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Stanley Culpepper
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia

Jenna Vance
University of Georgia

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  1. Vegetable Update 2025 - Weed Management
  2. Lots of Impact from New Labels in Recent Years
  3. The Endangered Species Act (ESA)
  4. Very Minor Changes in Circulars
  5. Rely Being Discontinued - Fortunate to Move to Liberty
  6. Weed Response to Roundup, Liberty, and Mixtures. - Crabgrass and Goosegrass
  7. Weed Response to Roundup, Liberty, and Mixtures. - Pink Purslane and Ragweed
  8. Weed Response to Roundup, Liberty, and Mixtures. - Wild Radish
  9. Limiting antagonism from POST tank mixtures
  10. Chateau EZ 24(c) Indemnified Labels For Raised Bed Mulch Row Middle
  11. Paraquat
  12. EPA Issues Emergency Order to Stop Use of Pesticide Dacthal to Address Serious Health Risk
  13. Search for Dacthal Alternatives in Seeded Onion
  14. 2024/2025 Onion Plots and Vidalia Onion Research Farm
  15. Efforts in Seeded Onions
  16. Deep Tillage, Laser Weeder, See and Spray Technology, Cover Crops, Weedout Pollen
  17. Seeded Onion Treatments - Planted Oct 23
  18. Percent Primrose Control (Seeded Onion)
  19. Onions Per Plot - Seeded Laser Weeder Exp. 2024
  20. Transplant Onion Experiment - Planted Nov 16
  21. "Paper" vs. Standard LDPE Mulch on Nutsedge
  22. Common purslane, Ragweed parthenium, Pink purslane, Nutsedge, Alligator weed
  23. Residual herbicides are key, if activated
  24. Potentially Effective Postemergence Materials
  25. Ragweed Parthenium - Generating Data
  26. Ragweed Parthenium - Data is Still Limited
  27. Four Areas To Consider For Huge Payoff!
  28. If feasible, apply two residuals, both effective on your major pest, together!
  29. Science, Cooperation, & Communication
  30. Bicyclopyrone Use in Watermelon
  31. Bicyclopyrone: General Use Directions in Specialty Crops

