Slide Presentation

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Dr. Tim R. Murphy
The University of Georgia
Crop and Soil Sciences

• Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 2.4 MB)

  1. 'New' Sulfonylurea Turfgrass Herbicides 2004
  2. 'Newer' SU Herbicides
  3. Amino acids
  4. Amino Acid Synthesis Inhibitors
  5. Amino Acid Synthesis Inhibitors
  6. Sulfonylureas
  7. TranXit - Griffin LLC
  8. Weeds Controlled by TranXit
  9. TranXit
  10. Poa Control in Bermudagrass
  11. Poa annua control.
  12. Untreated Check - 57 DAA
  13. TranXit 2.0 ozs. - 57 DAA
  14. TranXit 2.0 fb. 2.0 ozs. - 57 DAA
  15. Effect of TranXit on Tifway green-up.
  16. Manor, Blade
  17. Corsair - Riverdale
  18. Revolver - Bayer Environ. Sciences
  19. Revolver
  20. Weeds Controlled by Revolver
  21. Goosegrass Control - Griffin
  22. Goosegrass control with Revolver. 2002.
  23. Monument- Syngenta
  24. Monument
  25. Weeds Controlled by Monument
  26. Monument Transition Project - 2001
  27. Monument - One Appl. (5/16/01)
  28. Monument - Two Appl. (5/16 + 6/14/01)
  29. Monument - One Appl. (5/16/01)
  30. Monument - Two Appl. (5/16 + 6/14/01)
  31. Velocity
  32. Velocity Projects - 2002
  33. Velocity- Perennial Ryegrass Injury
  34. Velocity- Annual Bluegrass Control
  35. Velocity- Perennial Ryegrass Injury
  36. Velocity- Annual Bluegrass Control
  37. Velocity- Perennial Ryegrass Injury
  38. Velocity- Annual Bluegrass Control
  39. Velocity, 1.3 fb 1.3 oz/ac
  40. Other SU Herbicides in Development
  41. Flazasulfuron (Katana) -ISK BioSciences
  42. Sulfosulfuron (Battalion)- Monsanto
  43. Fate of Herbicides Applied to Turf
  44. Fate of Herbicides Applied to Turf
  45. Water Movement
  46. Factors That Affect Leaching
  47. Mobility of Postemergence Herbicides in Soil (not conducted on turf)
  48. Herbicide Half-Life
  49. Postemergence Herbicides - Avg. t-1/2
  50. SU Herbicide Lateral Movement
  51. SU Herbicide Lateral Movement
  52. SU Herbicide Lateral Movement
  53. SU Herbicide Lateral Movement
  54. Can SU Herbicides Move?

  1. “New” Sulfonylurea Turfgrass Herbicides 2004 Tim R. Murphy The University of Georgia
  2. “Newer” SU Herbicides TranXit - SU Manor, Blade- SU Corsair – SU Manage - SU Revolver - SU Monument – SU Velocity – Not an SU, but similar MOA
  3. Amino acids Building blocks of plant proteins Enzymes mediate biochemical reactions Storage roles - seed reserves Structural roles
  4. Amino Acid Synthesis Inhibitors Imidazolinones Image Plateau Sulfonylureas Manor, Blade Manage Corsair Revolver TranXit Monument Roundup Pro Velocity Excessive Rate of Manor on Zoysia
  5. Amino Acid Synthesis Inhibitors Characteristics Most of these herbicides have soil and foliar activity except glyphosate Undergo significant translocation Soil residual activity herbicide-dependent Low use-rate herbicides Very low toxicity
  6. Sulfonylureas Manor, Corsair, Manage,TranXit, Monument, Revolver rapid shoot and root aborption translocates to meristematic areas inhibits leucine, isoleucine and valine synthesis growth is impaired and plants die over 1 to 3 wk period
  7. TranXit – Griffin LLC Poa control before overseeding (includes greens) DNAs, Dimension, Kerb, Rubigan Poa control in non-overseeded bermuda, centipede and zoysia Triazines, Kerb, Diquat Spring transition aid in overseeded bermuda Manor, Revolver, Monument, Kerb, Embark NON-RESIDENTIAL USE ONLY
  8. Weeds Controlled by TranXit annual bluegrass ryegrass spp. little barley tall fescue blue-eyedgrass rough bluegrass common chickweed shepherd’s-purse henbit field pansy cutleaf eveningprimrose spotted spurge pennywort (dollarweed)
  9. TranXit Rimsulfuron 25DF Sulfonylurea 2.0 to 4.0 ozs. product/acre Chemically degraded, more rapid under alkaline or acid conditions t-1/2 in soil is 2 to 10 days
  10. Poa Control in Bermudagrass Non-overseeded ‘Tifway’ Single or repeat applications of rimsulfuron 2 and 4 oz./acre + NIS March 14 Tifway – 15% green-up, Poa annua – seedheads Followed by March 27 Tifway – 20% green-up, Poa annua – seedheads
  11. Poa annua control. *
  12. 57 DAA Untreated Check
  13. 57 DAA TranXit 2.0 ozs.
