Slide Presentation
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Eggplant Response to Topical and Precision-Directed Applications of Sandea (Halosulfuron)
Tim Flanders and
Stanley Culpepper
University of Georgia
Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 626 KB)
Eggplant Response to Topical and Precision-Directed Applications of Sandea (Halosulfuron)
Treatments: Over-the-Top and Directed
Application Information
Treatments: Percent Injury
Untreated Check
0.5 Ounces Over-the-Top: 7 DAT
Eggplant Response to Topical and Precision-Directed Applications of Sandea (Halosulfuron) Tim Flanders And Stanley Culpepper The University of Georgia
OBJECTIVE Determine the Tolerance of Eggplant to various rates and application methods of Sandea Herbicide
TreatmentsOver-the-Top and Directed 0.5 ounces Sandea per Acre 1.0 ounces per Acre 4 replications per treatment * All Treatments Contained 0.25% NIS by Volume
Application Information Plots = 6 ft. by 15 ft. 9 to 11 leaf stage, 5 week old plants 14.8 GPA spray solution Directed treatments precision applied to lower 25% of plant canopy Damaged ratings taken 7 and 12 DAT
Untreated Check
0.5 Ounces Over-the-Top Seven DAT
Conclusions Eggplants do not have the tolerance of tomatoes or many cucurbits and damage from any rate or treatment methods is unacceptable. More research is needed to determine tolerance when Sandea is used as a soil application between the bed forming and plastic laying operation. Plasticulture vegetable production will have to be a crop specific systems approach when controlling weeds, nematodes, and soil-borne diseases.