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Nick Shay
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Georgia

Eric P. Prostko
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia

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  1. Brake (fluridone) Application Timing in Peanut & Peanut Response to Milestone (aminopyralid) Nicholas Shay/Dr. Eric Prostko
  2. Introduction: Brake registration 2023
  3. Introduction: Brake
  4. Objective
  5. Methods: Experimental Design
  6. Brake Timing - 2022
  7. Brake Timing Study - 2023
  8. Results
  9. Results: Peanut stand 13 DAP
  10. Results: Peanut stunting 13 DAP
  11. Results: Brake 13 DAP
  12. Results: Peanut height 30 DAP following Brake
  13. Results: Brake 30 DAP
  14. Results: Peanut yield following Brake
  15. Summary/Conclusions:
  16. Peanut Response to Milestone (aminopyralid)
  17. Introduction: Milestone
  18. Objective
  19. Methods: Experimental Design
  20. Results: Peanut visual injury ratings 2 WAT
  21. Results: Visual peanut injury from PRE treatment
  22. Results: Visual peanut injury from 30 DAP
  23. Results: Visual peanut injury from 60 DAP
  24. Results: Peanut plant height at 98 DAP from Milestone
  25. Results: Peanut plant height at 30 DAP
  26. Results: Peanut plant height at 60 DAP
  27. Results: Peanut plant height at 98 DAP
  28. Results: Peanut yield response to Milestone
  29. Summary/Conclusions
  30. Current Milestone Label: Real Deal!
  31. Thank you. Questions?

