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- Value of Transgenics: Weed Management Culpepper and Steckel
- Mike Marshall Donnie Miller Mike Patterson Ken Smith Larry Steckel Daniel Stephenson Alan York Jamshid Asigh Tom Barber Tom Baughman Jason Bond Stanley Culpepper Peter Dotray Wayne Keeling Survey Participants Individuals represent 96% of the 2009 US cotton crop!
- Adoption of Herbicide-Resistant Cotton >99% Source: 2009 Beltwide Weed Science Survey Percent cotton planted to cotton with herbicide-resistant traits in 2009. USDA AMS 2009 crop estimates 94.75% transgenic. >99% 100% 96% 100% 100% 99% 98% 91.5% 93%
- Confirmed Number of Herbicide-Resistant Weed Species in the Cotton Belt 4 5 4 8 8 3 4 5 8 2 Source: International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds (12/28/09) 12 9 4 0 8 18 14
- Palmer amaranth Common waterhemp Horseweed Johnsongrass Ryegrass Ragweed common and giant Herbicide-Resistant Weeds Challenging Cotton Growers Resistance to glyphosate in all of the listed weeds is the primary issue as well as ALS resistance in several of the species.
- 2009 Cotton Acreage and Percent Acreage Infested with Herbicide-Resistant Weeds 980,000 (75%) Source: National Cotton Council and Beltwide Weed Science Survey 380,000 (50%) 140,000 (75%) 250,000 (30%) 340,000 (100%) 520,000 (85%) 240,000 (0%) 270,000 (75%) 4,917,000 (2%) 30,000 (0%)
- 2009 Cotton Acreage and Percent Acreage Infested with Herbicide-Resistant Weeds 980,000 (75%) Source: National Cotton Council and beltwide weed survey (12/28/09) 380,000 (50%) 140,000 (75%) 250,000 (30%) 340,000 (100%) 520,000 (85%) 240,000 (0%) 270,000 (75%) 4,917,000 (2%) 30,000 (0%) Acres in survey: 8.1 mil (96% of US) US acres infested with resistance: 27% SE and MS acres infested with resistance: 68%
- All Weeds Are Not Created Equal
- Amaranthus palmeri 2009
- Significant Arkansas Georgia North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee {2,360,000} Palmer amaranth Infestation Levels Little to No Infestations Alabama Louisiana Mississippi New Mexico Texas {5,707,000 acres}
- 2% of acres decreased in value Has The Value of Glyphosate-Resistant Technology Changed for Areas With Minimal Impact by GR Palmer? 80% of acres have increased value Wider window for Flex Germplasm Improved weed control Development of glyphosate-resistant weeds $9/A increase *Results are weighted on cotton acreage in states participating in the survey.
- 45% of acres decreased in value Has The Value of Glyphosate-Resistant Technology Changed for Areas Impacted by GR Palmer? 0% of acres have increased value Herbicides to combat resistance Cultivating Hand weeding *Results are weighted on cotton acreage in states participating in the survey. $19.50/A decrease
- Value of Transgenics Are Changing Where GR Palmer is Present. Glyphosate 3 times 2006 University of Georgia Ponder Farm Glyphosate 3 times 2009
- Staple + Reflex + Direx PRE Roundup WMax + Parrlay POST Direx + MSMA Layby Managing Severe GR Palmer Amaranth Populations in Dryland Cotton Production.
- 26 5 % acres 20 0 0 45 *Average of Macon, Taylor, Sumpter, Schley, and Dooly counties Herbicide Incorp. Ignite systems 0 Cultivation Hand weeding 0 Impact of GR Palmer amaranth in Georgia counties with severe infestations.*
- 0% of acres decreased in value Has The Value of Ignite-Based Programs Changed for Areas With Minimal Impact by GR Palmer? 8% of acres have increased value Improved control of: Morningglory GR weeds $5/A increase *Results are weighted on cotton acreage in states participating in the survey.
- 0% of acres decreased in value Has The Value of the Ignite-Based Programs Changed for Areas Impacted by GR Palmer? 53% of acres have increased value Best option for GR Palmer POST Only option for ALS+GR Palmer POST POST option for GR horseweed and ragweed Less cultivating and handweeding *Results are weighted on cotton acreage in states participating in the survey. $19.50/A increase
- Weathermax 88 oz Staple LX 10 oz
- GR Palmer Control in Dryland Conservation Tillage Prowl + Reflex PRE Roundup + Dual POST Diuron + MSMA PD Prowl + Reflex PRE Ignite + Dual POST Diuron + MSMA PD
- PowerMax 22 oz 2 leaf PowerMax 22 oz 5 leaf Ignite 29 oz 2 leaf Ignite 29 oz 5 leaf Giant Ragweed Control with Ignite or Roundup. TN, 2009.
