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Culpepper, Steckel, York (UGA, UT, NCSU) Braxton and Richburg (Dow AgroSciences)
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- 2011 Beltwide: Managing glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth using 2,4-D systems in Dow AgroSciences Herbicide Trait Technology (DHT) Cotton In GA, NC, and TN.
- Photo
- Photo
- Hand Weeding
- Hand Weeding
- DHT Cotton In Development by Dow AgroSciences
- Objective
- Glyphosate-Resistant Pigweed Species
- Experimental Locations
- Experimental Treatments
- Experimental Treatments
- Planting Dates: May 1 to May 6
- Percent Palmer amaranth control just prior to layby. GA1, GA2, TN, NC 2010.
- Percent Palmer amaranth control just prior to layby in residual systems. GA1, GA2, TN, NC 2010.
- Palmer amaranth control just prior to layby. Macon Co., 2010.
- Palmer amaranth control just prior to layby. Macon Co., 2010.
- Palmer amaranth control just prior to layby. Macon Co., 2010.
- Percent Palmer amaranth control during late season. GA1, GA2, and NC 2010.
- Percent Palmer amaranth control just prior to layby in residual systems. GA1, GA2, NC 2010.
- Photo
- Seed Cotton Yield. GA1 and GA2, 2010.
- Seed Cotton Yield. GA1 and GA2, 2010.
- Summary
- Conclusion
- Concerns
- Photo
- Potted cotton plants placed in all directions
- Temperature (F) Sept 9-11
- Visual Injury 27 DAA from 2,4-D Volatility, October 6, 2010
- Volatility Injury to Cotton: Tunnel/Dome Data
- Visual Injury 27 DAA from 2,4-D Volatility under Tunnels (October 6, 2010)
- Comments?
- 2011 Beltwide: Managing glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth using 2,4-D systems in Dow AgroSciences Herbicide Trait Technology (DHT) Cotton In GA, NC, and TN. Culpepper, Steckel, York (UGA, UT, NCSU) Braxton and Richburg (Dow AgroSciences)
- York 2010 Hand Weeding
- York 2010 Hand Weeding
- DHT Cotton In Development by Dow AgroSciences DHT 2,4-D tolerant cotton 2,4-D sensitive cotton
- Objective Determine the most effective 2,4-D weed management systems for glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth in DHT cotton.
- Amaranthus rudis Amaranthus palmeri Tennessee Missouri Illinois Mississippi Georgia S Carolina N Carolina Alabama Louisiana Arkansas Glyphosate-Resistant Pigweed Species Steckel 2010
- Tennessee Missouri Illinois Mississippi Georgia S Carolina N Carolina Alabama Louisiana Arkansas Experimental Locations GA Locations: completely resistant populations; NC and TN: mixed population.
- Experimental Treatments POST 1 (2-3“ Palmer) 2,4-D 2,4-D + Ignite® Ignite® Durango® 2,4-D + Durango® POST 2 (4-9” Palmer) 2,4-D 2,4-D + Ignite® Ignite® Durango® 2,4-D + Durango® Total POST programs Direx® + MSMA directed to all systems. 2,4-D = Weedar® 34 oz/A; Ignite® 29 oz/A; Direx® 2 pt/A; MSMA 2 lb ai/A. A non-treated control was included. TRT 1 2 3 4 5 Durango® - Dow AgroSciences, LLC Direx® - Dupont Crop Protection Ignite® - Bayer Crop Sciences LP
- Experimental Treatments POST 1 (2-3“ Palmer) 2,4-D 2,4-D + Ignite 2,4-D + Durango POST 2 (4-8” Palmer) 2,4-D 2,4-D + Ignite 2,4-D + Durango Prowl® and Reflex® (SE) or Cotoran® (TN) PRE Direx + MSMA directed to all systems. 2,4-D 34 oz/A; Ignite 29 oz/A; Direx and Cotoran 2 pt/A; MSMA 2 lb ai/A; Prowl H20 34 oz. TRT 1 2 3 Prowl® BASF Corporation Reflex® Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. Cotoran® MANA - Makhteshim Agan of North America, Inc.
- Planting Dates: May 1 to May 6 First Activating Rainfall: GA1 = 2 d; GA 2 = 11 d; NC: 11 d; TN = 6 d Crop tolerance data not reported as technology still being developed.
