Slide Presentation

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Stanley Culpepper
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia

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  1. 2011 Cotton County Weed Meetings
  2. What makes Palmer a super weed?
  3. 2011 Focus
  4. Warrant vs Dual Magnum
  5. Palmer control from acetochlor, S-metolachlor, and metolachlor. Macon Co., GA 2009.
  6. WeatherMax + Dual Magnum 1 pt/A; WeatherMax + Warrant 3pt/A
  7. Reflex
  8. Percent Palmer Control, 2010. TyTy GA. 38 DAT
  9. Percent Palmer Control, 2010. TyTy GA. 38 DAT
  10. Change in Valor Label?
  11. Controlling GR Palmer amaranth in RR conventional IRRIGATED cotton. 2011.
  12. Early topical applications with residual needed before Palmer emerges in RR cotton!!
  13. Controlling GR Palmer amaranth in RR conservation tillage IRRIGATED cotton. 2011.
  14. Controlling 5 inch Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer amaranth at Burndown. Macon Co., GA 2008.
  15. Palmer control at planting, burndown applied 17 d earlier. Macon Co., GA 2009.
  16. Dryland Conservation Tillage
  17. Palmer response to Ignite
  18. Application Timing is Critical in LL Cotton
  19. Controlling GR Palmer amaranth in LL conventional DRYLAND cotton.
  20. Hooded Spray or Layby Rig
  21. Phytogen Widestrike Cotton
  22. 375 WideStrike Cotton Tolerance to Multiple Applications of Ignite
  23. 375 WideStrike Cotton Tolerance to Multiple Applications of Ignite
  24. 375 WideStrike Cotton Tolerance to Multiple Applications of Ignite
  25. Photo 5 days after 2 leaf application
  26. Photo 5 days after bloom + 2 week application
  27. Integrating Your Program
  28. Developing Integrated Programs
  29. Number of Palmer Amaranth Plants During Early Season
  30. Palmer requires a significant amount of sunlight to emerge!!
  31. Photo
  32. Photo
  33. GR Palmer amaranth control by tillage, cover crop residue, and herbicides. At harvest.
  35. Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Cotton Performance Roundup Ready Flex Cotton (Up to $20)
  36. 2,4-D and Clarity Resistant Cotton In Development

