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Stanley Culpepper
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia

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  1. 2011: County Melon Update
  2. Intercropping cantaloupe and cotton
  3. Cotton tolerance data to Sonalan
  4. Command/OP insecticide interaction on cotton
  5. Percent cotton injury from Sandea PPI
  6. Alanap Should Be Gone
  7. Intercropping cantaloupe and cotton
  8. Intercropping watermelon and cotton
  9. Reflex
  10. Percent watermelon injury from Reflex.
  11. Watermelon Response to Reflex?
  12. Curbit + Sinbar + Reflex
  13. Percent watermelon injury from Reflex. Mulched System
  14. Cantaloupe Response to Reflex!
  15. Cantaloupe Response to Reflex?
  16. Sinbar - Watermelon Only
  17. Sinbar Label
  18. Carryover from Reflex applied under mulch. Crops planted 6 months later. 2007
  19. Grass Control Herbicides
  20. Percent large crabgrass control with various clethodim products and adjuvants.
  21. Spartan ( 8 oz) Carryover
  22. Bareground melon injury to Dual Magnum applied pre-transplant or post-transplant.
  23. Mulched watermelon injury to Dual Magnum applied post-transplant on mulch.
  24. Dual interaction with mulch?
  25. FMP

  1. 2011: County Melon Update Intercropping Reflex Sinbar Grass control Spartan Dual Magnum
  2. Intercropping cantaloupe and cotton Curbit: Command: Alanap: Sandea: Select/Poast:
  3. Cotton tolerance data to Sonalan NO DATA There is a label for ethalfluralin in Iran
  4. No OP OP in-furrow Di-Syston, Phorate, Thimate Command/OP insecticide interaction on cotton
  5. Percent cotton injury from Sandea PPI 15 a 8 b 0. 08 oz 0.16 oz 0.33 oz 0.5 oz 1 bc 5 bc Sandea label = 4 mo plant back to cotton. Sandea half life = worst case 34 d, GA summer data = 7 d Much more work needed!
  6. Alanap Should Be Gone Chemtura voluntarily canceling registration Production was stopped Oct. 2007 50,000 gal inventory 2.5 years of inventory if normal use continues Shelf life is about 3 years
  7. Intercropping cantaloupe and cotton Curbit: probably ok (need label) Command: no Alanap: no Sandea: more data (need label) Select/Poast: yes
  8. Similar to cantaloupe except Sinbar = NO Intercropping watermelon and cotton
  9. Reflex tomato and pepper very soon watermelon 2012/2013 squash 2012/2013 cantaloupe 2013 MAYBE?
  10. Percent watermelon injury from Reflex. Bareground System. Reflex pre-transplant applied 16 oz/A.
  11. Non-treated Curbit + Reflex Watermelon Response to Reflex?
  12. Curbit + Sinbar + Reflex
  13. Percent watermelon injury from Reflex. Mulched System. Reflex applied 16 oz/A over mulch. Half inch irrigation prior to transplant.
  14. Cantaloupe Response to Reflex!
  15. Cantaloupe Response to Reflex? Applied over mulch and washed from mulch prior to transplant Applied to soil followed by transplanting
  16. Curbit 1.5 pt/A PRE Curbit 1.5 pt/A + Sinbar 2.5 oz Sinbar – Watermelon Only
  17. Sinbar Label “Do not replant treated areas to any crop within 2 years after last application as injury to the subsequent crop(s) may result.”
  18. Carryover from Reflex applied under mulch. Crops planted 6 months later. 2007 % injury
  19. Clethodim + COC, Cook Co. 2009 Grass Control Herbicides
  20. Percent large crabgrass control with various clethodim products and adjuvants. TyTy, GA 2009. 75 b 30 c 99 a Select Max 12 oz Select 6 oz Select Max +NIS Select + NIS Select + COC 97 a 99 a Large Crabgrass 4 inches at time of application!
  21. Spartan ( 8 oz) Carryover Label: 12 months to watermelon and cantaloupe Data: Experiment applied 2X rate and then planted watermelon 10 months later = 18% injury max with no crop loss
  22. Bareground melon injury to Dual Magnum applied pre-transplant or post-transplant. TyTy, 2010. 45 a 17 b 15 a PRE Dual Magnum 12 oz/A POST 10 b PRE POST cantaloupe watermelon %
  23. Mulched watermelon injury to Dual Magnum applied post-transplant on mulch. TyTy, 2010. 8 d 16 c 40 b 8 oz Dual Magnum 12 oz/A 12 oz 50 a 24 oz 36 oz watermelon %
  24. Dual interaction with mulch?
  25. FMP