  14. 57 DAA TranXit 2.0 fb. 2.0 ozs.
  15. Effect of TranXit on Tifway green-up. * * *
  16. Manor, Blade Metsulfuron 60 DF Excellent option for ‘Pensacola’ bahiagrass and broadleaf control in warm-season turfgrasses, especially St. Augustinegrass Do not use on bahiagrass Low rate - < 1.0 oz. product/acre Use only 0.25 to 0.5 oz/acre on centipede Use with nonionic surfactant
  17. Corsair - Riverdale Chlorsulfuron 75% Used primarily for spot control of clumpy tall fescue in bermuda, zoysia, centipede, St. Augustine, Ky. Bluegrass – works slowly Avoid transition applications on centipede, zoysia, St. Augustine Repeat application in 60 d Add NIS at ¼ to 1/3 fl. oz./gallon of spray mix
  18. Revolver – Bayer Environ. Sciences Foramsulfuron - 0.19SC, POST First liquid sulfonylurea, no NIS required 4.4 to 26.2 fl. ozs. product/acre (use high rate for centipede suppression and goosegrass) t-1/2 in soil is 1 to 12 days Chemically degraded, more rapid under alkaline or acid conditions
  19. Revolver Poa control before overseeding (includes greens) [2 WBS] DNAs, Dimension, Kerb, Rubigan, TranXit Poa control in non-overseeded bermuda and ‘Meyer’ zoysia Triazines, Kerb, Diquat Spring transition aid in overseeded bermuda Manor, TranXit, Monument, Kerb, Embark
  20. Weeds Controlled by Revolver annual bluegrass ryegrass spp. little barley tall fescue rough bluegrass bentgrass henbit goosegrass
  21. Goosegrass Control - Griffin ‘Tifway’ bermudagrass, 0.75 in. ht. Irrigated site 25 gpa Revolver: 17.4, 26.2 fl. ozs./ac MSMA + Sencor: 2.7 pts. + 2.7 ozs./ac Illoxan: 1.4 qts./ac Applied 6-12 and 6-19, 2002 2 to 3 tiller goosegrass
  22. Goosegrass control with Revolver. 2002.
  23. Monument– Syngenta Trifloxysulfuron-sodium 75 WDG, POST 0.1 to 0.56 ozs. product/acre t-1/2 in soil is 5 to 15 days Chemically degraded, more rapid under alkaline or acid conditions Add NIS at 0.25% v/v
  24. Monument Poa control in non-overseeded bermuda and zoysia Triazines, Kerb, Diquat, Revolver, TranXit Spring transition aid in overseeded bermuda Manor, TranXit, Monument, Kerb, Embark, Revolver Broadleaf weed and sedge control (winter and summer) NON-RESIDENTIAL USE ONLY
  25. Weeds Controlled by Monument annual bluegrass ryegrass spp. little barley rough bluegrass torpedograss tall fescue henbit dichondra Va. Buttonweed nutsedge (yellow and purple) green kyllinga carpetweed spotted spurge
  26. Monument Transition Project - 2001 GA Station Perennial ryegrass – ‘Sunrise Primo’ ‘Tifway’ bermudagrass 0.75 in. clip height 2 appl. – 5/16 and 6/14 25 gpa 0.25% v/v NIS with all herbicides except Kerb
  27. Monument – One Appl. (5/16/01)
  28. Monument – Two Appl. (5/16 + 6/14/01)
  29. MONUMENT – One Appl. (5/16/01) MON 0.1 MON 0.3 Kerb 1.5 UTC
  30. Monument – Two Appl. (5/16 + 6/14/01) MON 0.1 MON 0.3 TranXit 2 UTC
  31. Velocity bispyribac-sodium Use rates – 1.3 to 2.6 oz.product/ac inhibits ALS, no synthesis of branched chain amino acids not a sulfonylurea, but slow acting root and shoot absorbed, ½ life < 10 d Post control of Poa annua in overseeded bermudagrass
  32. Velocity Projects - 2002 GA Station Perennial ryegrass – ‘Sunrise Primo’ ‘Tifway’ bermudagrass 0.625 in. clip height Irrigated site
  33. Velocity– Perennial Ryegrass Injury Applied 4 wks after seeding, 3-lf ryegrass
  34. Velocity– Annual Bluegrass Control Applied 4 wks after seeding, Oct. 23, 2001
  35. Velocity– Perennial Ryegrass Injury Applied 18 wks after seeding, Feb. 8, 2002
