Slide Presentation

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Eric P. Prostko
Extension Weed Specialist
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
The University of Georgia


  1. Peanut Agent Training - 2008
  2. Topic For Discussion
  3. 2005 ALS-Resistant Pigweed Survey Results
  4. GA Confirmed Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Sites
  5. Herbicide Modes of Action Info
  6. Harvest Aid Label
  7. Managing Palmer Amaranth
  8. Palmer Amaranth Control in Peanuts Valor SX 51WG
  9. Palmer Amaranth Control in Peanuts: Dual Magnum
  10. ALS Susceptible Population: Strongarm + Valor (PRE) fb Cobra (POST)
  11. Residual Herbicides Must Be Activated!!!!!!
  12. This is what a 2' pigweed looks like!!!!
  13. Provost
  14. Provost (10.7 oz/A) + Fulbor + Penatrator Plus + 2,4-DB
  15. Peanut Phytotoxicity and Provost
  16. Probable Provost Label Changes
  17. Butoxone
  18. Injury
  19. Contaminated Lots
  20. What will 2,4-D and dicamba do to peanuts????
  21. What will 2,4-D and dicamba do to peanuts????
  22. Why is this important?
  23. Classic
  24. The Influence of Classic on the Incidence of TSWV (2000-2007)
  25. The Influence of Classic on Peanut Yield (2000-2007)
  26. UGA Weed Science

  1. Peanut Agent Training - 2008 Eric P. Prostko Extension Weed Specialist Department of Crop & Soil Sciences The University of Georgia
  2. Topic For Discussion Resistance Update Modes of Action Info Aim – Harvest Aid label Palmer Amaranth Provost Issues 2,4-DB Issues Classic Update 15 locations 6 varieties
  3. 2005 ALS-Resistant Pigweed Survey Results 61 peanut fields in 21 counties All populations had some level of resistance to Cadre. Populations were also cross-resistant to Staple and Classic. None were resistant to glyphosate
  4. GA Confirmed Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Sites 2005 2006 May 8, 2007 Current Testing 2007
  5. Herbicide Modes of Action Info New Table in 2008 Pest Control Handbook MOA’s listed in crop sections
  6. September 2007 1-2 oz/A NIS or COC 7 day PHI Morningglory Pigweed Spiderwort Harvest Aid Label
  7. Managing Palmer Amaranth Know the enemy Lots of seed Grows 1-2”/day Very competitive Resistant or not?? ALS or GR Residual herbicide Activation irrigation or incorporation Timely POST’s Avoid overusing PPO’s
  8. Palmer Amaranth Control in Peanuts Macon County, GA – 2007 (38 DAT) NTC Valor SX 51WG @ 3 oz/A
  9. Palmer Amaranth Control in Peanuts Macon County, GA – 2007 (38 DAT) NTC Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 1 pt/A
  10. NTC Strongarm + Valor (PRE) fb Cobra (POST PE-17-07 (13 days after POST, 42 DAP) ALS-susceptible population
  11. Residual Herbicides Must Be Activated!!!!!! Rainfall Irrigation Herbicide incorporation Conventional tillage Dryland fields No chance of rain will help but not a guarantee 2X, angle Some herbicides should not be incorporated Valor
  12. This is what a 2” pigweed looks like!!!!
  13. Provost (10.7 oz/A) + Fulbor + Penatrator Plus + 2,4-DB Richard McDaniel, 2007
  14. Peanut Phytotoxicity and Provost (# trials) Source: Herb Young Bayer CropScience 11/20/07
  15. Probable Provost Label Changes No surfactants No tank-mixes with 2,4-DB No tank-mixes with EC pyrethroids Others??
  16. Contaminated Lots Contamination if exceeds 250 ppm Tested Lots FB-01 = 2,4-D acid (0.294%) EC-16 = dicamba (0.17%) + 2,4-D acid (0.11%) EC-16 = Dicamba (0.198%) + 2,4-D acid (0.104%) EL-31 = 101-117 ppm 2,4-D (3 samples) CE-04 = 56 ppm of 2,4-D
  17. What will 2,4-D and dicamba do to peanuts???? Research in GA conducted over the past few years would suggest that 2 oz/A of 2,4-D would not cause many problems. If contaminated product was applied at 24 oz/A then 2,4-D rate would only be 0.05-0.18 oz/A.
  18. What will 2,4-D and dicamba do to peanuts???? No data exists for peanut response to dicamba. Peanuts are more sensitive to dicamba than 2,4-D. Dicamba rate was equivalent to 0.08-0.1 oz/A (Normal rate for corn is 8 oz/A)
  19. Why is this important? Peanut response to dicamba Dicamba resistant crops are in the pipeline More contamination/drift problems are likely
  20. The Influence of Classic on the Incidence of TSWV (2000-2007) Classic @ 0.5 oz/A + NIS @ 0.25% v/v Averaged over 6 varieties and 15 locations *Significantly different from NTC (P = 0.05.) * * *
  21. The Influence of Classic on Peanut Yield (2000-2007) Classic @ 0.5 oz/A + NIS @ 0.25% v/v Averaged over 6 varieties and 15 locations P = 0.3321