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2011 Beltwide: New Products/Technologies/Concerns WEEDS
Stanley Culpepper
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
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2011 Beltwide: New Products/Technologies/Concerns WEEDS
New Products/Technologies
Glytol + Liberty Link Cotton
Ignite vs. Roundup
Non-treated vs Ignite, 12 DAT
Palmer response to Ignite
Application Timing is Critical in LL Cotton
Phytogen Widestrike Cotton
375 WideStrike Cotton Tolerance to Multiple Applications of Ignite
2, 4-D Resistant Cotton
Will There Be Value in 2,4-D- or Dicamba-Resistant Traits for Cotton Growers?
1.5 pt of 2,4-D
Ignite vs Ignite+2,4-D
Ignite vs Ignite+dicamba
Additional Concerns
Are You Comfortable Making 2,4-D or Dicamba In-Crop Weed Management Recommendations TODAY?
Potted cotton plants placed in all directions
Temperature (F) Sept 9-11
Visual Injury 27 DAA from 2,4-D Volatility, October 6, 2010
Volatility Injury to Cotton: Tunnel/Dome Data
Visual Injury 27 DAA from 2,4-D Volatility under Tunnels (October 6, 2010)
2011 Beltwide: New Products/Technologies/Concerns WEEDS 2011 Beltwide Consultants Conference
New Products/Technologies Glytol + Liberty Link Cotton 2,4-D Resistant Cotton (2015?) Dicamba Resistant Cotton (2015?)
Exceptional tolerance to Ignite and Roundup Systems approach including residuals and other chemistry will offer excellent control of most weeds. Glytol + Liberty Link Cotton
Ignite vs. Roundup Weed Ignite Roundup Eveningprimrose + - Morningglory + - Volunteer peanut + - Goosegrass - + Large grasses - + Perennial grasses - + Nutsedge - + Tropical spiderwort - - GR Ragweed + - GR Horseweed -/+ - GR Palmer amaranth -/+ -
Prowl H20 PRE Glyfos X-tra 48 oz @ 2 lf cotton/ 3 AMAPA Glyfos X-tra 48 oz @ 7 lf cotton/ 12 AMAPA Direx + MSMA @ 15 lf cotton/ 18 AMAPA
Prowl H20 PRE Ignite 33 oz @ 2 lf cotton/3 AMAPA Glyfos X-tra 48 oz @ 7 lf cotton/ 0 AMAPA Direx + MSMA @ 15 lf cotton/3 AMAPA
Non-treated Ignite 12 DAT
Palmer response to Ignite WATER VOLUME AND NOZZLE TYPE IS CRITICAL Do not apply within an hour of sunrise MUST KILL IT WITH THE FIRST APPLICATION
Application Timing is Critical in LL Cotton 3 Palmer: 29 to 32 oz/A = >98% control 3-4: 36 oz/A = 88 to 100% control 4-6 Palmer: 43 oz/A = 70 to 100% control >6 Palmer: 43 oz and get the hoes ready
Phytogen Widestrike Cotton Confers tolerance to Ignite Tolerance not complete; injury will occur and yield loss can occur if you dont know what you are doing. According to EPA, Ignite can be applied to widestrike cotton. However, grower is liable as neither Bayer nor Dow recommend or warrant the use of Ignite on Widestrike cotton
375 WideStrike Cotton Tolerance to Multiple Applications of Ignite Pounds Lint Cotton a a b No Ignite Ignite 2 lf and 7 lf Ignite 2 lf, 7 lf, bloom
2, 4-D Resistant Cotton 2,4-D resistant cotton sensitive cotton
Will There Be Value in 2,4-D- or Dicamba-Resistant Traits for Cotton Growers? 1. Tool for managing GR ragweed, horseweed, Palmer, morningglory, perennial weeds, winter annual weeds 2. No preplant interval for burndown 3. A new mode of action for in-crop control 4. Applications overtop of cotton 5. Price of herbicides are currently economical 6. Option to rotate with Roundup for resistance mgmt
1.5 pt of 2,4-D 12 DAT 24 DAT
Ignite Ignite + 2,4-D 0.75 lb 12 DAT
Ignite Ignite + dicamba 0.5 lb 12 DAT
Additional Concerns Loss of currently used herbicides? MSMA Cotoran Sustainability of Ignite? Off target movement of 2,4-D and dicamba
Are You Comfortable Making 2,4-D or Dicamba In-Crop Weed Management Recommendations TODAY? 1. Fair 2. No 3. No 4. No 5. Comfortable with dicamba, not with 2,4-D 6. No 7. Absolutely not 8. No 9. Yes, but only in some locations 10. No way, not today
2,4-D Ester 2,4-D Amine New Formulation N
S SE SW E W N NE NW Potted cotton plants placed in all directions @ 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 ft 4 plants per station Volatility distance (plants placed in field after drift pots were removed)
Temperature (F) Sept 9-11 Application
Visual Injury 27 DAA from 2,4-D Volatility, October 6, 2010 Error bar is 1 Std error of mean Averaged across directions Entire 48 hrs
Volatility Injury to Cotton: Tunnel/Dome Data John Richburg 2010 Project Review November, 2010
Visual Injury 27 DAA from 2,4-D Volatility under Tunnels (October 6, 2010) 20 20 20 19 13 0 0 4 6 Entire = 48 hrs T1 = 1st 24 hrs T2 = 2nd 24 hrs