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Culpepper and Langston University of Georgia
- Methyl Bromide Alternatives To Manage Nutsedge Culpepper and Langston GFVGA Annual Meeting
- Methyl Bromide Alternatives Focus: PEPPER, eggplant, tomato Fumigants Herbicides
- Fumigant Alternatives Telone II Chloropicrin Telone C-35 Vapam, Sectagon K-PAM Various Combinations
- 2001 Spring Pepper Trial. Lewis Taylor Farms. 1. Bromide (300 lb/A) 2. Telone C-35 (20 GPA) 3. Telone C-35 (35 GPA) 4. Vapam (37 GPA) Vapam (75 GPA) Vapam (25 GPA) + C-35 (10 GPA) Vapam (37 GAP) + C-35 (20 GPA) Non-treated *All rates applied broadcast per acre.
- Telone/chloropicrin Vapam tank nitrogen pressure source Telone/chloropicrin injection knives pto driven rototiller
- Telone/chloropicrin injection knives rototiller blades nozzles for Vapam
- Yellow Nutsedge Response to Fumigants in Pepper. Lewis Taylor Farm. 2001. # of plants/ydsq none MB (300 lb) C35 (20 G) C35 (35 G) MS (37 G) MS (75 G) C35 (10 G) + MS (25 G) C35 (20 G) + MS (37 G) MB = bromide, MS = metam sodium, Pic = chloropicrin. LSD = 1.8; data pooled over herbicide treatments.
- 2001 Results Bromide (300 lb/A) Co-Application of C-35 + Vapam Telone C-35 *All rates applied broadcast per acre.
- 2002 Spring Tomato Trial. Meeks Farms, Coffee County*. Bromide (375 lb/A) Chloropicrin (282 lb/A) Telone II (10 GPA) followed by chloropicrin (150 lb) Vapam (56 GPA) Vapam (75 GPA) Telone C-35 (18 GPA) Telone C-35 (36 GPA) Telone C-35 (18 GPA) + Vapam (37 GPA) Telone C-35 (18 GPA) + Vapam (56 GPA) Non-treated *All rates applied broadcast per acre.
- Yellow Nutsedge Response to Fumigants in Tomato. Coffee County. 2002. # of plants/ydsq none MB (375 lb) C35 (18 G) C35 (36 G) MS (56 G) MS (75 G) C35 (10 G) + MS (37 G) C35 (20 G) + MS (56 G) LSD = 0.99. MB = bromide, MS = metam sodium, Pic = chloropicrin. T2 (10 G) fb Pic (150) Pic (282 lb)
- 2001 Results Bromide (300 lb/A) Co-Application of C-35 + Vapam Telone C-35 *All rates applied broadcast per acre. 2002 Spring Results Bromide (375 lb/A) Chloropicrin or Telone II fb chloropicrin Telone C-35 (high rate)
- Non-treated C-35 Broadcast C-35 In Bed 25 GPA 35 GPA Photos taken from Florida Field Day. Bill Stall, 2000.
- 2002 Fall Pepper Trial. TyTy, GA*. Bromide (300 lb/A) in bed Telone II broadcast (12 GPA) followed by chloropicrin (150 lb/A) in bed 1 wk later Telone II prebed (12 GPA) followed by chloropicrin (150 lb/A) in bed Telone C-35 (35 GPA) in bed Telone C-35 (35 GPA) prebed Telone C-35 (35 GPA) prebed fb chloropicrin (150 lb/A) in bed Telone C-35 (18 GPA) + K-PAM (46 GPA) prebed *All rates applied broadcast per acre.
- Nutsedge Response to Fumigants in Pepper. 33 d After Fumigating. TyTy, 2002.* # of plants/ydsq none MB (300 lb) C35 (35 G) in bed C35 + KPAM LSD = 0.76. MB = bromide, BC = broadcast, C35 = Telone C35, Pic = chloropicrin. T2 prebed fb pic C35 (35 G) prebed T2 BC fb pic C35 fb pic
- Nutsedge Response to Fumigants in Pepper. 81 d After Fumigating. TyTy, 2002.* # of plants/ydsq none MB (300 lb) C35 (35 G) in bed C35 + KPAM LSD = 2.5 MB = bromide, BC = broadcast, C35 = Telone C35, Pic = chloropicrin. T2 prebed fb pic C35 (35 G) prebed T2 BC fb pic C35 fb pic
- 2001 Results Bromide (300 lb/A) Co-application of C-35 + Vapam Telone C35 2002 Spring Results Bromide (375 lb/A) Chloropicrin or Telone II fb chloropicrin Telone C-35 (high rate) 2002 Fall Results Bromide (300 lb/A) Telone C-35 prebed fb chloropicrin Telone C-35 in bed Telone II broadcast fb chloropicrin
- Non-treated Telone II fb Chloropicrin Nutsedge Response to Fumigants. TyTy, GA. Fall 2002.
- Nutsedge Response to Fumigants. TyTy, GA. Fall 2002. Telone C-35 Prebed Telone C-35 + K-PAM
- Soil Properties and Application Method Will Play A Crucial Role Picture provided by Tony Weiss, Dow Agro.
- Acceptable LONG-TERM Methyl Bromide Alternatives will likely Require Herbicide Input
- Two herbicide options in tomato 1. Tillam 2. Sandea
- Sandea - Tomato(Section 3 Label Soon)* 0.5 to 0.75 oz following final bed shaping and just prior to laying plastic. Do not transplant for at least 7 d after treatment. 0.5 to 0.75 oz POST no sooner than 14 d after transplant. Directed application suggested.
- Tomato and Nutsedge Response to Sandea Applied Topically. TyTy, 2002. Sandea 0.67 oz/A POST Non-treated
- Sandea - tomato(Section 3 Label Soon)* 5 trials conducted in GA during 2000, 2001, 2002. No visual injury No maturity effect No yield effect No grade effect Cooperative work with Joel Hudgins, Decatur County.
- Sandea (0.5 oz/A) topical Non-treated Pepper and eggplant is a different story.
- Non-treated Sandea (0.5 oz/A) applied under plastic
- Pepper Yields with Sandea Applied Under Plastic. Jumbo - Total Yield. box/A Lewis Taylor Farms, Tifton, 2001.
- Pepper and Eggplant Sandea for row middles* Otherwise, working on getting herbicides labeled *Label anticipated in the near future.
- Nutsedge Response to Fumigant/Herbicide Combinations in Pepper. 81 d After Fumigating. TyTy, 2002.* # of plants/ydsq none MB (300 lb) C35 in bed + herb LSD = 2.5 MB = bromide, BC = broadcast, C35 = Telone C35, Pic = chloropicrin. T2 prebed fb pic + herb C35 prebed + herb C35 fb pic + herb
- Methyl Bromide Critical Use Exemption