parrlay 19 to 21% at 7 DAT No visual injury detected 9 d later.
  19. 65 b Drill Middle percent 47 c 46 c Reduction in Palmer emergence as affected by deep turning/cover crop residue at 16 DAP. Macon Co., GA 2009. Rye cover Deep turn + Rye cover 96 a 94 a 50 c Deep turn Drill Middle Drill Middle Non-treated: 620 plant/m2. No herbicides applied.
  20. 81 b No deep turn No Cover Deep turn No cover Rye 7 foot when killed, rolled, planted. Deep turn 12 inch in previous fall. Herbicide program: Direx + Reflex + Staple PRE; RU + Parrlay POST, Direx + MSMA at layby. percent 63 c 80 b 98 a GR Palmer amaranth control at harvest with Roundup-based systems. Macon Co., GA 2009. No deep turn Rye Cover Deep turn Rye Cover
  21. GR Palmer amaranth response to glyphosate. Macon County, GA. 2009. No-herbicide control Glyphosate 3 X
  22. Staple + Reflex + Direx PRE Roundup WMax + Parrlay POST Direx + MSMA Layby No deep tillage No cover crop Deep tillage No cover crop Palmer amaranth response to deep tillage. Macon County, GA. 2009.
  23. Staple + Reflex + Direx PRE Roundup WMax + Parrlay POST Direx + MSMA Layby No deep tillage No cover crop No deep tillage Rye cover crop Palmer amaranth response to cover crops. Macon County, GA. 2009.
  24. Staple + Reflex + Direx PRE Roundup WMax + Parrlay POST Direx + MSMA Layby No deep tillage No cover crop Deep tillage Rye cover crop Palmer amaranth response to deep tillage and cover crops. Macon County, GA. 2009.
  25. 1627 b No deep turn No Cover Deep turn No cover Rye 7 foot when killed, rolled, planted. Deep turn 12 inch in previous fall. Herbicide program: Direx + Reflex + Staple PRE; RU + Parrlay POST, Direx + MSMA at layby. 1298 d 1524 bc 2078 a Seed cotton yield (lb/A) with Roundup-based systems. Macon Co., GA 2009. No deep turn Rye Cover Deep turn Rye Cover
  26. Staple + Reflex + Direx PRE Roundup WMax + Parrlay POST Direx + MSMA Layby No deep tillage No cover crop Palmer amaranth response to deep tillage and cover crops. Macon County, GA. 2009. Staple + Reflex + Direx PRE Ignite + Parrlay POST Direx + MSMA Layby No deep tillage No cover crop
  27. 97 a No deep turn No Cover Deep turn No cover Rye 7 foot when killed, rolled, planted. Deep turn 12 inch in previous fall. Herbicide program: Direx + Reflex + Staple PRE; Ignite + Parrlay POST, Direx + MSMA at layby. percent 97 a 98 a 99 a No deep turn Rye Cover Deep turn Rye Cover GR Palmer amaranth control at harvest with Ignite-based systems. Macon Co., GA 2009.
  28. 1810 bc No deep turn No Cover Deep turn No cover Rye 7 foot when killed, rolled, planted. Deep turn 12 inch in previous fall. Herbicide program: Direx + Reflex + Staple PRE; RU + Parrlay POST, Direx + MSMA at layby. 1552 d 1715 cd 2090 a Seed cotton yield (lb/A) with Ignite-based systems. Macon Co., GA 2009. No deep turn Rye Cover Deep turn Rye Cover
  29. Conclusions – Tillage/Cover Heavy residue reduced pigweed emergence 50 (row) to 94% (middle). Deep turning reduced pigweed emergence 46 to 47%. Deep turning and cover crop residue reduced Palmer emergence 65 (row) to 96% (middle).
  30. Conclusions – RR System Deep turning or cover crops improved late-season control 17 to 18%. Deep turning plus cover crops improved late-season control 35%. Yields followed trends with Palmer control but was influenced by tillage/cover crop residue.
  31. Conclusions – Ignite System Palmer control at least 97%; more effective than RR systems except when using deep turning and cover crop residue. Yields were increased 10% (numerical) by deep turning, 15% with cover crop, and 26% with deep turning plus cover crops.
  32. QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? Culpepper, Kichler, Sosnoskie, York, Sammons, Nichols