TITLE (click title to view slides)
- Methyl Bromide Alternatives For Nutsedge in Eggplant and Pepper
- Efforts Have Focused: Fumigants
- Fumigants and Rates
- Percent Late-Season Nutsedge Control by Fumigants in the Spring. TyTy, GA.
- Non-treated
- Bromide
- Experimental
- T2 fb Pic
- Percent Late-Season Nutsedge Control by Fumigants in the Fall. TyTy, GA.
- Non-treated
- MB 400 lb/a on LDPE Mulch
- T2 fb Pic vs. Bromide
- T2 fb K-Pam vs. Bromide
- C35 fb Pic vs. Bromide
- Efforts Have Focused: Mulch Types
- Percent Late-Season Nutsedge Control by Fumigants in the Spring. TyTy, GA.
- T2 fb Pic-spring application
- Percent Late-Season Nutsedge Control by Fumigants in the Fall. TyTy, GA.
- Telone II fb Pic, LDPE Plastic vs. VIF Plastic
- T2 fb Pic - fall application, LDPE vs VIF
- T2 fb Kpam - fall application, LDPE vs VIF
- C35 fb Pic - fall application, LDPE vs VIF
- Applications of T2 and C35
- KPAM Application
- Future Applications of Metam
- MIDAS, Bromide, Pic and Exp.
- Photo
- PRE Herbicide Applications
- Nutsedge Response to the Pepper Herbicide System. Tifton, GA 2004.
- No Herbicide or Fumigant vs Dual, Command, Devrinol
- Other Herbicide Options
- Which Alternatives to Try for Spring
- Which Alternatives to Try for Spring
- Which Alternatives to Try for Fall
- Methyl Bromide Alternatives For Nutsedge in Eggplant and Pepper A. S. Culpepper & D. B. Langston University of Georgia
- Efforts Have Focused Fumigants Mulch Types Herbicides
- Fumigants and Rates* 1. Methyl Bromide (400 lb/A of 67:33) Telone II fb KPAM (12 gal fb 102 gal) Telone II fb Pic (12 gal fb 150 lb) 4. Telone C35 fb Pic (35 gal fb 150 lb) 5. MIDAS (400 lbs of 50:50) 6. Experimental mixed with Pic 7. None *Rates are per treated acre.
- Percent Late-Season Nutsedge Control by Fumigants in the Spring. TyTy, GA.
- Non-treated
- Bromide
- Experimental
- T2 fb Pic
- Percent Late-Season Nutsedge Control by Fumigants in the Fall. TyTy, GA.
- Non-treated
- MB 400 LB/A on LDPE Mulch
- T2 fb Pic Bromide
- T2 fb K-Pam Bromide
- C35 fb Pic Bromide
- Efforts Have Focused Fumigants Mulch Types Herbicides
- Percent Late-Season Nutsedge Control by Fumigants in the Spring. TyTy, GA.
- T2 fb Pic-spring application LDPE VIF
- Percent Late-Season Nutsedge Control by Fumigants in the Fall. TyTy, GA.
- Telone II fb Pic, LDPE Plastic July 26, 2003 Telone II fb Pic, VIF Plastic
- T2 fb Pic-fall application LDPE VIF
- T2 fb Kpam-fall application LDPE VIF
- C35 fb Pic-fall application LDPE VIF
- Applications of T2 and C35
- rototiller blades nozzles for KPAM KPAM Application
- Future Applications of Metam
- MIDAS, Bromide, Pic and Exp.
- Dual Tomato Dual Pepper Sandea Tomato PRE Herbicide Applications
- Nutsedge Response to the Pepper Herbicide System. Tifton, GA 2004.* yellow purple Command + Dual + Devrional
- Sept 6, 2003 No Herbicide or Fumigant + Dual, Command, Devrinol
- Other Herbicide Options Tomato: Sencor, Sandea, Envoke, Dual Magnum Cucumber: Sandea, Alanap, Curbit, Command Cantaloupe: Sandea, Alanap, Curbit, Command Pepper: Dual Magnum, Command, Devrinol Eggplant: Devrinol Squash: Double Ouch!!
- Which Alternatives to Try for Spring GA Spring: Metam look good, high rates of pick ok GA Fall: Metam activity poor, high rate of Pic much change FL: Metam activity poor, high rate of Pic fair to good
- Which Alternatives to Try for Spring GA Spring: Metam look good, high rates of pick ok GA Fall: Metam activity poor, high rate of Pic much change FL: Metam activity poor, high rate of Pic fair to good Various Combinations of Telone II, Metam, Chloropicrin
- Which Alternatives to Try for Fall Methyl Bromide
- REMEMBER Plant Back is A HUGE Concern for all Alternatives Check Labels and Fields
- LOT TO DO!!!! Thanks to: Hendrix and Dail John Mirruso Dow AgroScience Arvesta AmVac Cerexagri