Slide Presentation

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Tim R. Murphy
The University of Georgia

• Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 6.2 MB)

  1. Weed Management on Athletic Fields
  2. Athletic Field - Agronomic Problems
  3. Athletic Fields - People Problems
  4. Hit or Miss, or A Planned Program
  5. Practical Tips
  6. Georgia Posting Rule
  7. Bermudagrass Athletic Fields
  8. Bermudagrass Athletic Fields
  9. Bermudagrass - The Big Three
  10. Bermudagrass - Summer
  11. Non-overseeded Bermudagrass - Winter
  12. Summer or Winter
  13. Athletic Fields - Preemergence Herbicides
  14. Dinitroanilines
  15. Dithiopyr
  16. DNA Root inhibition
  17. More Practical Tips
  18. Problem Athletic Field Weeds
  19. Annual Bluegrass
  20. Non-Overseeded Bermudagrass
  21. Crabgrass
  22. Goosegrass
  23. Sedge Herbicides - Turfgrasses
  24. Green (perennial) kyllinga
  25. Kyllinga spp. (Kyllinga spp.)
  26. Kyllinga spp. - Control
  28. Dallisgrass Control with MSMA
  29. Dallisgrass Control with MSMA
  30. Overseeded Bermudagrass
  31. Overseeded Bermudagrass
  32. Bermudagrass Transition Issues
  33. Bermudagrass Growth
  34. Accelerating Transition
  35. Bermudagrass Transition Options
  36. Health and vigor of bermudagrass is exceedingly important to a smooth transition
  37. Questions?