  1. 2011 Cotton County Weed Meetings 2004 – 1 county 2005 – 2 counties 2006 – 7 counties 2007 – 10 counties 2008 – 18 counties 2009 – 13 counties Counties confirmed with glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth.
  2. What makes Palmer a super weed? Herbicide resistance! Growth rate! Large stature! Competitive ability! Reducing harvest efficacy! Seed production! Rapid spread!
  3. 2011 Focus Warrant vs Dual Magnum Reflex Valor plant-back Ignite/Palmer size 5. Recommended herbicide programs 6. Widestrike cotton 7. Cover crops/deep turning 8. Monsanto rewards program
  4. Warrant vs Dual Magnum Dual Magnum: apply overtop of completely emerged cotton until 100 days of harvest Warrant: apply when cotton is completely emerged through first bloom
  5. Palmer control from acetochlor, S-metolachlor, and metolachlor. Macon Co., GA 2009. 50 c Warrant 3 pt 80 a S-metolachlor (Dual Mag, 1 pt) metolachlor (Parrlay, 1 pt) 77 a No Palmer up at time of application. Layby of RU + Direx applied 19 d after POST.
  6. WeatherMax + Dual Magnum 1 pt/A WeatherMax + Warrant 3 pt/A
  7. Reflex Fields heavily infested with resistant Palmer 1. Typically 16 oz/A but 12 oz/A on sandier soils 2. Always tank mix with herbicide partner 3. Today only labeled PRE
  8. 80 c 99 a 92 b PRE 3 d Reflex applied at 1 pt in combination with Prowl. PPI Rototiller PPI Field cultivator PPI Disk Percent Palmer Control, 2010. TyTy, GA. 38 DAT.
  9. 80 c 99 a 92 b PRE 3 d Reflex applied at 1 pt in combination with Prowl. PPI Rototiller PPI Field cultivator PPI Disk Percent Palmer Control, 2010. TyTy, GA. 38 DAT. no activation no control
  10. Change in Valor Label? Strip-Till Production: Apply Valor at least 7 d ahead of planting as long as the strip operation occurs between applying Valor and planting. No Till Production: 1. <30% residue: 28 days and 1 inch rain 2. >30% residue: 21 days and 1 inch rain
  11. Controlling GR Palmer amaranth in RR conventional IRRIGATED cotton. 2011.
  12. Figure 2. Early topical applications with residual needed before Palmer emerges in RR cotton!! Prowl + Reflex PRE, Roundup + Dual Magnum POST 1, Roundup + Warrant POST 2, Direx + MSMA layby POST 1 = 25 days after PRE POST 1 = 17 days after PRE
  13. Controlling GR Palmer amaranth in RR conservation tillage IRRIGATED cotton. 2011.
  14. Controlling 5 inch Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer amaranth at Burndown. Macon Co., GA 2008.* 0 c 87 b 94 a 58 b Roundup Parazone 1.33 pt 70 b Parazone + 2,4-D (1.5 pt) Parazone + Clarity (8 oz) Parazone + Diuron (1.8 pt) +COC
  15. Palmer control at planting, burndown applied 17 d earlier. Macon Co., GA 2009. 90 b Valor preplant Direx preplant 99 a
  16. Dryland Conservation Tillage Prowl + Reflex PRE Roundup + Dual POST Diuron + MSMA PD Prowl + Reflex PRE Ignite + Dual POST Diuron + MSMA PD
  17. Palmer response to Ignite WATER VOLUME AND NOZZLE TYPE IS CRITICAL Do not apply within an hour of sunrise MUST KILL IT WITH THE FIRST APPLICATION
  18. Application Timing is Critical in LL Cotton 3” Palmer: 29 to 32 oz/A = >98% control 3-4”: 36 oz/A = 88 to 100% control 4-6” Palmer: 43 oz/A = 70 to 100% control >6” Palmer: 43 oz and get the hoes ready
  19. Controlling GR Palmer amaranth in LL conventional DRYLAND cotton.
  20. Hooded Spray or Layby Rig Diuron + MSMA + COC Suprend + MSMA + COC Layby Pro + MSMA + COC Gramoxone + diuron + COC (still have to direct to row)
  21. Phytogen Widestrike Cotton Confers tolerance to Ignite Tolerance not complete; injury will occur and yield loss can occur if you don’t know what you are doing. According to EPA, Ignite can be applied to widestrike cotton. However, grower is liable as neither Bayer, Dow, or UGA is recommending or warranting the use of Ignite on Widestrike cotton
  22. 375 WideStrike Cotton Tolerance to Multiple Applications of Ignite Pounds Lint Cotton Culpepper, York and Steckel 2010 a a a b
  23. 375 WideStrike Cotton Tolerance to Multiple Applications of Ignite Pounds Lint Cotton a a b No Ignite Ignite 2 lf and 7 lf Ignite 2 lf, 7 lf, bloom
  24. 375 WideStrike Cotton Tolerance to Multiple Applications of Ignite Pounds Lint Cotton a a b No Ignite Ignite 2 lf and 7 lf Ignite 2 lf, 7 lf, bloom
  25. 2 lf Photo 5 d after 2 lf application
  26. Photo 5 d after bloom + 2 wk application
  27. York 2010 Integrating Your Program 54% of cotton handweeded 2010; 53% of cotton handweeded in 2009
  28. Developing Integrated Programs Heavy Residue Deep Turn
  29. No Deep Tillage Deep Turn No Herbicide Treatment Number of Palmer Amaranth Plants During Early Season. Macon Co., Georgia 2008.*
  30. Palmer requires a significant amount of sunlight to emerge!!
  31. GR Palmer amaranth control by tillage, cover crop residue, and herbicides. At harvest.* 76 b 78 b Weeds *RR System: Diuron + Reflex + Staple fb Roundup + Parrlay fb Direx + MSMA Inversion + rye Deep inversion 94 a Rye % 59 c
  33. Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Cotton Performance Roundup Ready Flex Cotton (Up to $20) *Will pay on 2 applications
  34. 2,4-D and Clarity Resistant Cotton In Development 2,4-D resistant cotton 2,4-D sensitive cotton