Slide Presentation

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Dr. Eric P. Prostko
Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
Tifton, GA

• Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 2.8 MB)

  1. Integrating Soil Applied Herbicides Into A Peanut Weed Management System
  2. The Peanut Weed Control Toolbox
  3. Why do you need a soil applied herbicide?
  4. Peanut Yield in Response to PPI Herbicides
  5. Dollar Return in Response to PPI Herbicides
  6. Which one should I use?
  7. Some Specific Comments
  8. Prowl vs. Sonalan: The Never-Ending Debate
  9. Valor Injury - 2001
  10. Valor Performance - 2001
  11. Valor in Peanuts - 2002
  12. Strongarm: How Should It Be Used in GA?
  13. Dual Dilemma
  14. Peanut yield in response to PPI applications of Dual in GA (1985-87)
  15. The Influence of Dual II Magnum (PRE) on Peanut Yields - 2001
  16. Soil Applied Pursuit in Peanut
  17. Zorial in Peanut
  18. Summary
  19. UGA Extension Weed Science

  1. Integrating Soil Applied Herbicides Into A Peanut Weed Management System Dr. Eric P. Prostko Extension Weed Specialist University of Georgia Tifton
  2. The Peanut Weed Control Toolbox
  3. Why do you need a soil applied herbicide? some weeds can only be controlled with soil applied herbicides (Florida pusley) ALS-resistant pigweed absence of soil applied herbicide requires more management consistent weed control, higher yields, greater economic returns
  4. Peanut Yield in Response to PPI Herbicides Averaged over 6 POST Treatments LSD 0.05 = 579 Frio Co., TX (1997)
  5. Dollar Return in Response to PPI Herbicides (Averaged over 6 POST treatments) LSD (0.05) = 177 Frio Co., TX (1997)
  6. Which one should I use? weed species rotational restrictions cost/A historical performance preference
  7. Some Specific Comments Prowl vs. Sonalan Valor vs. Strongarm Dual Dilemma Pursuit Zorial
  8. Prowl vs. Sonalan The Never-Ending Debate same family similar structures inconclusive data personal preference flip a coin
  9. Valor Injury - 2001
  10. Valor Performance - 2001 Valor No Valor Irwin Co, 2001
  11. Valor in Peanuts - 2002 Suggestions calibration pre-slurry plant 1.5” deep apply at planting do not irrigate when cracking hull scrape limited acreage
  12. Strongarm How Should It Be Used in GA? use where starbur, eclipta, and copperleaf are problems tank-mix with DNA irrigate in if possible variable on nutsedge poor sicklepod control
  13. Dual Dilemma crop injury concerns other causes of J -rooting research indicates acceptable tolerance at normal rates application method (AC or EPOST) If you need it, use it!!
  14. Peanut yield in response to PPI applications of Dual in GA (1985-87). Cardina and Swann, 1988
  15. The Influence of Dual II Magnum (PRE) on Peanut Yields - 2001 C99R Averaged over 5 rates of Spartan Attapulgus P = 0.53
  16. Soil Applied Pursuit in Peanut cheaper than Cadre similar broadleaf control less effective on nutsedge split applications are best (PPI+PRE or PPI+EPOST) Can you still use Cadre?
  17. Zorial in Peanut good annual grass control except PANTE good control of beggarweed, croton, burgherkin crop injury cost/A ($20) rotation restrictions
  18. Summary Soil applied herbicides increase consistency, yields, and returns. Selection should be based upon weed species, rotations, and cost.
  19. University of Georgia Extension Weed Science (