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Eric P. Prostko
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia

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  1. Benghal Dayflower (aka Tropical Spiderwort) in Georgia: A Review
  2. Benghal Dayflower/Tropical Spiderwort - Commelina benghalensis
  3. Rainfall Departures From Normal (2020-2024) April 1- October 1
  4. The Other Spiderwort - Tradescantia spp.
  5. Benghal Dayflower in Cotton
  6. Benghal Dayflower in Peanut
  7. Benghal Dayflower in Field Corn
  8. Benghal Dayflower Following Corn Harvest
  9. Common Dayflowers and Look A-Likes in Georgia - Commelinaceae Plant Family (41 Genera, 650 species)
  10. Commelina spp.
  11. Commelina- Asiatic Dayflower, Spreading Dayflower, Tropical Spiderwort
  12. Murdannia spp.
  13. Commelina spp. vs. Murdannia spp.
  14. Leaf Length: Leaf Width ~ 1.5
  15. Underground Flowers
  16. Other Fun Facts
  17. Forage Quality of Benghal Dayflower/Tropical Spiderwort
  18. Some Important Research Data
  19. Table 1. Benghal Dayflower Density (in NTC) As Influenced by Planting Date (~30 DAP)
  20. Figure 2. Tropical Spiderwort/Benghal Dayflower Control in Peanut As Influenced by Row Pattern
  21. Figure 3. Tropical Spiderwort/Benghal Dayflower Emergence As Influenced by Burial Depth
  22. Figure 4 . Tillage Effects on Tropical Spiderwort/Bengal Dayflower Density
  23. Figure 5. The Influence of Burial Duration (8" depth) on Tropical Spiderwort/Benghal Dayflower Seed Viability
  24. Control
  25. BD/TS in Peanut
  26. Benghal Dayflower/Tropical Spiderwort - 2022 - Gramoxone + Storm + Group 15’s
  27. Spreading Dayflower in Peanut - 2023
  28. Spreading Dayflower in Peanut - 2023
  29. BD/TSW Control in Field Corn
  30. Benghal Dayflower/Tropical Spiderwort - HPPD’s
  31. BD/TS Control in Field Corn
  32. Post-Harvest Tropical Spiderwort Control - 2024
  33. BD/TSW Control in Soybeans
  34. Benghal Dayflower/Tropical Spiderwort - 2022
  35. BDF/TS in Cotton
  36. Possible Benghal dayflower cotton program
  37. Benghal Dayflower Summary

  1. Benghal Dayflower (aka Tropical Spiderwort) in Georgia: A Review Eric P. Prostko Extension Weed Specialist Dept. Crop & Soil Sciences The University of Georgia
  2. Benghal Dayflower/Tropical Spiderwort Commelina benghalensis noxious and invasive tropical Asia/Africa native annual or perennial seeds and rhizomes above and below ground flowers A “monsoon” weed rapid germination and completion of lifecycle when soil moisture is plentiful 8,000-12,000 seeds/plant Seed to seed in 42 days
  3. Rainfall Departures From Normal (2020-2024) April 1- October 1 Source: UGA Automated Weather
  4. The Other Spiderwort Tradescantia spp.
  5. Benghal Dayflower in Cotton
  6. Benghal Dayflower in Peanut
  7. Benghal Dayflower in Field Corn
  8. Benghal Dayflower Following Corn Harvest Dr. Ted Webster USDA/ARS 1969-2016
  9. Common Dayflowers and Look A-Likes in Georgia Commelinaceae Plant Family (41 Genera, 650 species) Commelina spp. (6) Benghal dayflower C. benghalensis Asiatic dayflower C. communis Spreading dayflower C. diffusa Slender dayflower C. erecta Carolina dayflower C. caroliniana Virginia dayflower C. virginica Murdannia spp. (3) Marsh dayflower M. keisak Doveweed M. nudiflora Asiatic dewflower M. spirata Source: Dr. Richard Carter Valdosta State University
  10. Commelina spp. Asiatic Dayflower Spreading Dayflower Benghal Dayflower Slender Dayflower Source: Stephanie Brundage Virginia Dayflower Source: prairie/plantx/sl_dayflower.htm Carolina Dayflower Source: /61568115
  11. Mendoza, NCSU, 2002 Asiatic Dayflower: 2 Very Blue, 1 White Spreading Dayflower: 3 Blue Tropical Spiderwort: 2 Blue, 1 White 1-cm Mike Burton, IFAS Scale: much smaller
  12. Murdannia spp. marsh dayflower doveweed Asiatic dewflower (Source: J. Horn) (Source: A. Chandler, UF/IFAS)
  13. Commelina spp. vs. Murdannia spp. Commelina spp. spathe (leaf-like bract) Encloses flowers/fruit flowers with 3 petals 2 large/1 small Murdannia spp. No spathe Flowers with 3 petals same size Benghal dayflower Marsh dayflower
  14. Leaf Length: Leaf Width ~ 1.5 (Less than 3:1) Mike Burton, IFAS Benghal Dayflower
  15. Underground Flowers
  16. Other Fun Facts host for reniform, southern/peanut root knot nematodes host for southern stem rot (white mold) seed is spread by doves and other birds has some value as forage but……
  17. Forage Quality of Benghal Dayflower/Tropical Spiderwort 1Winners of 2005 Tri-State Hay Contest 2Sampled on October 6, 2006; 12” tall and flowering
  18. Some Important Research Data Planting Date Twin Rows Tillage Burrial Depth T. Flanders, Retired Grady/Berrien CEA
  19. Table 1. Benghal Dayflower Density (in NTC) As Influenced by Planting Date (~30 DAP) *2.7X increase Plants/m2 Source: Daramola et al. 2024. Implications of planting date on Benghal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis L.) and sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia L.) management in peanut. Weed Technology 38(e66):1-9.