- Percent Palmer amaranth control just prior to layby. GA1, GA2, TN, NC 2010. 74 c 85 b 43 d 86 b 93 a 93 a 99 a 2,4-D 2,4-D Dur. + D Dur. + D Durango Durango Ignite Ignite Prowl Prowl Prowl POT 1 POT 2 IG + D IG + D 97 a 2,4-D 2,4-D Dur. + D Dur. + D IG + D IG + D
- Percent Palmer amaranth control just prior to layby in residual systems. GA1, GA2, TN, NC 2010. 93 b 99 a Prowl Prowl Prowl POT 1 POT 2 2,4-D 2,4-D Dur. + D Dur. + D IG + D IG + D Reflex or Cotoran 92 b 93 b Reflex or Cotoran Reflex or Cotoran 93 b 99 a
- Durango fb Durango Palmer amaranth control just prior to layby. Macon Co., 2010.
- 2,4-D fb 2,4-D 2,4-D + Ignite fb 2,4-D + Ignite Palmer amaranth control just prior to layby. Macon Co., 2010.
- Prowl fb 2,4-D twice Prowl fb 2,4-D + Ignite twice Palmer amaranth control just prior to layby. Macon Co., 2010.
- Percent Palmer amaranth control during late season. GA1, GA2, and NC 2010. 75 d 84 c 28 e 90 bc 95 ab 95 ab 98 a 2,4-D 2,4-D Dur. + D Dur. + D Durango Durango Ignite Ignite Prowl Prowl Prowl POT 1 POT 2 IG + D IG + D 97 a Direx + MSMA directed to all systems. 2,4-D 2,4-D Dur. + D Dur. + D IG + D IG + D
- Percent Palmer amaranth control just prior to layby in residual systems. GA1, GA2, NC 2010. 95 99 Prowl Prowl Prowl POT 1 POT 2 Direx + MSMA directed to all systems. 2,4-D 2,4-D Dur. + D Dur. + D IG + D IG + D Reflex 96 95 Reflex Reflex 97 98
- Seed Cotton Yield. GA1 and GA2, 2010. 759 b 855 b 242 c 876 b 1170 a 1115 a 1205 a 2,4-D 2,4-D Dur. + D Dur. + D Durango Durango Ignite Ignite Prowl Prowl Prowl POT 1 POT 2 IG + D IG + D 1230 a Direx + MSMA directed to all systems. 2,4-D 2,4-D Dur. + D Dur. + D IG + D IG + D
- 1170 1205 Prowl Prowl Prowl POT 1 POT 2 Direx + MSMA directed to all systems. 2,4-D 2,4-D Dur. + D Dur. + D IG + D IG + D Reflex 1230 1115 Reflex Reflex 1210 1205 Seed Cotton Yield. GA1 and GA2, 2010.
- Summary In total POST sequential systems: Ignite + 2,4-D > Dur. + 2,4-D > 2,4-D > Ignite > Dur. In 2,4-D systems, residual applications of Prowl were as effective as Reflex or Cotoran. All programs provided at least 93% control. Control of 99% only noted with systems including sequential Ignite + 2,4-D applications. Cotton yields greater with residual systems and in the total POST system with Ignite + 2,4-D.
- Conclusion Numerous weed management systems in DHT Cotton will effectively manage glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth
- Concerns Making it to 2015 or when commercialized? Sustainability of Ignite? Off target movement of 2,4-D research to address this concern is in progress
- 2,4-D Ester 2,4-D Amine New Formulation N
- S SE SW E W N NE NW Potted cotton plants placed in all directions @ 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 ft 4 plants per station Volatility distance – (plants placed in field after drift pots were removed)
- Temperature (F) Sept 9-11 Application
- Visual Injury 27 DAA from 2,4-D Volatility, October 6, 2010 Error bar is 1 Std error of mean Averaged across directions Entire 48 hrs
- Volatility Injury to Cotton: Tunnel/Dome Data John Richburg 2010 Project Review November, 2010
- Visual Injury 27 DAA from 2,4-D Volatility under Tunnels (October 6, 2010) 20 20 20 19 13 0 0 4 6 Entire = 48 hrs T1 = 1st 24 hrs T2 = 2nd 24 hrs
- Comments?