Slide Presentation

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Dr. Eric P. Prostko
Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
Tifton, GA

• Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 1.3 MB)

  1. Options For Controlling Florida Beggarweed in Peanuts
  2. Florida Beggarweed Picture
  3. Top 10 Most Troublesome Weeds in Georgia Peanuts
  4. Florida Beggarweed Identification
  5. Florida Beggarweed History
  6. Florida Beggarweed Biology
  7. Florida Beggarweed Competition in Peanuts
  8. Weed Competition in Peanuts: Critical Periods (weeks)
  9. Florida Beggarweed Control: Current Options
  10. Florida Beggarweed Control: The Future
  11. Spartan 4F
  12. Strongarm 84WDG
  13. Valor 50WDG
  14. Florida Beggarweed Control
  15. Crop Rotation Restrictions (months)
  16. Summary of New Products

  1. Options For Controlling Florida Beggarweed in Peanuts Dr. Eric P. Prostko Extension Weed Specialist University of Georgia Tifton
  2. PPT Slide
  3. Top 10 Most Troublesome Weeds in Georgia Peanuts Fla. Beggarweed nutsedge tropic croton sicklepod Texas panicum bristly starbur morningglories wild poinsettia citronmelon pigweeds Webster and MacDonald, 1999
  4. Florida Beggarweed Identification seed seedling flower
  5. Florida Beggarweed History a.k.a. - Beggar’s-lice, beggarstick, Cherokee clover, cockshead, Florida clover, stick-tight, West Indian honeysuckle first collected in Mexico and Jamaica (1700’s) prior to 1950’s was a popular forage and cover crop
  6. Florida Beggarweed Biology Desmodium tortuosum warm-season annual legume growth up to 6+’ germination (68-1110F) emergence from 3” 12,500 seeds/plant
  7. Florida Beggarweed Competition in Peanuts 1 Florida beggarweed plant per m2 can reduced peanuts yields 14-27 lbs/A !!!! Hauser et al. 1982
  8. Weed Competition in Peanuts Critical Periods (weeks)
  9. Florida Beggarweed Control Current Options Zorial - PRE Starfire + Storm or Basagran - AC Tough + 2,4-DB - EPOST (3”) Cadre - EPOST (2”) Classic - LPOST (10”) new products
  10. Florida Beggarweed Control The Future Spartan Strongarm Valor
  11. Spartan 4F FMC introduced in 1991 sulfentrazone triazolinone family PPO oxidase inhibitor PPI or PRE up to 8 ozs/A (4F)
  12. Strongarm 84WDG Dow AgroSciences introduced in 1995 diclosulam sulfonanilide family ALS/AHAS inhibitor PPI or PRE 0.45 oz/A
  13. Valor 50WDG Valent introduced in 1989 flumioxazin N-phenylphthalimide derivative PPO oxidase inhibitor PRE 2-3 ozs/A
  14. Florida Beggarweed Control
  15. Crop Rotation Restrictions (months)
  16. Summary of New Products crop safety concerns new products will help control beggarweed rotational concerns When will they be labeled??? How much will they cost??