  36. Velocity– Annual Bluegrass Control Applied 18 wks after seeding, Feb. 8, 2002
  37. Velocity– Perennial Ryegrass Injury Applied 17 and 20 wks after seeding, Mar. 7 & Apr. 1, 2002
  38. Velocity– Annual Bluegrass Control Applied 17 and 20 wks after seeding, Mar. 7 & Apr. 1, 2002
  39. Turf17-03: Photo April 9, 2003, NIS left, MSO right Velocity, 1.3 fb 1.3 oz/ac 2/18 + 3/03 3/03 + 3/21
  40. Other SU Herbicides in Development Flazasulfuron (Katana) -ISK BioSciences Sulfonylurea Sulfosulfuron (Battalion) – Monsanto Sulfonylurea
  41. Flazasulfuron (Katana) -ISK BioSciences Bermuda, zoysia, centipede St. Augustine and cool-seasons not tolerant Spring transition aid, seedling crabgrass (<4-lf), nutsedge and kyllinga, numerous broadleaf weeds
  42. Sulfosulfuron (Battalion)- Monsanto Bermuda (most tolerant), St. Augustine, centipede, zoysia Cool-season tolerance is low and highly rate dependent Spring transition aid, nutsedges, kyllinga
  43. Fate of Herbicides Applied to Turf Water solubility - the extent to which a pesticide will dissolve in water Sorption by clay colloids and organic matter Adsorption - binding of a herbicide to the surface of a soil particle . Absorption - Penetrates into plant tissue Microbial degradation - influenced by herbicide concentration, temperature, moisture, pH, oxygen, microbial population
  44. Fate of Herbicides Applied to Turf Chemical degradation and photodecomposition Hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction, and photodecomposition under field conditions Volatilization and evaporation - Loss due to an increase in temperature, vapor pressure, and wind movement. Plant uptake and metabolism - roots, shoots, leaves
  45. Water Movement Surface runoff Leaching Capillary action
  46. Factors That Affect Leaching
  47. Mobility of Postemergence Herbicides in Soil (not conducted on turf)
  48. Herbicide ½ Life Amount of time it takes a herbicide to reach one-half (t-1/2) of the originally applied concentration. Expressed in days, wks, months, yrs. 1.0 lb. Ai/acre 0.5 lb. Ai/acre
  49. Postemergence Herbicides – Avg. t-1/2
  50. SU Herbicide Lateral Movement Griffin, GA Lateral runoff facility 5% uniform slope Wobbler irrigation heads 1.25 inches per hour Tifway bermudagrass 0.5 inch clip height
  51. SU Herbicide Lateral Movement Plots 25 ft. long Lower 10 ft. fall-seeded with perennial ryegrass Upper 15 ft. not overseeded Late January, applied to dormant bermuda Monument at 0.33 and 0.56 oz./acre Manor at 0.5 oz./acre TranXit at 2.0 oz./acre Kerb at 2.0 lbs./acre
  52. SU Herbicide Lateral Movement Before application Applied 2.5 inches irrigation (2 hrs), 37% saturation Waited ~ 1hr, until foliage dried Applied herbicides Waited ~ 1hr, until foliage dried Applied 2.5 inches irrigation (2 hrs) Applied 0.5 inch irrigation water 24 HAT
  53. SU Herbicide Lateral Movement WHAT HAPPENED?? Kerb – moved 8 ft. (76% injury) Monument 0.33 oz. – 0.7 ft (3%) Monument 0.56 oz. – 3 ft. (14%) Manor 0.5 oz. – 0.7 ft. (1) TranXit 2.0 oz – 0.6 ft. (1) NOTE: No significant injury occurred until 48 DAT
  54. Can SU Herbicides Move? Yes, if: Surface film of water present at application Irrigation or rainfall immediately after application Not watering after foliage has dried Dew re-suspends and can cause tracking (prevent by watering in) Improperly adjusted irrigation heads
  55. A pretty d--- good web page for turfgrasses!!