  20. Figure 2. Tropical Spiderwort/Benghal Dayflower Control in Peanut As Influenced by Row Pattern Source: Yoder et al. 2003. Peanut weed management under varying row patterns and tillage regimes. WSSA Abstracts 43:81.
  21. Figure 3. Tropical Spiderwort/Benghal Dayflower Emergence As Influenced by Burial Depth Source: Sabila et al. 2012. Evaluation of factors that influence Benghal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis) seed germination and emergence. Weed Science 60:75-80.
  22. Figure 4 . Tillage Effects on Tropical Spiderwort/Bengal Dayflower Density Source: Brecke et al. 2005. Impact of tillage and herbicides on Tropical Spiderwort. Proceedings of Tropical Spiderwort Symposium, Tifton, GA. November 29, 2005.(
  23. Figure 5. The Influence of Burial Duration (8” depth) on Tropical Spiderwort/Benghal Dayflower Seed Viability Source: Riar et al. 2012. Benghal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis ) seed viability in soil. Weed Science 60:589-592. 3 years
  24. Control
  25. BD/TS in Peanut Plow (i.e. bury seed): 3-5 years (not every year) Planting Date (May vs. June) Twin Rows Group 15’s (Dual Magnum, Warrant, Outlook, Zidua, Anthem Flex) Paraquat Cadre? Strongarm Basagran
  26. Benghal Dayflower/Tropical Spiderwort – 2022 Gramoxone + Storm + Group 15’s TSW-01-22 Sumter Co. EPOST: July 26 PIC: August 30 (35 DAT) Gramoxone + Storm + Dual Magnum (EPOST) Gramoxone + Storm + Outlook (EPOST) Gramoxone + Storm + Anthem Flex + Induce (EPOST) Gramoxone + Storm + Zidua + Induce (EPOST) Gramoxone + Storm + Warrant (EPOST) Storm or Basagran
  27. Spreading Dayflower in Peanut - 2023 PE-112-23 Berrien Co. June 20 - 18 DAT NTC Strongarm 84WG @ 0.45 oz/A Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 16 oz/A
  28. Spreading Dayflower in Peanut - 2023 PE-112-23 Berrien Co. June 20 - 18 DAT NTC Broadloom 4LC @ 32 oz/A Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 16 oz/A
  29. BD/TSW Control in Field Corn Residuals Dual Magnum, Outlook, Warrant, Zidua, Anthem Maxx POST 2,4-D (crop injury issues) Basagran Halex GT/Callisto Lay-By/Hood Aim Evik Gramoxone Post-Harvest Gramoxone, 2,4-D, Aim, Reviton (?)
  30. Benghal Dayflower/Tropical Spiderwort – HPPD’s TSW-01-22 August 17 22 DAT Callisto 4SC @ 3 oz/A Agridex @ 1% v/v
  31. BD/TS Control in Field Corn Untreated Gramoxone Max 3SC @ 16 oz/A Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 1.33 pt/A Herbimax @ 1% v/v Lay-By CN-09-05 12 DAT
  32. Post-Harvest Tropical Spiderwort Control – 2024 COMBE: 12-16” tall; flowering; POST1 = 09/10/24; POST2= 09/17/24 PH-01A-24 October 2 15 DAT (POST2) NTC Gramoxone 3SL @ 32 oz/A Induce @ 0.25% v/v POST1 + POST2 Roundup P-MAX3 5.88 SL @ 32 oz/A Enlist One 3.8SL @ 24 oz/A POST1 + POST2
  33. BD/TSW Control in Soybeans Residuals Dual Magnum, Outlook, Warrant, Zidua, Anthem Maxx POST Basagran, Classic, FirstRate, Enlist Duo/One, Pursuit Lay-By/Hood Gramoxone, Aim
  34. Benghal Dayflower/Tropical Spiderwort - 2022 TSW-01-22 August 17 22 DAT Roundup PowerMax3 5.88SL @ 25 oz/A Pursuit 2SL @ 4 oz/A Roundup PowerMax3 5.88SL @ 25 oz/A Classic 25DG @ 0.5 oz/A Roundup PowerMax3 5.88SL @ 25 oz/A FirstRate 84WG @ 0.3 oz/A
  35. BDF/TS in Cotton
  36. BDF in Cotton
  37. Benghal Dayflower Summary “monsoon” weed Late emerging ~60+% after June 1 Does not like tillage! Burial depth important 5”/3 years Lots of seed Above/below ground flowers Residual’s Group 15’s Post-Harvest seed to seed in ~42 days