  1. Vegetable Update 2025 – Weed Management 1772 Stanley Culpepper and Jenna Vance Taylor Randell-Singleton, Hannah Wright-Smith, Camp Hand University of Georgia Tifton, GA Woodland, NC
  2. Lots of Impact from New Labels in Recent Years
  3. ESA implemented in 1973 Provides framework to conserve & protect endangered & threatened species & their habitats! The Endangered Species Act (ESA) Total of ~1600 species + 900 critical habitats!!! Grey Wolf Wood Bison Black-footed Ferret Whorled Sunflower
  4. Very Minor Changes in Circulars Cole crop Leafy greens Summer squash Sweet potato Watermelon Are there others crops you would like programs for?
  5. Rely Being Discontinued – Fortunate to Move to Liberty Tomato Pepper Cantaloupe Cucumber Squash Watermelon
  6. Weed Response to Roundup, Liberty, and Mixtures. Roundup PMAX 3 = full rate; Liberty = full rate. Goosegrass 6”; purslane 15”, crabgrass 8”. Veg 5-2024. Research conducted with Josh Dawson 100 a % Goosegrass Control Liberty+RU Liberty Roundup 53 c 78 b 100 a % Large Crabgrass Control Liberty+RU Liberty Roundup 53 c 86 b RU followed by Liberty 100 a RU followed by Liberty 100 a
  7. Weed Response to Roundup, Liberty, and Mixtures. Roundup PMAX 3 = full rate; Liberty = full rate. Goosegrass 6”; purslane 15”, crabgrass 8”. Veg 5-2024. Research conducted with Josh Dawson 97 a % Pink Purslane Control Liberty+RU Liberty Roundup 68 c 78 b 100 a RU followed by Liberty % Ragweed Parthenium Liberty+RU Liberty Roundup RU followed by Liberty 15 c 98 ab 92 b 100 a
  8. Weed Response to Roundup, Liberty, and Mixtures. Roundup PMAX 3 = full rate; Liberty = full rate. Radish 5”. 98 a % Wild Radish Control Liberty+RU Liberty Roundup 34 c 54 b 100 a RU followed by Liberty
  9. Smaller weed sizes, usually less than few inches Residual herbicides reducing density and size Full herbicide rates Coverage essential Sequential applications is the best option, especially during burndown Limiting antagonism from POST tank mixtures
  10. Chateau EZ 24(c) Indemnified Labels For Raised Bed Mulch Row Middle Fruiting Veg: eggplant, groundcherry, okra, pepino, bell pepper, chili pepper, cooking pepper, pimento, sweet pepper, tomatillo, tomato Cucurbits: chayote, Chinese waxgourd, citron melon, cucumber, gherkin, gourd, edible (hyotan, cucuzza, hechima, Chinese okra), momordica (balsam apple/pear, bittermelon, Chinese cucumber, cantaloupe, pumpkin, summer squash, winter squash (butternut, calabaza, hubbard, acorn, spaghetti), watermelon Brassica: Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, napa cabbage, cauliflower > 42 crops
  11. The paraquat training module is now live on Syngenta’s website.  It is available at Paraquat Training.  Links from Gramoxone 2.0 and 3.0 pages have been updated along with the EPA paraquat page.   No charge for the training English and Spanish One time registration form requiring name, email address, state, and pesticide application license number. Automatic renewal email
  12. Search for Dacthal Alternatives in Seeded Onion
  13. 2024/2025 Onion Plots and Vidalia Onion Research Farm
  14. Efforts in Seeded Onions We continue our search…any ideas? LaserWeeder
  16. Seeded Onion Treatments – Planted Oct 23 1. No weed control 2. LaserWeeder Nov 9, Nov 21, Dec 5, Jan 3 3. Herbicide program 4. Herbicide program + LaserWeeder Herbicide Program Dacthal 3 pt PRE Dacthal 3 pt Flag Prowl 2 pt 2 lf Goal 4 F 0.75 oz 2 lf Goal 4 F 0.75 oz 3 lf Goal 4 F 8 oz 6 leaf Prowl 12 oz 6 leaf
  17. Percent Primrose Control (Seeded Onion) Harvest – May 3 0 c No herbicide % 11 b 93 a LaserWeeder Alone Full Herbicide program LaserWeeder + Herbicide 90 a # primrose/A: none = 71K; herbicide: 22.8K; LW: 816; LW + Herb: 181
  18. Onions Per Plot – Seeded Laser Weeder Exp. 2024 No weed control Herbicide program Laser weeder Laser weeder + Herbicide program
  19. Transplant Onion Experiment – Planted Nov 16 1. No weed control 2. LaserWeeder Dec 5, Jan 3, Feb 27, Mar 21 3. Herbicide program 4. Herbicide program + LaserWeeder Herbicide Program Prowl 2 pt – 2 days after transplant Goal XL 2 pt - 2 days after transplant Photo = Chris Tyson
  20. Herbicide removal Nutsedge control John Bennet (watermelon session) “Paper” vs. Standard LDPE Mulch on Nutsedge “Paper” LDPE
  21. Common purslane Pink purslane Alligator weed Ragweed parthenium Nutsedge
  22. Residual herbicides are key……if activated Atrazine Chateau Devrinol Dual Mag Goal Outlook Prowl Reflex Sencor Sonalan Sencor Treflan Valor
  23. Atrazine Lorox Sencor Roundup fb Gramoxone* Roundup fb Liberty* 1. Residual herbicides are key in crop. 2. *Between Crops: Max Roundup allowable followed by Gramoxone or Liberty 5 to 7 d later. Potentially Effective Postemergence Materials
  24. Ragweed Parthenium – Generating Data Liberty (full rate): very good Roundup: very bad on ours Roundup + dicamba: excellent Roundup + 2,4-D: fair Command PRE: very good Valor/Chateau PRE: fair/good 4” 7” 10” RU + 2,4D RU + dicamba RU + 2,4D RU + dicamba RU + 2,4D RU + dicamba Ragweed Parthenium Size
  25. Ragweed Parthenium – Data is Still Limited Liberty (full rate): very good Roundup: very bad on ours Roundup + dicamba: excellent Roundup + 2,4-D: fair Command PRE: very good Valor/Chateau PRE: fair/good From Literature Dual: poor Prowl/Treflan: poor Gramoxone: poor Basagran: poor Atrazine: poor
  26. Four Areas To Consider For Huge Payoff! Hooded Sprayer!
  27. # pigweed per acre at 21 days Reflex 12 oz Direx 16 oz Warrant 48 oz NT = 1,464,000 per acre; LSD 21 K; C10 2014 Reflex + Direx Reflex + Warrant Direx + Warrant 39,650 26,840 55,510 4270 2440 4575 If feasible, apply two residuals, both effective on your major pest, together!
  28. Industry Partners Science, Cooperation, & Communication Farmers
  29. Foliar contact can result in transient bleaching. Bicyclopyrone Use in Watermelon Application Timing: Preplant and Post-Directed Row Middles Use Rate: 2.6-3.5 fl oz/a (37.5-50 g ai/ha) PHI: 14 days Crop Specific Use Directions: Apply before transplanting watermelons or post-directed Avoid contacting watermelon foliage during application or crop injury may occur. Use of a hooded or shielded sprayer will minimize crop injury when applying as row middle treatment. Classification: PUBLIC - Not for Distribution Bicyclopyrone Pre-Transplant 3.6 oz/a Bicyclopyrone POST-DIRECTED 3.6 oz/a Photos: NC – 2020 – Syngenta Trial – 6 days after post applications Bicyclopyrone POST @ 3.6 oz/a © 2021 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions . Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status. Bicyclopyrone is not currently registered for sale or use in the US and is not being offered for sale.  The Syngenta logo is a trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. 
  30. Bicyclopyrone: General Use Directions in Specialty Crops Minimize soil movement during the transplanting or planting process following pre-transplant or preplant application. If a significant amount of treated soil is moved, weed control in the row will be reduced. Application should be made to small weeds (<2”). Use NIS or COC to enhance weed control. Add a NIS at 0.25% v/v or COC at the rate of 1.0% v/v. AMS may be added to improve the consistency of weed control. Top 10 Troublesome Most Weeds Among All Broadleaf Crops, Fruits, and Vegetables Van Wychen L (2019) 2019  Survey of the most common and troublesome weeds in broadleaf crops, fruits & vegetables in the United States and Canada. Weed Science Society of America National Weed Survey Dataset. Available: Classification: PUBLIC - Not for Distribution Syngenta hereby disclaims any liability for Third Party websites referenced herein. © 2021 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions . Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status. Bicyclopyrone is not currently registered for sale or use in the US and is not being offered for sale.  The Syngenta logo is a trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.