- Is There More Value with Flex Cotton Compared to Traditional RR cotton? Focus is just on weed control and not germplasm!! No herbicide resistance: 10 of 10 states say there is increased value ($8 to 20/A): Topical applications easier, quicker, less expensive One sprayer to maintain Improved weed control Overtop options without crop damage
- Is There More Value with Flex Cotton Compared to Traditional RR cotton? Focus is just on weed control and not germplasm!! No herbicide resistance: 10 of 10 states say there is increased value ($8 to 20/A): Topical applications easier, quicker, less expensive One sprayer to maintain Improved weed control Overtop options without crop damage BUT this will promote more use and dependence on glyphosate and ALS herbicide chemistry which will exasperate the impact of herbicide resistant weeds.
- Role of pollen movement and gene-flow in the spread of herbicide resistance
- Potential Pollen Movement Sosnoskie, 2009
- 230 K 250 28 K 309 K Giant ragweed 450 K Number of Seed Produced per Plant. Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds in US. Ragweed = Harrison et al. 2001; johnsongrass = Warwick and Black (1983); horseweed = Regehr and Bazzaz (1979); waterhemp = Nordby and Hartzler (2004); Palmer amaranth = Macrae et al (2009). Johnson-grass Horseweed Waterhemp Palmer amaranth
- Is There More Value with Flex Cotton Compared to Traditional RR cotton? Focus is just on weed control and not germplasm!! Herbicide resistance present: 8 of 9 say no Paying more for technology fee with no benefits Herbicide programs extremely costly Residual herbicides at planting, during the season, and at layby Wider window for early POST application?????
- Prowl + Reflex PRE, WeatherMax + Dual POST, Direx + MSMA Layby POST 18 DAP POST 24 DAP
- Will Growers Continue to Rely on the Glyphosate-Resistant Cotton Technology? Areas without resistance: Yes, as long as the technology performs Yes, but very interested in alternatives Yes, but will use other modes of action to combat resistance development Areas WITH resistance: No better options. As options become available, they will be evaluated. Yes, but interest building in conventional and Liberty Link systems. Moving toward Ignite-based systems. If yields were equal, growers would adopt Ignite based programs rapidly!! YIELD IS STILL THE KEY DECIDING FACTOR
- With Yield and Quality Equal, How Many Acres Would Be Planted to Conventional Cultivars? Current acres What would happen the second year after planting all the conventional acres??? ~417,945 acres Predicted acres ~1,524,740 acres
- Future Technology: 2,4-D or Dicamba Resistant Cotton 2,4-D resistant cotton 2,4-D sensitive cotton
- Will There Be Value in 2,4-D or Dicamba Resistant Traits for Cotton Growers? 1. Tool for managing GR ragweed, horseweed, Palmer, morningglory, perennial weeds, winter annual weeds 2. No preplant interval for burndown 3. A new mode of action for in-crop control 4. Applications overtop of cotton 5. Price of herbicides are currently economical 6. Option to rotate with Roundup for resistance mgmt
- Ignite Ignite + 2,4-D 0.75 lb 12 DAT
- Ignite Ignite + dicamba 0.5 lb 12 DAT
- Are You Comfortable Making 2,4-D or Dicamba In-Crop Weed Management Recommendations TODAY? 1. Fair 2. No 3. No 4. No 5. Comfortable with dicamba, not with 2,4-D 6. No 7. Absolutely not 8. No 9. Yes, but only in some locations 10. No way, not today
- Why Are Weed Scientists So Uncomfortable? Physical drift, drift, drift (10 of 10 are concerned)
- Why Are Weed Scientists So Uncomfortable? Physical drift, drift, drift (10 of 10 are concerned) 2. Tank contamination 3. Volatility 4. Dont provide complete pigweed control 5. Concern over cost of technology 6. Potential development of resistance 7. Accidental application to non-resistant cultivars 8. Attempting to control weeds too large
- Palmer amaranth is a game changer!
- Palmer amaranth seedbank it is the key! YEAR 1: 5 Palmer females escape Produce 2,000,000 seeds in cotton (50% germ) YEAR 2: Weed program = 99.9% control 1,000 plants per acre left at harvest 400 female plants/A 160,000,000 seeds produced in cotton (50% germ) YEAR 3: Weed program 99.9% control 80,000 plants per acre left at harvest 32,000 female plants/A = 1.28 X 1010 seed/A
- GR Palmer amaranth not present or very light: Value of RR technology increased avg. of $9/A on over 4.6 million acres Value of Ignite-based programs increased avg. of $5 on 0.46 million acres. GR Palmer amaranth present: Value of RR technology decreased avg. of $19.50/A on over 1.1 million acres Value of Ignite-based programs increased avg. of $19.50/A on 1.2 million acres Value of Current Transgenics: Weeds
- Controlling GR Palmer amaranth by Developing Integrated Programs