  1. Weed Management on Athletic Fields Tim R. Murphy Crop and Soil Sciences The University of Georgia
  2. Athletic Field - Agronomic Problems Excessive wear and damage Lack of recovery time Compaction Poor drainage
  3. Athletic Fields - People Problems Lack of equipment, personnel, chemicals, irrigation (MONEY) Poor maintenance practices Untrained maintenance personnel Constant use schedules Low budgets - high expectations
  4. Hit or Miss Or A Planned Program
  5. Practical Tips Use only labeled herbicides Get the right equipment Train your applicator Calibrate all equipment Control weeds during the off-season or off-times
  6. Georgia Posting Rule Chapter 40-21-5 Administered by Georgia Department of Agriculture 24 hour re-entry restriction for all pesticides Contact Georgia Department of Agriculture for additional information
  7. Bermudagrass Athletic Fields
  8. Bermudagrass Athletic Fields
  9. Bermudagrass - The Big Three Simazine (Princep, Wynstar, etc.) MSMA or DSMA 2,4-D (possibly a 2-way or three-way)
  10. Bermudagrass - Summer Use MSMA for postemergence control of weedy grasses 2 appl. for crabgrass, 7 to 10 day interval 3 appl. for dallisgrass and bahiagrass, 5 day interval Will help on nutsedge control
  11. Non-overseeded Bermudagrass - Winter Simazine or atrazine Apply 1.0 lb. ai/acre in November Repeat in January if necessary Will control annual bluegrass, common chickweed, lawn burweed, henbit, etc. Poor control of wild garlic/onion and perennial broadleaf weeds
  12. Summer or Winter Use 2,4-D alone or in 2-way or 3-way herbicides for wild/garlic onion and broadleaf weed control. Can be used on overseeded fields after 3 to 4 mowings on perennial ryegrass Tank-mix in summer with MSMA (do compatibility test) (Quadmec, Trimec Plus) Avoid green-up and hot summer day applications
  13. Athletic Fields - Preemergence Herbicides Be careful on severely damaged fields Most PRE herbicides affect root development from stolon nodes Select oxadiazon products Does not affect root development from stolon nodes On non-damaged healthy fields numerous herbicides may be used
  14. Dinitroanilines Benefin - Balan Oryzalin - Surflan Pendimethalin - Pendulum Prodiamine - Barricade Trifluralin – an a.i. in Team Used on most cool- and warm-season turfgrasses Shoot and root absorbed, no translocation Inhibit cell division
  15. Dithiopyr Dimension MOA is similar to dinitroanilines Shoot and root absorbed, no translocation Inhibit cell division (tubulin formation)
  16. DNA Root inhibition pendimethalin on zoysiagrass Dimension on bermudagrass Surflan on St. Augustinegrass Swollen, club shaped roots prevent “rooting down”
  17. More Practical Tips Observe posting regulation Water-in (0.5 inch) all preemergence herbicides Make applications on off-days, or off-times Use a 20 to 40 gpa spray volume Avoid post-herbicide use at air temperatures > 90 F. and during spring transition
  18. Problem Athletic Field Weeds Annual Bluegrass Goosegrass, Crabgrass Dallisgrass Sedge(s)
  19. Annual Bluegrass Fall preemergence late-Nov. - atrazine, simazine mid-Jan. - atrazine, simazine, Sencor, Kerb Dormant period - Roundup Pro, Finale
  20. Non-Overseeded Bermudagrass Numerous PRE and POST options for annual bluegrass Triazines – standard, but resistance increasing Kerb – works, costly, lateral run-off Pre’s – work, but DNA resistance is here Glyphosate – works, partial dormancy Diquat – ineffective
  21. Crabgrass Mid-Feb. - March - apply Pre repeat 8 wks later if 1/2 rate is used Summer - MSMA repeat 2x, 7 day interval, will not control goosegrass Summer - Drive one application, apply to seedling or big crabgrass, control of 1 to 4 tiller crabgrass is not consistent, will not control goosegrass
  22. Goosegrass Mid-Feb. - March - apply Pre repeat 8 wks later if 1/2 rate is used Summer - MSMA + Sencor repeat 2x, 7 day interval, controls crabgrass Summer - Sencor repeat in 7 d, fair control crabgrass, more injury than MSMA alone
  23. Sedge Herbicides - Turfgrasses Basagran T/O - yellow, annual sedges Manage - yellow, purple, annual sedges MSMA/DSMA - yellow, purple, annual sedges Image - yellow, purple, annual sedges Monument - yellow, purple, annual sedges Pennant - yellow, annual sedges
  24. Green (perennial) kyllinga
  25. Kyllinga spp. (Kyllinga spp.) Sedge family Annuals and perennials Reproduce by seed and rhizomes No tuber formation Thrive in wet soils Increasing in severity Lack of MSMA use??
  26. Kyllinga spp. - Control Image Image + MSMA Manage Monument Continued applications of MSMA/DSMA Repeat applications will be needed
  27. MSMA, DSMA, CMA Organic arsenicals Post only, no soil activity Crabgrass, other annual grasses Weak on goosegrass Nutsedge Dallisgrass - tough to control
  28. Dallisgrass Control with MSMA Apply during good growing conditions 2 to 3 applications 5 to 7 days apart Stay on schedule!!! Avoid temperatures over 900 F. Need 24 hour rainfree period
  29. Dallisgrass Control with MSMA 1976 - late July 1977 - August 1 7 day intervals
  30. Overseeded Bermudagrass It sure is pretty but……. Cost and difficulty of controlling annual bluegrass increases Perennial ryegrass becomes a weed during transition Usually chemical removal is required Broadleaf and wild garlic control No problem Delay application until after 2 to 4 mowings
  31. Overseeded Bermudagrass Options for annual bluegrass Kerb - 60 to 90 days (or charcoal) Dimension – 8 wks Barricade – 8 wks, not recommended on label Balan – low rate, 6 weeks Rubigan – cost limits use to greens Prograss – greenup issue TranXit and Revolver – 2 weeks before seeding
  32. Bermudagrass Transition Issues Heat tolerance of ryegrass Renegade ryegrass Poa trivialis lives longer than expected Competition to bermudagrass Long-term effects on bermudagrass When do you accelerate transition?
  33. Bermudagrass Growth When do you accelerate transition? Minimal root growth < 50 F. soil temp. Optimum root growth 75-85 F. soil temp. Shoot growth ceases < 55 F. air temp. Optimum shoot growth 80-95 F. Need night air temps. of mid-60s F.
  34. Accelerating Transition Delay application until bermudagrass is in active spring growth. Know 30 day forecast No green-brown-green!! (on most sites) Need green-green
  35. Bermudagrass Transition Options Slow – 4 to 6 wks Kerb Embark (repeats) Cultural techniques Fast – 10 to 30 days Katana TranXit Manor Revolver Momentum Battalion
  36. Health and vigor of bermudagrass is exceedingly important to a smooth transition.
  37. Questions ????????