Slide Presentation
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New Weed Science Research Projects - Nicholas Shay and Dr. Eric Prostko
Eric P. Prostko
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
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New Weed Science Research Projects - Nicholas Shay and Dr. Eric Prostko
Project(s) Overview
Watermelon Production & Management
Watermelon Production & Management
Watermelon Production & Management
Impact of Residuals on Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)
Sorghum Production Systems
Sorghum: Preliminary Results
Controlling Pink Purslane (Portulaca pilosa)
Controlling Pink Purslane (Portulaca pilosa)
Controlling Pink Purslane (Portulaca pilosa)
Controlling Pink Purslane (Portulaca pilosa)
Investigating New Peanut Cultivar Responses to Postemergence Applications of Chlorimuron
Response to Chlorimuron
Response to Chlorimuron
Peanut Response to Delaye Timing Applications of Fluridone and Trifludimoxazin
Peanut (GA-06G) Yield Response to Brake and Vulcarus Applied 1,3,5,7 DAP
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New Weed Science Research Projects Nicholas Shay and Dr. Eric Prostko UGA Agent Training 2022
Project(s) Overview Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) Pink Purslane (Portulaca pilosa) Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Corn (Zea mays) Soybean (Glycine max)
Watermelon Production & Management $103,742,000 (NASS/USDA 2021)
Watermelon Production & Management $103,742,000 (NASS/USDA 2021) (UGA Pest Management Handbook – Veggies, 2021)
Watermelon Production & Management $103,742,000 (NASS/USDA 2021)
Impact of Residuals on Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) 10 mos. 24 mos.
Sorghum Production Systems Sorghum production in GA: GA - 41,000 acres Farm gate value $16 million (UGA Farmgate Report 2019) Objective: Simulating sorghum planting behind watermelon production Sorghum tolerance following fomesafen & terbacil applications 100 DAA
Sorghum Response to Fomesafen 2019 PRE applications of Terbacil & Fomesafen: Did not reduce plant stand, and biomass (14 DAA) Did not reduce plant stand, and height (21 DAA) Yield: Range: 58 – 77 bu ac-1 or 3,657 – 4,781 lbs ac-1 Trt differences (P = 0.03) but none from NTC Sorghum: Preliminary Results 2020 – 2022 PRE applications of Terbacil & Fomesafen: Did not reduce plant stand, and biomass (14 DAA) Did not reduce plant stand, and height (21 DAA) Necrosis was observed 139 DAA – transient by Sep. Yield: Range: 41 – 53 bu ac-1 or 2,519 – 3,254 lbs ac-1 No Trt differences (P > 0.1)
TITLE Increased frequency Disturbed gravelly and sandy field edges Occurrence: Southwest Southeast (Railroad) Summer annual / weak-perennial 212,000 – 292,000 seeds plant-1 Germination ~ 10 days 6 – 8 weeks – flowering / mature capsules Non-dormant seed Management difficulties: Succulent vegetative structures Densely populated hairs Continuous seed production Controlling Pink Purslane (Portulaca pilosa)
TITLE Limited research for desired control in southeastern U.S. Objective: Investigating herbicidal options for controlling pink purslane in the coastal plain region of Georgia Controlling Pink Purslane (Portulaca pilosa)
TITLE Controlling Pink Purslane (Portulaca pilosa) NTC Roundup PowerMaxx3: 22.0 oz ac-1 Gramoxone: 32.0 oz ac-1 Liberty: 32.0 oz ac-1 Engenia: 12.8 oz ac-1 Enlist One: 32.0 oz ac-1 Diuron: 24.0 oz ac-1 Aatrex: 48.0 oz ac-1 Ultra Blazer: 24.0 oz ac-1 Storm: 24.0 oz ac-1 2,4-DB: 16.0 oz ac-1 a Treatments followed by letter indicate efficacious herbicides selected from greenhouse experiment for in-field research. Strongarm: 0.30 oz ac-1 Cobra: 12.5 oz ac-1 Impact: 1.25 oz ac-1 Callisto: 3.0 oz ac-1 Laudis: 3.0 oz ac-1 Shieldex: 1.0 oz ac-1 Gramoxone 12.0 + Storm 16.0 oz ac-1 Reflex: 24.0 oz ac-1 AIM: 1.0 oz ac-1 Cadre: 4.0 oz ac-1 Greenhouse POST Treatments
TITLE Controlling Pink Purslane (Portulaca pilosa)
Rescue herbicide Chlorimuron TSWV Disease management Cultivar resistance Lack of understanding on new cultivars Investigating New Peanut Cultivar Responses to Postemergence Applications of Chlorimuron Objective: Evaluate impact of chlorimuron on the incidence of TSWV and yield on AUNPL-17, FLORUN 331, GA-12Y, GA-16HO, GA-18RU, GA-20VHO, & TIFNV HIGH O/L
Response to Chlorimuron AUNPL-17 TIFNV HIGH O/L GA-20VHO FLORUN 331 + Varieties with different letter indicated statistical difference at (P = 0.05). GA-18RU TSWV: No interaction between variety & herbicide (P = 0.38) Avg. over variety, classic timing @ 90 DAP TSWV (P < 0.1) Avg. over herbicide, some variety differences:+ FLORUN 331 – 29.7%a GA-18RU – 19.6%b TIFNV HIGH O/L – 18.8%b GA-20VHO – 10.4%c AUNPL-17 – 8.6%c Yield: No interaction between variety & herbicide (P = 0.30) Avg. over variety, no yield difference at any timing (P = 0.12) No yield difference regardless of TSWV (P > 0.1)
GA-16HO Plant height: 65 & 77 DAP (P = 0.01) TSWV: No trt. influence (P = 0.13) Yield: No yield difference (P = 0.30) 4833 – 5835 lbs ac-1 Response to Chlorimuron GA-12Y Plant height: No trt. Influence (P = 0.43) TSWV: No trt. Influence (P = 0.16) Yield: Trt differences (P = 0.05) 77a = 6772 lb ac-1 0ab = 6573 lb ac-1 65ab = 6432 lb ac-1 90b = 5943 lb ac-1
Limited herbicide options Herbicide resistance Newly developed herbicides Repurpose herbicides Objective: Test peanut response to delayed timing applications of fluridone & Trifludimoxazin Application timing: 1,3,5, & 7 DAP Peanut Response to Delayed Timing Applications of Fluridone and Trifludimoxazin
Peanut (GA-06G) Yield Response to Brake and Vulcarus Applied 1,3,5,7 DAP P = 0.8992 P = 0.1462
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