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A.W. MacRae, A.S. Culpepper, and J.M. Kichler
University of Georgia


  1. Managing glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth in Liberty Linkฎ cotton.
  2. Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth
  3. WMax 22 oz: EPOST at 0.5"; MPOST at 3"; LPD at 10"
  4. Objective
  5. Experimental Design
  6. Non-treated
  7. Treatments 1st Set
  8. Palmer amaranth control (30 DBH)
  9. Ignite (23 oz) at 5 inch; Ignite (23 oz) at 5 inch; Direx + MSMA PD
  10. Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch; Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch; Direx + MSMA PD
  11. Prowl PRE; Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch; Direx + MSMA PD
  12. Seed Cotton Yield
  13. Treatments 2nd Set
  14. Palmer amaranth control (30 DBH)
  15. Prowl PRE; Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch; Direx + MSMA PD
  16. Prowl PRE; Ignite (29 oz) at 2 inch; Direx + MSMA PD
  17. Prowl PRE; Ignite (23 oz) + Staple at 2 inch; Direx + MSMA PD
  18. Prowl PRE; Ignite (23 oz) + Dual Mag. at 2 inch; Direx + MSMA PD
  19. Prowl PRE; Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch; Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch; Direx + MSMA PD
  20. Seed Cotton Yield
  21. Treatments 3rd Set
  22. Palmer amaranth control (30 DBH)
  23. Prowl PRE; Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch; Direx + MSMA PD
  24. Prowl + Reflex PRE; Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch; Direx + MSMA PD
  25. Prowl + Reflex PRE; Ignite (23 oz) + Staple at 2 inch; Direx + MSMA PD
  26. Seed Cotton Yield
  27. Treatments 4th Set
  28. Palmer amaranth control (30 DBH)
  29. Prowl PRE; Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch; Direx + MSMA PD
  30. Prowl + Cotoran PRE; Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch; Direx + MSMA PD
  31. Seed Cotton Yield
  32. Summary
  33. Summary
  34. Summary
  35. Conclusions
  36. Prowl PRE, Roundup POST Twice vs Prowl PRE, Ignite POST Twice
  37. 2006 Georgia OVT
  38. Acknowledgements
  39. Questions?

  1. Managing glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth in Liberty Linkฎ cotton. A.W. MacRae1, A.S. Culpepper1, and J.M. Kichler2 1Crop and Soil Sciences Department University of Georgia, Tifton, GA 2Southwest District - CES University of Georgia
  2. Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth Glyphosate resistant Palmer amaranth has been found in 4 counties in Georgia. There was 144,330 acres planted in these counties in 2005 (Georgia/Publications/County_Estimates/2006/GaCotton.pdf) Roundup Ready technology is used on 98% of Georgia’s acreage
  3. WMax 22 oz EPOST, 0.5” WMax 22 oz MPOST, 3” WMax 22 oz LPD, 10”
  4. Objective Determine the efficacy of Liberty Link cotton weed management systems for control of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth
  5. Experimental Design Randomized complete block design with 4 replications. Cultivar used: FM 988 LLBR 4 row plots Center two rows used for data collection Data collected Weed efficacy Cotton yield
  6. Non-treated
  7. Treatments 1st Set PRE – Prowl H2O (2 pt/A) POST – Ignite 280 (23 oz/A), 3 to 4-lf cotton PRE POST – Ignite 280 (29 oz/A), 3 to 4-lf cotton POST – Ignite 280 (29 oz/A), 11-lf cotton PRE POST – Ignite 280 (29 oz/A), 4 to 5-lf cotton POST – Ignite 280 (29 oz/A), 11-lf cotton Layby – MSMA (2.7 pt/A) + Direx (2 pt/A) + NIS (0.25% v/v)
  8. Palmer amaranth control (30 DBH) Layby = MSMA + Direx + NIS
  9. Ignite (23 oz) at 5 inch Ignite (23 oz) at 5 inch Direx + MSMA PD
  10. Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch Direx + MSMA PD
  11. Prowl PRE Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch Direx + MSMA PD
  12. Seed Cotton Yield Layby = MSMA + Direx + NIS
  13. Treatments 2nd Set PRE – Prowl H2O (2 pt/A) POST – Ignite 280 (29 oz/A), 3 to 4-lf cotton PRE – Prowl H2O (2 pt/A) POST – Ignite 280 (23 oz/A) + Staple LX (1.7 oz/A), 3 to 4-lf cotton PRE – Prowl H2O (2 pt/A) POST – Ignite 280 (23 oz/A) + Dual Magnum (1 pt/A), 3 to 4-lf cotton 4) PRE – Prowl H2O (2 pt/A) POST – Ignite 280 (23 oz/A), 3 to 4-lf cotton POST – Ignite 280 (23 oz/A), 11-lf cotton Layby – MSMA (2.7 pt/A) + Direx (2 pt/A) + NIS (0.25% v/v)