  1. Brake (fluridone) Application Timing in Peanut & Peanut Response to Milestone (aminopyralid) Nicholas Shay/Dr. Eric Prostko UGA Weed Science Update for County Extension Agents December 6, 2023
  2. Introduction: Brake® registration 2023
  3. Introduction: Brake® Fluridone WSSA Group # 12 Phytoene Desaturase Inhibitor Application method: PRE “Apply behind the planter (i.e. at planting) or within 36 hours after planting.”
  4. Objective Evaluate peanut response to delayed timings of Brake.
  5. Methods: Experimental Design Experimental Period: 2022 – 2023 Location: Ponder Farm; Ty Ty, GA Dothan/Tifton sand Peanut variety: GA-06G RCB design; 4 replications Treatments: NTC Brake® 1.2SL @ 12 oz/A Timing: 1, 3, 5, 7 DAP Data analyzed in SAS 9.4 (Cary, NC) PROC GLIMMIX Tukey-HSD (P = 0.10) Pairwise comparison
  7. Brake Timing Study - 2023 PE-09-23 GA-06G 1 DAP (~20 HAP) 3 DAP 5 DAP 7 DAP* *7 DAP: 50% GROUND CRACKING; 2/20 PLANTS WERE 0.25 ABOVE GROUND; ROOT=2; HYPOCOTYL=1; EPICOTYL=0.25; COTYLEDONS SPLIT; 90+% BELOW GROUND.
  8. Results
  9. Results: Peanut stand 13 DAP following Brake @ 1, 3, 5, 7 DAP (2022-2023) P = 0.68 *Columns with letter separation are significantly different at (P < 0.1)
  10. Results: Peanut stunting 13 DAP following Brake @ 1, 3, 5, 7 DAP (2022-2023) P = 0.01 *Columns with letter separation are significantly different at (P < 0.1)
  11. Results: Brake 1 DAP 13 DAP; May 15, 2023 3 DAP 7 DAP
  12. Results: Peanut height 30 DAP following Brake @ 1, 3, 5, 7 DAP (2022-2023) P = 0.62 *Columns with letter separation are significantly different at (P < 0.1)
  13. Results: Brake NTC 30 DAP; May 31, 2023 1 DAP 7 DAP
  14. Results: Peanut yield following Brake at 1, 3, 5, 7 DAP (2022-2023) P = 0.74 *Columns with letter separation are significantly different at (P < 0.1)
  15. Summary/Conclusions: Overall Takeaways: 1) Peanuts were tolerant of applications of Brake up to 7 DAP without negatively impacting yield. 2) Increase window of application? READ/FOLLOW THE LABEL Repeating study in 2024! No effect on peanut density Increased visual injury with delayed applications No effect on peanut plant height No effect on yield.
  16. Peanut Response to Milestone (aminopyralid)
  17. Aminopyralid WSSA Group 4 – Auxin Family: Pyridine Carboxylate Trade names: Milestone, GrazonNext, Chaparral DF Pre/Postemergence Mostly foliar applications Horsenettle, Tropical Soda Apple Uses: pastures, right-of-way, rangelands, CRP Advantages: soil residual activity Restrictions: Animal/manure management Hay distribution 18 months Crop rotations 1 (corn); 2-3 (BL crops) years 6-74 day ˝ life Introduction: MILESTONE®
  18. Objective Evaluate peanut responses to applications of Milestone (aminopyralid).
  19. Experimental Period: 2023-2024 Location: Ponder Farm, Ty Ty, GA RCB design: 3 replications 5x4 factorial arrangement 20 treatments 60 plots 2 m x 7.62 m plots Treatments: Milestone 3LC 1x rate: 7 oz/A NTC, 1x, 1/5X, 1/10X, 1/100X Timing: PRE, 30, 60 - DAP In-season data collection: Plant density / 5ft % stunting % leaf curl % necrosis % epinasty Plant height & width Yield Methods: Experimental Design
  20. Results: Peanut visual injury ratings 2 WAT from Milestone in TyTy, Georgia, 2023. P = 0.03 *Columns with letter separation are significantly different at (P < 0.1)
  21. Results: Visual peanut injury from PRE treatment 14 DAT; May 9, 2023 NTC 1X 1/100X
  22. Results: Visual peanut injury from 30 DAP 14 DAT, 30DAP; June 7, 2023 1X 1/100X NTC
  23. Results: Visual peanut injury from 60 DAP 14 DAT, 60 DAP; July 5, 2023 1X 1/100X NTC
  24. Results: Peanut plant height at 98 DAP from Milestone in TyTy, Georgia, 2023. P < 0.001 *Columns with letter separation are significantly different at (P < 0.1) b d c e a
  25. Results: Peanut plant height at 98 DAP in TyTy, Georgia, 2023. PRE; 1X 30 DAP; 1X Aug. 11, 2023 NTC
  26. Results: Peanut plant height at 98 DAP in TyTy, Georgia, 2023. PRE; 1X 60 DAP; 1X NTC Aug. 11, 2023
  27. Results: Peanut plant height at 98 DAP in TyTy, Georgia, 2023. 30 DAP; 1/10X 60 DAP; 1/10X PRE; 1/5X Aug. 11, 2023
  28. Results: Peanut yield response to Milestone in TyTy, Georgia, 2023. P < 0.001 *Columns with letter separation are significantly different at (P < 0.1) d d c b a
  29. Summary/Conclusions Stunting: 1X rate: Significant injury (70 – 99%) all timings 60 > PRE > 30 1/5X rate (27-43%) 1/10X rate (18-37%) 1/100X rate (<15%) Height: All heights were significantly reduced from NTC 1X: 100% 1/5X: 71% 1/10X: 53% 1/100X: 12% Yield: All trt significantly reduced yield from NTC 1X: 100% 1/5X: 93% 1/10X: 73% 1/100X: 16% 6+ ˝ lives (~444 days) Repeat study in 2024!
  30. Current Milestone Label: Real Deal! Crop Rotation: Do not rotate to any crop from rangeland, permanent pasture, or CRP acres within one year following treatment. Cereals and corn can be planted one year after treatment. Broadleaf crops are sensitive to aminopyralid residues in the soil and prediction of crop safety by field bioassay (see instructions below) is the BEST way to determine planting options. Broadleaf crops such as canola, flax, and alfalfa can require at least 2 to 3 years depending on the crop and environmental conditions. More sensitive crops such as soybeans, tobacco, peanuts, potatoes, and peas may require a longer plant-back interval and should not be planted until a field bioassay shows that the level of aminopyralid present in the soil will not adversely affect that broadleaf crop.
  31. Thank you. Questions?