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Weed Management for Wheat 2024/2025
Stanley Culpepper
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
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Weed Management for Wheat 2024/2025
Ryegrass is Threatening Production
Weed Management for Wheat 2024/2025
Preplant Options - No Plants At Planting
Annual Ryegrass Herbicide Options - Systems approach
Annual Ryegrass Herbicide Options - Earlyish and POST
Annual Ryegrass Herbicide Options - DO NOT APPLY THE SAME CHEMISTRY 2 YEARS IN A ROW
Example Program for Ryegrass
Some Growers in GA May Have to Get Creative
In-Crop Broadleaf Herbicides
In-Crop Broadleaf Herbicides
Harmony Extra TS + MCPA vs. Quelex + MCPA
What about other weeds like Henbit
Anything New?
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Weed Management for Wheat 2024/2025 Stanley Culpepper University of Georgia Tifton, Georgia Pest Mgmt Toolbox is in Trouble! 1772
Ryegrass is Threating Production Ryegrass, ryegrass, ryegrass Resistance is spreading fast No new herbicides Rotation is part of the solution Ryegrass must not be emerged when planting! Can you deep turn?
Ryegrass planted 0.5” inch without tillage. Ryegrass planted 0.5” followed by deep turning. Weed Management for Wheat 2024/2025 Seed only emerges close to soil surface Life of seed similar to pigweed (shortish)
1. Tillage 2. Roundup (full+ rate; best single option) 3. Gramoxone 4. Harmony Extra TS (broadleaves) 5. Quelex (broadleaves) 6. Select 30 d plant back 7. 2,4-D: 24 d plant back 8. Valor: 30 d plant back Preplant Options – No Plants At Planting
Annual Ryegrass Herbicide Options Critical To Understand: A systems approach similar to those used in agronomic crops is needed: no ryegrass at planting, early herbicide application focusing on residual control, 3) AND a POST is needed
Earlyish: Anthem Flex, Axiom, Fierce, Zidua, Prowl POST (usually ~ Christmas): Axial Bold, Osprey, Powerflex Annual Ryegrass Herbicide Options Critical To Understand: Similar to agronomic crops a systems approach of no ryegrass at planting, early herbicide, AND a POST is needed
Earlyish: Anthem Flex, Axiom, Fierce, Zidua, Prowl POST (usually ~ Christmas): Axial Bold, Osprey, Powerflex Annual Ryegrass Herbicide Options Critical To Understand: Similar to agronomic crops a systems approach of no ryegrass at planting, early herbicide, AND a POST is needed ALSO CRITICAL: DO NOT APPLY THE SAME CHEMISTRY IN THE SAME FIELD EVEN 2 YEARS IN A ROW
Example Program for Ryegrass Roundup or tillage if emerged just before planting Zidua or Fierce after planting (follow restrictions) Axial Bold or PowerFlex/Osprey
“The concentration of the chaff material places weed seeds in an environment unsuitable for germination and emergence.” “Seed impact mills that utilize metal parts at high velocity to crack the seeds as they move through the mill, thereby greatly reducing their viability.” Very good but requires lots of power and expensive! Photo and text credit: Lauren Lazaro LSU/Blue River Some Growers in GA May Have to Get Creative Chaff Lining
2,4-D Harmony Extra MCPA Osprey PowerFlex Quelex In-Crop Broadleaf Herbicides
2,4-D Harmony Extra MCPA Osprey PowerFlex Quelex In-Crop Broadleaf Herbicides 1) MCPA + Harmony or Quelex 2) 2,4-D + Harmony or Quelex 3) Harmony or Quelex fb MCPA or 2,4-D
Quelex + MCPA Harmony Extra TS + MCPA Wild Radish is # 1 Statewide
< 18 plants/m2: generally, no impact on yield 82 plants/m2: reduced yield up to 48% Competition greater in winter months Easily shaded out when blooming If weeds are managed for the first 30 to 50 days, there will be no reduction in yield. Hannah Wright 2022 Lit Review What about other weeds……like Henbit
Anything New? Three active ingredients Similar to Axial + Quelex We will begin our research this winter In theory, not smart to mix a broadleaf herbicide with a ryegrass herbicide but let’s see
For ryegrass, has to be more than just herbicides Herbicide program for ryegrass: none at planting, residual early, and timely topical application. For broadleaves, MCPA + Harmony or Quelex very effective across the state. Take Home