  14. Palmer amaranth control (30 DBH) PRE = Prowl H2O POST = Ignite applied to 3 to 4-lf cotton Layby = MSMA + Direx + NIS
  15. Prowl PRE Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch Direx + MSMA PD
  16. Prowl PRE Ignite (29 oz) at 2 inch Direx + MSMA PD
  17. Prowl PRE Ignite (23 oz) + Staple at 2 inch Direx + MSMA PD
  18. Prowl PRE Ignite (23 oz) + Dual Mag. at 2 inch Direx + MSMA PD
  19. Prowl PRE Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch Direx + MSMA PD
  20. Seed Cotton Yield PRE = Prowl H2O POST = Ignite applied to 3 to 4-lf cotton Layby = MSMA + Direx + NIS
  21. Treatments 3rd Set PRE – Prowl H2O (2 pt/A) + Reflex (1 pt/A) POST – Ignite 280 (23 oz/A), 3 to 4-lf cotton PRE – Prowl H2O (2 pt/A) + Reflex (1 pt/A) POST – Ignite 280 (23 oz/A) + Staple LX (1.7 oz/A), 3 to 4-lf cotton PRE – Prowl H2O (2 pt/A) + Reflex (1 pt/A) POST – Ignite 280 (23 oz/A) + Dual Magnum (1 pt/A), 3 to 4-lf cotton Layby – MSMA (2.7 pt/A) + Direx (2 pt/A) + NIS (0.25% v/v)
  22. Palmer amaranth control (30 DBH) PRE = Prowl H2O POST = Ignite applied to 3 to 4-lf cotton Layby = MSMA + Direx + NIS
  23. Prowl PRE Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch Direx + MSMA PD
  24. Prowl + Reflex PRE Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch Direx + MSMA PD
  25. Prowl + Reflex PRE Ignite (23 oz) + Staple at 2 inch Direx + MSMA PD
  26. Seed Cotton Yield PRE = Prowl H2O POST = Ignite applied to 3 to 4-lf cotton Layby = MSMA + Direx + NIS
  27. Treatments 4th Set PRE – Prowl H2O (2 pt/A) + Cotoran (2.5 pt/A) POST – Ignite 280 (23 oz/A), 3 to 4-lf cotton PRE – Prowl H2O (2 pt/A) + Cotoran (2.5 pt/A) POST – Ignite 280 (23 oz/A) + Staple LX (1.7 oz/A), 3 to 4-lf cotton PRE – Prowl H2O (2 pt/A) + Cotoran (2.5 pt/A) POST – Ignite 280 (23 oz/A) + Dual Magnum (1 pt/A), 3 to 4-lf cotton Layby – MSMA (2.7 pt/A) + Direx (2 pt/A) + NIS (0.25% v/v)
  28. Palmer amaranth control (30 DBH) PRE = Prowl H2O POST = Ignite applied to 3 to 4-lf cotton Layby = MSMA + Direx + NIS
  29. Prowl PRE Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch Direx + MSMA PD
  30. Prowl + Cotoran PRE Ignite (23 oz) at 2 inch Direx + MSMA PD
  31. Seed Cotton Yield PRE = Prowl H2O POST = Ignite applied to 3 to 4-lf cotton Layby = MSMA + Direx + NIS
  32. Summary 1) Timing of Ignite 280 application is more important that rate of Ignite 280 used. 2) Palmer amaranth must not be greater than 2 inches in height to achieve optimum control. 3) Applying Prowl H2O PRE produced 220 lbs more seed cotton than a second application of Ignite 280 with no PRE.
  33. Summary 4) The addition of Dual Magnum POST or a second shot of Ignite 280 provided 11-12% greater Palmer amaranth control (30 DBH) and 350-380 lbs more seed cotton. 5) The addition of Reflex or Cotoran PRE provided 18-22% greater Palmer amaranth control (30 DBH) and 290-320 lbs more seed cotton. Based on: PRE = Prowl H2O POST = Ignite 280 at 2 in Palmer, 3 to 4-lf cotton LAYBY = MSMA + DIREX + NIS
  34. Summary 6) The addition of Dual Magnum or Staple POST to applications of Prowl H2O + Cotoran or Reflex PRE provided no benefit. Based on: PRE = Prowl H2O POST = Ignite 280 at 2 in Palmer, 3 to 4-lf cotton LAYBY = MSMA + DIREX + NIS
  35. Conclusions 1) Ignite 280 must be applied timely. 2) Preemergence a) Yellow herbicide + Reflex b) Yellow herbicide + Cotoran c) Yellow herbicide + Direx 3) Postemergence a) Ignite + Dual Magnum b) Ignite – 2 applications 4) Layby - MSMA + Direx, Valor, Layby Pro, or Suprend
  36. Prowl PRE, Roundup POST Twice Prowl PRE, Ignite POST Twice
  37. 2006 Georgia OVT
  38. Support for this project and my PAYCHECK has been provided by Georgia Cotton Commission Cotton Incorporated BASF Bayer Dupont Monsanto Syngenta Valent
  39. Questions? Andrew W. MacRae Post Doctoral Research Associate Department of Crop and Soil Sciences University of Georgia, Tifton, GA UGA Weed Science Website: